:: Monday, November 29
wheres my asian friend?
meh.. today was pretty tiring.. we won indoor soccer.. the last game of the season.. im pretty sure that leapfrogs us into about 5th or 6th position =) we won 3 out of our last 5 games .. forget that we went 0-5 to start the season =p i played ok.. i got a kick in the shins for my trouble *sigh* .. im not gonna play next season.. its too hot.. and im too suck =p

anyways.. after work we played pool.. i played an awesome game against nathan.. and a terrible game against Hsuing. .. meh.. later we played doubles for money (eep, gambling).. its pretty common for these guys to bet up to $50 on a game.. but this game was jsut $5 per person.. luckily we won =) so im $5 up .. yay me. it feels like dirty money though, so ill probly drop it in the Salvos box tommolo.

lastly was frisbee.. and geebus.. its getting pretty .. uh.. serious. some ppl on both teams were getting pretty worked up. i try and be as friendly as i can to compensate for the others.. but i dont think im enough of an impact player for them to really notice. we were down 9-11 with 7 mins to go.. when all of a sudden the flood lights turned off =p so we decided to call it a day.. i was jsut glad to get out of that game. *phew* .. later on andrea said i was fat .. hrm.. i gotta stop eating those candy bars.. =(

- ian, 10:56 pm ::

lol! ian, i'm sure andrea didn't mean what she said.. =p
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