:: Tuesday, November 9
yet another sports injury
ok we lost frisbee in the worst spirited game ive ever played in.. everyone was jsut complaining the whole time.. both teams were gettign heaps worked up about whether someone was out of bounds.. or whether someone set a pick.. or if that was a double team... it was totally crap. at one point i caught the disc int he end zone.. a divign catch where i landed on my backside.. and this guy accused me of landing out, saying my feet werent in. but my feet never even touched the ground. its like he was jsut making it up as he went along. .. gah.. anyways i managed to hurt myself again... grr.. the good news is that it wasnt my bad ankle.. phew.. the bad news is that it was my good ankle... ack! i jsut hit a divot in the grass and rolled over it. quite painful. *sigh*

.. but this morning i got up and it was feeling ok. w00t..

.. uh.. also heres some back postage...
:: sunday
went out to play frisbee with pete and family somewhere down south (i have no idea where, but a long way from thornleigh) it was pretty fun.. i played heaps crap and it was pretty windy.. it was much needed practice though =)

afterwards we went to play indoor soccer .. it was just a friendly between a whole bunch of people.. i really enjoyed it.. i played ok i think.. i scored two goals =) one low point was when tenny (who was on my team) kicked the ball into my head from about a metre away.. it wasnt that bad but it got me in the eye, so i was out of action for a while .. gah. later on things got a bit crazy. there were these two guys who were in our group and they were getting heaps serious.. one guy ended up clocking the other guy in the back of the head... totally psycho. i was heaps not keen to play them again =p

- ian, 10:01 am ::

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