:: Monday, November 29
wheres my asian friend?
meh.. today was pretty tiring.. we won indoor soccer.. the last game of the season.. im pretty sure that leapfrogs us into about 5th or 6th position =) we won 3 out of our last 5 games .. forget that we went 0-5 to start the season =p i played ok.. i got a kick in the shins for my trouble *sigh* .. im not gonna play next season.. its too hot.. and im too suck =p

anyways.. after work we played pool.. i played an awesome game against nathan.. and a terrible game against Hsuing. .. meh.. later we played doubles for money (eep, gambling).. its pretty common for these guys to bet up to $50 on a game.. but this game was jsut $5 per person.. luckily we won =) so im $5 up .. yay me. it feels like dirty money though, so ill probly drop it in the Salvos box tommolo.

lastly was frisbee.. and geebus.. its getting pretty .. uh.. serious. some ppl on both teams were getting pretty worked up. i try and be as friendly as i can to compensate for the others.. but i dont think im enough of an impact player for them to really notice. we were down 9-11 with 7 mins to go.. when all of a sudden the flood lights turned off =p so we decided to call it a day.. i was jsut glad to get out of that game. *phew* .. later on andrea said i was fat .. hrm.. i gotta stop eating those candy bars.. =(

- ian, 10:56 pm :: 1 comments

:: Sunday, November 28
i wish i was special
:: satuday
just bummed around the house. had some guitar action with tenny and hunt. its heaps fun, i can actually play a few songs now... although im playing the simplified tenny-made version of the bassline cos i cant really play the heaps hard ones. it sounds ok though.. good enough to pass as a bass line =)

i totally need to purchase a bass amp sometime soon.. we're risking tenny's amp to hear what im playing.. i figure i should eb able to pick up a cheap one off ebay some place =)

.. afterwards we headed to Daphne's housewarming in Erskinville.. it was a pretty sweet set up .. it makes me briefly consider moving out again =p walking distance to newtown.. not bad =) lately my mum has been pushing me to purchase some property.. she reakons now is a good time to buy... but no matter how i calculate it .. its friggin expensive.. and im locked in spending all my money for 30 years. hrm.. im not sure if im ready for that just yet.

it was fun .. even though we only ended up staying for part of one movie cos we popped out to purchase some food stuffs... then we had to leave early, cos hunt left his wallet at my house.. and also cos i had to wake up early the next day..

:: sunday
jo's work had a big lunch thing on at Taronga Zoo.. so we tagged along =) i hadnt been to the zoo in ages.. so it was an interesting idea... cept we were met with a ludicrously hot day... it was pretty suffocating walking around... *sigh*.. it still made me feel like a lil kid again, running around, dragging my parents =p hehe.. my favourite animals of the day were the gorillas and the rhino =)

i went up to the information desk and asked where the rhinos were .. and the lady says "theyre in Dubbo zoo" .. and im like "uh.. what?" ... then some other lady corrected her and said that they actually had a rhino there =p

- ian, 11:15 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, November 26
uh.. i dont think im sposed to be here...
ok.. u may or may not be wondering why i havent posted since monday.. well theres a pretty elaborate explanation.. firstly i was sick on tuesday and therefore didnt go to work.. i stayed in bed all day and thus didnt have a chance to post.

at 9:30am wednesday morning i got to the office and to my horror found out that i was sposed to be at a training course.. at Kirribilli.. at 8:30am. uh.. oopsie.. i had to rush over the bridge and run there.. eep! i was heaps late.. no one seemed to mind all that much though =p the course was 3 days residential, so i had to stay overnite.. but i didnt have any clothes.. so i had to go home and back late on wednesday nite after the day's session was over. i was ever so tired.. but the course was really interesting and a bit fun too =)

it was a new managers leadership course.. supposed to prepare me for the perils of management at the RBA (even though i wont be doign it for a million years). it involved a lot of teamwork exercises and some involved physical activities (which im generally good at compared to the honor student geeks who are there).

we did all sorts of self evaluation crap.. in the popular Myer-Briggs thingy im an ENFP .. as i was last time i did the test.. it stands for Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving. its pretty true i reakon.. it makes a lot of sense at least. i wont go on about it.. im sure you've heard this crap too many times =p

at the end my feedback was basically that my positives were that i was creative, innovative, energetic and had good problem solving skills.. my negatives were that i get easily distracted.. and sometimes i dont speak up enough when i have a solution. yeh.. thats pretty much right =p

we did a bunch of activities.. one of which was the spiderweb.. basically theres a "spider web" made of elastics.. and u have to get your whole team thru it. but you cant touch and part of the web.. and each person must go thru a different hole in the web. the problem is that some holes are large.. but some are rather small.. and some are quite high off the ground. its pretty fun =) hehe.. i ended up going thru one of the high holes.. cos i was one of the lightest ppl, and they had to pick me up and pass me thru the hole =p hehe.. but the facilitator made a big deal out of the fact that i was rather flexible.. and i could actualy get thru about 4 or 5 of the holes all by myself.. holes which we went thru a lot of trouble trying to pass ppl thru. apparently that was a vital piece of information to the team.. which i withheld =p

... in other news.. food at Kirribilli is still awesomeness.. best food ever...

in some breaking news: ian downloaded some pr0n!!! omg a scandal!! tsk tsk ian.. all this time i thought u were a good lil christian boy.. and now i hear about this.. *shakes head* im so disappointed in you. eep!! say it aint so ian, say it aint so..

but alas it is true.. i did download some swedish pr0n movie.. BUT in my defence .. i didnt know it was a pr0n movie at the time. what happened was this: i heard about a Naruto OAV which i hadnt seen.. in fact 2 different ones.. so i frantically scoured the torrent sites and Shareaza for this movie.. and so i downloaded it.. yay me.. the first time i got it i was sadly met with the right movie.. but in japanese with french subtitles..grrr! since shareaza annoys the hell out of me with its queues and such.. i jsut clicked on a bunch of search results.. one of which was named "naruto Summer Movie(2004).mpg" .. it was about the right filesize and was downloading quite fast.. so i patiently waited.. and it finished about 11:30pm just enough time for me to watch it before bed. to my suprise it was not Naruto Summer Movie 2004.. but it was some swedish or german pr0n movie.. i didnt watch enough of it to decide which language it was =p ... why do ppl do that? replace movies with pr0n? i mean what do they gain from it? upload ratios? so totally lame ... and the lesson from this story .. is that you shouldnt trust shareaza for any videos. stick to bit torrent... its safer.

- ian, 7:23 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, November 22
ok monday was a bit of a write off at work.. but we did win indoor soccer today =) yay us.. thats 2 wins and uh.. *cough* 7 losses *cough* .. i played pretty well i think.. at one point a defender got wrong footed and fell over.. and he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me down (like right in front of goals) .. and the ref accused me of diving... gee.. why would i dive when the defender was on the ground? anyhoos.. nathan was unstoppable again..

i didnt go to frisbee cos i felt heaps sick... and still do now. ive been playing a lot of Pokemon Sapphire lately.. i dont know hardly any of the pokemon, but its still fun. i jsut got Kadabra... and he is totally ownage.. (cept against dark pokemon) but against anything else he is usually one hit KO... he is about 5 levels above my starting pokemon now =p its so hard to not use him when i know he is so powerful.

lastly here are some photos from my bday dinner
- my camera
- tennys camera
- matts camera

- ian, 11:53 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, November 21
im secretly in love with you
ah.. one of best fridays of all time =) .. well the after work part anyways =p

went out for my birthday celebration .. it was such fun =) my favouritest ppl came.. some unexpectedly. we started out at the Orbit lounge for a few cocktails.. i cant really handle alcohol at all.. probly best to stick with trying to be straightedge. =p

anyhoos.. onwards to Giovannis pizzeria.. where many of the party were already waiting.. (we were a tad late =p) but everyone turned up .. which is heaps cool. usually u can bank on at least one person having "something suddenly come up" =p it was a good group of ppl i think.. very pleasant conversation and an adequate amount of mixing =) at my birthdays i always feel like i dont get to talk to each person enough, i try though.. sorry about that kids. (also pardon me not mentioning everyone in this post.. its sorta hard to squeeze in comments about everyone. so ill jsut write about ppl as a whole =p)

the presents were totally awesome this year.. quantity-wise the best since my 21st.. but quality-wise probly the best ever =) as you may have picked up, i really like getting cards.. especially homemade customised cards .. hehe and i got a few good ones this year.. i mean what good is a present without a thoughtful card attached? it just feels like "heres something i just picked up" =p

special thanks do go to kallie for organising and for baking a cake.. mm.. it was tasty.. sadly, i later found out it was a packet mix, but it was still an incredible effort =)

after our inevitable standing around being undecided for ages, we finally headed off for some karaoke action at Big Echo. it was a friday nite, so i expected a wait.. luckily it was a wait which was jsut long enough for Hunt to turn up from Sutherland =) karaoke was fun, at the start ppl were trying to get me to sing every song.. so my throat was pretty exhausted ... u could hear the songs gradually sounding worse and worse as vocal chords got worn out =p

i have yet to post up my photos.. but as a warm up here are tenny's photos of the night (i think they actually turned out better than mine =p)

:: the rest of the weekend
we had a mini guitar jam session with me, tenny and hunt at my house. it was heaps fun, even though im totally suck at playing the bass. we played (or attempted to play) such classics as Polly by Nirvana, Rollover DJ by Jet and Zombie by the Cranberries. =) hehe. my hands and fingers are suffering from a bit of RSI.. i think i can safely say im not holding the strings properly, cos i dont think my fingers are sposed to be contorted the way i had them =p

i pretty much jsut played Maple Story for the remainder of the weekend.. its getting pretty addictive. =)

- ian, 11:36 pm :: 1 comments

:: Thursday, November 18
Happy Birthday to Me!
uh.. so im like old now.. *sigh*

props out to kallie.. my new favourite person. i know she doesnt read this but a thanks for organising the dinner tommolo.. and for buyin me lunch today.. and for the cake which she is gonna bake =)

anyways.. shout outs to the following people for remembering my bday and messaging (in some form) me .. in chronological order i think: lisa, cecil, jo jo, shelle, mindy, andrea, hema, amy, bunny...

sorry if i missed anyone (u know i love ya =)

.. in other news: my brother bought me pokemon sapphire.. w00t!

- ian, 11:43 pm :: 1 comments

:: Wednesday, November 17
the skills to pay the bills
this morning on the train to work i bumped into mindy. its cool bumping into ppl on the train.. it means i dont sleep.. which means my neck isnt stiff when i get into work =) .. oh yeh.. and all the like benefits of human interaction and good company and stuff as well =p

in the wynard tunnel i got jabbed in the back by some random.. who happened to be andrea. i thought she was trying to steal my Rational bag or something =p i ended up bumping into her twice in a day, as i saw her on the train ride home later that day. she almost lives as far out in the sticks as me so i get most of a train ride occupied. turns out she does as little at work as i do.... jsut with less DVD-piracy and more web-surfing =p work has been pretty bleh of late.. im not really on a project.. but i also dont know how to do any maintenance .. so im in limbo waiting for a new proof-of-concept to come along =p

- ian, 11:34 pm :: 1 comments

:: Tuesday, November 16
why do i even bother anymore?
.. thats a rhetorical question..


- ian, 11:49 pm :: 2 comments

:: Monday, November 15
today was heaps meh.. we played indoor soccer and lost 5-10.. nathan was unstoppable as usual.. but the rest of us were very stoppable =p i totally cant really play soccer at all.. its pretty embarassing.. *sigh*.. our team has too many players anyways.. so i dunno if ill play next comp.

no frisbee today, cos we had a bye. but i didnt know till i got into the office so i had all my gear for no reason. i went with work ppl to Bar 333 for our usual pool round robin.. i played heaps crap.. i won the first 3 games then lost the next 2.

i dunno what else to say.. not the most exciting of days =p

- ian, 11:30 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, November 14
uh.. blah blah blah.. catch up post.. blah blah blah .. insert some lame excuse..

:: friday
twas the AND1 mixtape tour.. but we met up for some streetball beforehand. it was pretty fun. i got 2 differnt guys buy dribbling it between their legs =) so clean as well.. blew past them almost untouched =) hehe.. it was quite warm and i was wearing long pants.. i sorta was a bit too tired to play after that.. so i jsut sorta stood around =p

anyhoos.. we went to the game at the entertainment centre. there was tons of ppl around wearing various basketball jerseys. so many try-hard asians who think theyre gangstas =p it was the sorta place where i bump into lots of ppl i know.. and sure enough we saw tony n audrey. there was some girl in their group who works at my work.. id seen her in the cafeteria.. audrey introduced us, but i cant remember what her name was =p

the game itself was only ok.. not heaps awesomeness as the videos are. there was heaps more complaining to the refs n stuff than id imagined. there was a guy on the "Sydney" team named the Evangelist.. and he was pretty mad. imho better than some of the chumps in the NBL =p there were still enough alley oops and stuff to make it fun to watch, although i think i may have preferred it if it wasnt a game but more of a showtime thing. there was a bit too much trying to win.. and not enough trying to look good. =p

:: saturday
trains were totally the suck .. it took me more than 2 hours to get from thornleigh to strathfield. cos of a brach falling in normanhurst, i had to wait at thornleigh for an hour.. to catcha bus to epping where i could wait for a train.. then go to eastwood to wait for another train.. *sigh*.. it was heaps crap.. and i left my GBA at home =p

me and hunt went skating at the "new" skatepark in strathfield. it was ok. there was some guy there who was pretty awesome. i wasnt going that great, i stacked it onto my hip pretty hard. its still sore now.. im not sure if ill play frisbee this week.. im limping a bit.

:: sunday
meh.. was gonna play basketball.. but my hip was too sore
i slept most of the day.. so i feel pretty horrible atm. *sigh* i watched Casshern today.. it was pretty crazy. its sorta cool.. i think the story must be losing something in the translation cos it seems a bit illogical at times. its uber-stylised.. in chito's words "its like a movie length Final Fantasy cut scene". its not as great as the trailer was.. but its still worth watching =)

- ian, 11:24 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, November 11
choked like Nick Anderson
meh.. today.. bleh..

i went to this pool comp after work at the rooftop bar.. it was pretty ok. i lost in the first round =p on the upside, i lost to some guy who was heaps good. i played well and still lost. overall id rate the competition as average, if i hadnt matched up against that guy, i reakon i probly couldve got close to making the final. back in my uni days i was crap compared to most of my frens.. so this comp isnt heaps hard. if i practiced a bit and got a bit of luck i could probly win it. we're gonna make it a weekly thing, so i might one day =)

.. gah.. then i walked home in the rain.. *sigh*

- ian, 11:26 pm :: 0 comments

fly me to the moon
last nite i didnt really do anything cept play Maple Story some more.. its getting a bit repetitive... but i jsut cant stop playing... *sigh* =p

.. also i forgot to mention that i bought my plane tix on wed. for the bargain basement price of $1299 return via Tokyo. thats about the same as i paid return to Tokyo alone last year =p im gonna be in tokyo for 2 days.. jsut enough time to buy a new snowboard.. and maybe check out the harajuku ppl again =) hehe.

- ian, 10:27 am :: 1 comments

:: Wednesday, November 10
access granted!
today at work i wasnt doing much cept checking NBA.com... but then this guy from security comes around and lets me play with this retina scanner he had lying around. it was pretty mad... i hooked it up to my desktop and set it up so instead of logging intot he domain with a username and password i jsut put my eye up tot he thing and it recognised me =) im thinking of getting one for home, just to save me the extra typing of my login and password =p

anyhoos.. it was the last game of the basketball season and we had a pretty convincing win over a team with only 4 players. it was something like 64-31. i didnt really score that many points but i was trying to be a bit showtime =p i had a few good no-look passes =) i did sort of injure myself again.. i had a lot of those wood burns on my knees from divign after the ball a lot of times.. and then late in the game i made a kind of leaning scoop shot layup and landed on my hip.. it was pretty ouch.. and i limped off.. but at least the shot went in =p

.. in other news watch me contradict myself in the same paragraph.. hehe
heres an anti-cityrail site which ive been enjoying reading lately... some pretty funny stuff like this.
but in saying that.. i wanna send shout outs to the guard on the 10:27pm Hornsby via Strathfield train.. cos he stopped and re-opened the doors to let me on when i was late to catch the train at Rhodes last nite. but then again i never had any real issues with train guards.. its usually those ticket inspectors.. or the guys at the station gates.. or the "security" guards that are the jerks. the cancelled trains and late trains are really the fault of management more than train guards.

- ian, 1:50 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, November 9
yet another sports injury
ok we lost frisbee in the worst spirited game ive ever played in.. everyone was jsut complaining the whole time.. both teams were gettign heaps worked up about whether someone was out of bounds.. or whether someone set a pick.. or if that was a double team... it was totally crap. at one point i caught the disc int he end zone.. a divign catch where i landed on my backside.. and this guy accused me of landing out, saying my feet werent in. but my feet never even touched the ground. its like he was jsut making it up as he went along. .. gah.. anyways i managed to hurt myself again... grr.. the good news is that it wasnt my bad ankle.. phew.. the bad news is that it was my good ankle... ack! i jsut hit a divot in the grass and rolled over it. quite painful. *sigh*

.. but this morning i got up and it was feeling ok. w00t..

.. uh.. also heres some back postage...
:: sunday
went out to play frisbee with pete and family somewhere down south (i have no idea where, but a long way from thornleigh) it was pretty fun.. i played heaps crap and it was pretty windy.. it was much needed practice though =)

afterwards we went to play indoor soccer .. it was just a friendly between a whole bunch of people.. i really enjoyed it.. i played ok i think.. i scored two goals =) one low point was when tenny (who was on my team) kicked the ball into my head from about a metre away.. it wasnt that bad but it got me in the eye, so i was out of action for a while .. gah. later on things got a bit crazy. there were these two guys who were in our group and they were getting heaps serious.. one guy ended up clocking the other guy in the back of the head... totally psycho. i was heaps not keen to play them again =p

- ian, 10:01 am :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, November 6
still pre-occupied with 1985
:: friday
work was totally deadness again.. didnt really do anything cept get my leave approved to go to Switzerland .. w00t... mm i can almost smell the vast mountains of fresh untracked snow =)

after work i was jsut gonna go home and play Maple Story .. but jsut before i made it to a train Kallie rang me cos she needed to kill time for a bit. apparently im a designated time killer.. cos im apaprently around a lot but not doin anything =p anyhoo.. we jsut went shopping for a bit.. meh.. i ended up joining them for dinner. it was a dinner for David's sister's 21st, apparently she shares the same bday as Hello Kitty .. hehe. we went to the Belgian Beer Cafe in the rocks. not a bad place, some unusual food products down there, i had a Passionfruit beer and massive pot of mussels cooked in bacon and white wine.... weird. it was pretty fun actually.. those peeps are cool.. like laid back.. which is a nice change.. everyone seems to be so uptight and serious nowadays. i miss the days of uni, when ppl didnt really care about stuff...

:: saturday
today was all maple story and watching nba.. *shrugs* .. yeh i had nothing better to do..

in other news: here u can find the teaser trailer for Star Wars Episode *sigh* 3, starring... .. *cough* Hayden Christensen *cough* ... i hope he has managed to somehow raise his acting midichlorians to some decent level.. cos if it was off the scale before.. the scale is no where near big enough =p

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, November 4
yeh like whatever
i think one of my new years resolutions this year was to make more of an effort to catch up and hang out with some of those borderline frens who i dont see that often. like ppl who i used to know well.. but have sorta drifted from.

anyways.. i think i was trying pretty hard.. emailing ppl... ringing up ppl.. going out of my way to get to events that those ppl organised.. but after about 10 months of trying.. i totally cant be bothered anymore.. its like u give an inch and they take a mile.. i figure most ppl arent worth the bother. seems like im doing all the trying and the others jsut cant be bothered.. its almost like im begging them to be my friends... i totally dont need that crap. i think a lot of people are jsut being polite rather than being friendly.. my logic tells me those ppl arent really my friends anyway so im not really loosing anything... so many ppl are like "we should do lunch" or "yeh we should catch up sometime" .. which actually means.. "i jsut wanna get out of this conversation, so ill just say something". hrm.. can sorta feel myself getting more cynical everyday =p luckily for me, i can safely assume none of those ppl read this blog.. cos reading my blog is at least a bit of an effort =)

.. and then the apathy started to set in...
so like whatever guys.. i dont care if u cant make it to my bday party this year.. you never make it anyways .. as some guy once said in some movie: "i know you dont have a good excuse, so i wont force you to make up a bad one". you dont need to justify your life with me.. but id rather u be honest than polite.

- ian, 11:18 am :: 3 comments

:: Wednesday, November 3
whoop there it is
melbourne cup.. *yawns* .. its pretty much a half public holiday round where i work.. which is sorta ok.. but i hate gambling so much it hurts my brain. im not so keen on horse racing either. everyone knows it wouldnt even exist if you couldnt gamble on it.. its so crap. yeh lets get some horse together and whip them till they run fast.. then bet money on which one runs the fastest.. thats a cool "sport" .. i mean those jockeys sure are terrific "athletes". *shakes head*

anyhoo.. after work was basketball.. and we went in expecting to play this heaps crap team who we beat by a million points.. but apparently theyve left the comp. so we played against one of the top teams.. grr.. we lost by heaps.. but most of that was in trash time at the end. we were still in the game for about 2/3 of the game. i played on i think... i could drive past most of their guys pretty easy.. if they didnt have this guy with mad hops i wouldnt have had to double clutch and miss so many lay ups. meh.. the season is almost over...

.. oh also the trains were teh suck today again. i got on and i thinkt he previous train mustve been cancelled (in peak hour mind you) cos my train uber-packed-out. it was pretty woe. i barely managed to squeeze on. although i bumped into Greg Chung in the squeeze, who is this guy from my HS. he was my arch-rival at maths =p unfortunately he was actually good.. and i was lazy.. so he won more often than not. he went on to do Acturial Studies and Law at Club Mac, so he is still pretty ok at maths i spose =p he said i still looked liek i was in high school .. which was sorta true cos i was wearing a shirt (untucked) which looked like my school uniform and carrying a skateboard =p

i also bumped into anna(who i havent seen in like forever) at wynyard.. but she could barely muster a hello and a wave before running away.. such a snob =p

- ian, 11:31 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, November 1
follow the sun
Yataa! we wont soccer today!! first win of the season =) and to top it off, it was against one of the other RBA teams =) hehe. i played ok i think.. i had a few chances which i sorta screwd up.. but that happens a lot in soccer.. meh. i still find soccer a bit untidy.. so theres a fair bit of luck involved. *shrugs* whatever

after work i hung out with some work guys to play some pool at Bar 333.. its $1 a game after 5pm ... but when we got there the pool table paying thing hadnt had its clock adjsuted for daylight savings.. so it said 4:20pm or something like that.. we asked the lady to fix it.. and she couldnt figure out how, so she jsut gave up $2 to play =p i lost most of the games.. but on the upside i almsot won agaisnt some heaps good players even though i was missin heaps of easy shots. ill get them back next week =)

i left at 7-ish.. hoping to get to Marfield Park for frisbee at 8:30pm.. but according to cityrail thats not really enough time. i spent about an hour trying to figure out whent he next train went to Epping.. but no one anywhere could tell me.. apparently there were none. hrm.. so totally crap. if only i could a refund for my train ticket. its so ghey how cityrail will smack you with a $200 fine if u leave ur ticket at home.. but if they decide to cancel ur train cos the driver was too lazy to turn up to work, then they just go "cityrail apologises for any inconvinience caused" and thats apparently good enough. i dont understand how other cities can have rail systems which are 10 times more complex, yet 100 times more reliable. theres some serious issues going on there.. i suspect theres too much staff doing not enough jobs. the ppl are also totally unfriendly and unhelpful. they always have this attitude like "gee, jsut leave me alone, i dont care what platform u have to get on". just the other day i saw them talking to some korean girl who had lost her ticket... and they wouldnt let her out of the station.. i mean she could barely even speak english.. and they jsut went "im sorry, we cant let u out" and she had no idea what to do. she was trapped inside the station and couldnt understand what they were saying. so crap.

.. anyways.. i gave up on city rail and caught a bus from the QVB to Marsfield.. no problems at all =) my neck was a bit sore cos i had to sit backwards.. and had to keep looking out for where the hell i had to get off the bus.. but it was a pretty efficient trip .. i was only a bit late for frisbee. we ended up winning which is cool =) we have a pretty stacked team.. in terms of number as well as talent.. im not heaps sure how everyone is gonna get a decent run with this many ppl. i scored twice.. it shouldve been 3, but i wasnt looking once.. and i was out of the back of the endzone. i made a grand total of 3 throws the whole game.. and only one of them went anywhere =p im heaps crasp at throwing.. i need some serious practice.. the problem with frisbee is you cant practice it by yourself.. and i have no frens.. *sigh*

theres an ad on channel v about for their online community thing where this guy goes to a park and throws a frisbee and then u see it went to no one. and it says something along the lines of "do you need some friends?" .. pretty funny =p thats totally me.

.. lastly...
Maple Story is totally stealing all my sleep lately. its this pretty simple platformer but cos its online i feel compelled to play and beat other ppl. its more of an RPG platformer like Zeliard (if anyone played that) where u run around and kill vicious monsters (like snails and mushrooms) for experience.. then u can level up and pick a job.. and use money to purchase clothing accessories like headbands or new shoes =p its heaps cute.. and pretty fun.. give it a try, its FREE!

- ian, 11:35 pm :: 1 comments

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