:: Friday, November 26
uh.. i dont think im sposed to be here...
ok.. u may or may not be wondering why i havent posted since monday.. well theres a pretty elaborate explanation.. firstly i was sick on tuesday and therefore didnt go to work.. i stayed in bed all day and thus didnt have a chance to post.

at 9:30am wednesday morning i got to the office and to my horror found out that i was sposed to be at a training course.. at Kirribilli.. at 8:30am. uh.. oopsie.. i had to rush over the bridge and run there.. eep! i was heaps late.. no one seemed to mind all that much though =p the course was 3 days residential, so i had to stay overnite.. but i didnt have any clothes.. so i had to go home and back late on wednesday nite after the day's session was over. i was ever so tired.. but the course was really interesting and a bit fun too =)

it was a new managers leadership course.. supposed to prepare me for the perils of management at the RBA (even though i wont be doign it for a million years). it involved a lot of teamwork exercises and some involved physical activities (which im generally good at compared to the honor student geeks who are there).

we did all sorts of self evaluation crap.. in the popular Myer-Briggs thingy im an ENFP .. as i was last time i did the test.. it stands for Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving. its pretty true i reakon.. it makes a lot of sense at least. i wont go on about it.. im sure you've heard this crap too many times =p

at the end my feedback was basically that my positives were that i was creative, innovative, energetic and had good problem solving skills.. my negatives were that i get easily distracted.. and sometimes i dont speak up enough when i have a solution. yeh.. thats pretty much right =p

we did a bunch of activities.. one of which was the spiderweb.. basically theres a "spider web" made of elastics.. and u have to get your whole team thru it. but you cant touch and part of the web.. and each person must go thru a different hole in the web. the problem is that some holes are large.. but some are rather small.. and some are quite high off the ground. its pretty fun =) hehe.. i ended up going thru one of the high holes.. cos i was one of the lightest ppl, and they had to pick me up and pass me thru the hole =p hehe.. but the facilitator made a big deal out of the fact that i was rather flexible.. and i could actualy get thru about 4 or 5 of the holes all by myself.. holes which we went thru a lot of trouble trying to pass ppl thru. apparently that was a vital piece of information to the team.. which i withheld =p

... in other news.. food at Kirribilli is still awesomeness.. best food ever...

in some breaking news: ian downloaded some pr0n!!! omg a scandal!! tsk tsk ian.. all this time i thought u were a good lil christian boy.. and now i hear about this.. *shakes head* im so disappointed in you. eep!! say it aint so ian, say it aint so..

but alas it is true.. i did download some swedish pr0n movie.. BUT in my defence .. i didnt know it was a pr0n movie at the time. what happened was this: i heard about a Naruto OAV which i hadnt seen.. in fact 2 different ones.. so i frantically scoured the torrent sites and Shareaza for this movie.. and so i downloaded it.. yay me.. the first time i got it i was sadly met with the right movie.. but in japanese with french subtitles..grrr! since shareaza annoys the hell out of me with its queues and such.. i jsut clicked on a bunch of search results.. one of which was named "naruto Summer Movie(2004).mpg" .. it was about the right filesize and was downloading quite fast.. so i patiently waited.. and it finished about 11:30pm just enough time for me to watch it before bed. to my suprise it was not Naruto Summer Movie 2004.. but it was some swedish or german pr0n movie.. i didnt watch enough of it to decide which language it was =p ... why do ppl do that? replace movies with pr0n? i mean what do they gain from it? upload ratios? so totally lame ... and the lesson from this story .. is that you shouldnt trust shareaza for any videos. stick to bit torrent... its safer.

- ian, 7:23 pm ::

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