:: Sunday, November 21
im secretly in love with you
ah.. one of best fridays of all time =) .. well the after work part anyways =p

went out for my birthday celebration .. it was such fun =) my favouritest ppl came.. some unexpectedly. we started out at the Orbit lounge for a few cocktails.. i cant really handle alcohol at all.. probly best to stick with trying to be straightedge. =p

anyhoos.. onwards to Giovannis pizzeria.. where many of the party were already waiting.. (we were a tad late =p) but everyone turned up .. which is heaps cool. usually u can bank on at least one person having "something suddenly come up" =p it was a good group of ppl i think.. very pleasant conversation and an adequate amount of mixing =) at my birthdays i always feel like i dont get to talk to each person enough, i try though.. sorry about that kids. (also pardon me not mentioning everyone in this post.. its sorta hard to squeeze in comments about everyone. so ill jsut write about ppl as a whole =p)

the presents were totally awesome this year.. quantity-wise the best since my 21st.. but quality-wise probly the best ever =) as you may have picked up, i really like getting cards.. especially homemade customised cards .. hehe and i got a few good ones this year.. i mean what good is a present without a thoughtful card attached? it just feels like "heres something i just picked up" =p

special thanks do go to kallie for organising and for baking a cake.. mm.. it was tasty.. sadly, i later found out it was a packet mix, but it was still an incredible effort =)

after our inevitable standing around being undecided for ages, we finally headed off for some karaoke action at Big Echo. it was a friday nite, so i expected a wait.. luckily it was a wait which was jsut long enough for Hunt to turn up from Sutherland =) karaoke was fun, at the start ppl were trying to get me to sing every song.. so my throat was pretty exhausted ... u could hear the songs gradually sounding worse and worse as vocal chords got worn out =p

i have yet to post up my photos.. but as a warm up here are tenny's photos of the night (i think they actually turned out better than mine =p)

:: the rest of the weekend
we had a mini guitar jam session with me, tenny and hunt at my house. it was heaps fun, even though im totally suck at playing the bass. we played (or attempted to play) such classics as Polly by Nirvana, Rollover DJ by Jet and Zombie by the Cranberries. =) hehe. my hands and fingers are suffering from a bit of RSI.. i think i can safely say im not holding the strings properly, cos i dont think my fingers are sposed to be contorted the way i had them =p

i pretty much jsut played Maple Story for the remainder of the weekend.. its getting pretty addictive. =)

- ian, 11:36 pm ::

i totally gave u a card.. grr
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