:: Wednesday, November 3
whoop there it is
melbourne cup.. *yawns* .. its pretty much a half public holiday round where i work.. which is sorta ok.. but i hate gambling so much it hurts my brain. im not so keen on horse racing either. everyone knows it wouldnt even exist if you couldnt gamble on it.. its so crap. yeh lets get some horse together and whip them till they run fast.. then bet money on which one runs the fastest.. thats a cool "sport" .. i mean those jockeys sure are terrific "athletes". *shakes head*

anyhoo.. after work was basketball.. and we went in expecting to play this heaps crap team who we beat by a million points.. but apparently theyve left the comp. so we played against one of the top teams.. grr.. we lost by heaps.. but most of that was in trash time at the end. we were still in the game for about 2/3 of the game. i played on i think... i could drive past most of their guys pretty easy.. if they didnt have this guy with mad hops i wouldnt have had to double clutch and miss so many lay ups. meh.. the season is almost over...

.. oh also the trains were teh suck today again. i got on and i thinkt he previous train mustve been cancelled (in peak hour mind you) cos my train uber-packed-out. it was pretty woe. i barely managed to squeeze on. although i bumped into Greg Chung in the squeeze, who is this guy from my HS. he was my arch-rival at maths =p unfortunately he was actually good.. and i was lazy.. so he won more often than not. he went on to do Acturial Studies and Law at Club Mac, so he is still pretty ok at maths i spose =p he said i still looked liek i was in high school .. which was sorta true cos i was wearing a shirt (untucked) which looked like my school uniform and carrying a skateboard =p

i also bumped into anna(who i havent seen in like forever) at wynyard.. but she could barely muster a hello and a wave before running away.. such a snob =p

- ian, 11:31 pm ::

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