still pre-occupied with 1985
:: friday
work was totally deadness again.. didnt really do anything cept get my leave approved to go to Switzerland .. w00t... mm i can almost smell the vast mountains of fresh untracked snow =)
after work i was jsut gonna go home and play
Maple Story .. but jsut before i made it to a train Kallie rang me cos she needed to kill time for a bit. apparently im a designated time killer.. cos im apaprently around a lot but not doin anything =p anyhoo.. we jsut went shopping for a bit.. meh.. i ended up joining them for dinner. it was a dinner for David's sister's 21st, apparently she shares the same bday as Hello Kitty .. hehe. we went to the
Belgian Beer Cafe in the rocks. not a bad place, some unusual food products down there, i had a Passionfruit beer and massive pot of mussels cooked in bacon and white wine.... weird. it was pretty fun actually.. those peeps are cool.. like laid back.. which is a nice change.. everyone seems to be so uptight and serious nowadays. i miss the days of uni, when ppl didnt really care about stuff...
:: saturday
today was all maple story and watching nba.. *shrugs* .. yeh i had nothing better to do..
in other news:
here u can find the teaser trailer for Star Wars Episode *sigh* 3, starring... .. *cough* Hayden Christensen *cough* ... i hope he has managed to somehow raise his acting midichlorians to some decent level.. cos if it was off the scale before.. the scale is no where near big enough =p