:: Sunday, November 14
uh.. blah blah blah.. catch up post.. blah blah blah .. insert some lame excuse..

:: friday
twas the AND1 mixtape tour.. but we met up for some streetball beforehand. it was pretty fun. i got 2 differnt guys buy dribbling it between their legs =) so clean as well.. blew past them almost untouched =) hehe.. it was quite warm and i was wearing long pants.. i sorta was a bit too tired to play after that.. so i jsut sorta stood around =p

anyhoos.. we went to the game at the entertainment centre. there was tons of ppl around wearing various basketball jerseys. so many try-hard asians who think theyre gangstas =p it was the sorta place where i bump into lots of ppl i know.. and sure enough we saw tony n audrey. there was some girl in their group who works at my work.. id seen her in the cafeteria.. audrey introduced us, but i cant remember what her name was =p

the game itself was only ok.. not heaps awesomeness as the videos are. there was heaps more complaining to the refs n stuff than id imagined. there was a guy on the "Sydney" team named the Evangelist.. and he was pretty mad. imho better than some of the chumps in the NBL =p there were still enough alley oops and stuff to make it fun to watch, although i think i may have preferred it if it wasnt a game but more of a showtime thing. there was a bit too much trying to win.. and not enough trying to look good. =p

:: saturday
trains were totally the suck .. it took me more than 2 hours to get from thornleigh to strathfield. cos of a brach falling in normanhurst, i had to wait at thornleigh for an hour.. to catcha bus to epping where i could wait for a train.. then go to eastwood to wait for another train.. *sigh*.. it was heaps crap.. and i left my GBA at home =p

me and hunt went skating at the "new" skatepark in strathfield. it was ok. there was some guy there who was pretty awesome. i wasnt going that great, i stacked it onto my hip pretty hard. its still sore now.. im not sure if ill play frisbee this week.. im limping a bit.

:: sunday
meh.. was gonna play basketball.. but my hip was too sore
i slept most of the day.. so i feel pretty horrible atm. *sigh* i watched Casshern today.. it was pretty crazy. its sorta cool.. i think the story must be losing something in the translation cos it seems a bit illogical at times. its uber-stylised.. in chito's words "its like a movie length Final Fantasy cut scene". its not as great as the trailer was.. but its still worth watching =)

- ian, 11:24 pm ::

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