:: Sunday, November 28
i wish i was special
:: satuday
just bummed around the house. had some guitar action with tenny and hunt. its heaps fun, i can actually play a few songs now... although im playing the simplified tenny-made version of the bassline cos i cant really play the heaps hard ones. it sounds ok though.. good enough to pass as a bass line =)

i totally need to purchase a bass amp sometime soon.. we're risking tenny's amp to hear what im playing.. i figure i should eb able to pick up a cheap one off ebay some place =)

.. afterwards we headed to Daphne's housewarming in Erskinville.. it was a pretty sweet set up .. it makes me briefly consider moving out again =p walking distance to newtown.. not bad =) lately my mum has been pushing me to purchase some property.. she reakons now is a good time to buy... but no matter how i calculate it .. its friggin expensive.. and im locked in spending all my money for 30 years. hrm.. im not sure if im ready for that just yet.

it was fun .. even though we only ended up staying for part of one movie cos we popped out to purchase some food stuffs... then we had to leave early, cos hunt left his wallet at my house.. and also cos i had to wake up early the next day..

:: sunday
jo's work had a big lunch thing on at Taronga Zoo.. so we tagged along =) i hadnt been to the zoo in ages.. so it was an interesting idea... cept we were met with a ludicrously hot day... it was pretty suffocating walking around... *sigh*.. it still made me feel like a lil kid again, running around, dragging my parents =p hehe.. my favourite animals of the day were the gorillas and the rhino =)

i went up to the information desk and asked where the rhinos were .. and the lady says "theyre in Dubbo zoo" .. and im like "uh.. what?" ... then some other lady corrected her and said that they actually had a rhino there =p

- ian, 11:15 pm ::

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