:: Monday, November 1
follow the sun
Yataa! we wont soccer today!! first win of the season =) and to top it off, it was against one of the other RBA teams =) hehe. i played ok i think.. i had a few chances which i sorta screwd up.. but that happens a lot in soccer.. meh. i still find soccer a bit untidy.. so theres a fair bit of luck involved. *shrugs* whatever

after work i hung out with some work guys to play some pool at Bar 333.. its $1 a game after 5pm ... but when we got there the pool table paying thing hadnt had its clock adjsuted for daylight savings.. so it said 4:20pm or something like that.. we asked the lady to fix it.. and she couldnt figure out how, so she jsut gave up $2 to play =p i lost most of the games.. but on the upside i almsot won agaisnt some heaps good players even though i was missin heaps of easy shots. ill get them back next week =)

i left at 7-ish.. hoping to get to Marfield Park for frisbee at 8:30pm.. but according to cityrail thats not really enough time. i spent about an hour trying to figure out whent he next train went to Epping.. but no one anywhere could tell me.. apparently there were none. hrm.. so totally crap. if only i could a refund for my train ticket. its so ghey how cityrail will smack you with a $200 fine if u leave ur ticket at home.. but if they decide to cancel ur train cos the driver was too lazy to turn up to work, then they just go "cityrail apologises for any inconvinience caused" and thats apparently good enough. i dont understand how other cities can have rail systems which are 10 times more complex, yet 100 times more reliable. theres some serious issues going on there.. i suspect theres too much staff doing not enough jobs. the ppl are also totally unfriendly and unhelpful. they always have this attitude like "gee, jsut leave me alone, i dont care what platform u have to get on". just the other day i saw them talking to some korean girl who had lost her ticket... and they wouldnt let her out of the station.. i mean she could barely even speak english.. and they jsut went "im sorry, we cant let u out" and she had no idea what to do. she was trapped inside the station and couldnt understand what they were saying. so crap.

.. anyways.. i gave up on city rail and caught a bus from the QVB to Marsfield.. no problems at all =) my neck was a bit sore cos i had to sit backwards.. and had to keep looking out for where the hell i had to get off the bus.. but it was a pretty efficient trip .. i was only a bit late for frisbee. we ended up winning which is cool =) we have a pretty stacked team.. in terms of number as well as talent.. im not heaps sure how everyone is gonna get a decent run with this many ppl. i scored twice.. it shouldve been 3, but i wasnt looking once.. and i was out of the back of the endzone. i made a grand total of 3 throws the whole game.. and only one of them went anywhere =p im heaps crasp at throwing.. i need some serious practice.. the problem with frisbee is you cant practice it by yourself.. and i have no frens.. *sigh*

theres an ad on channel v about for their online community thing where this guy goes to a park and throws a frisbee and then u see it went to no one. and it says something along the lines of "do you need some friends?" .. pretty funny =p thats totally me.

.. lastly...
Maple Story is totally stealing all my sleep lately. its this pretty simple platformer but cos its online i feel compelled to play and beat other ppl. its more of an RPG platformer like Zeliard (if anyone played that) where u run around and kill vicious monsters (like snails and mushrooms) for experience.. then u can level up and pick a job.. and use money to purchase clothing accessories like headbands or new shoes =p its heaps cute.. and pretty fun.. give it a try, its FREE!

- ian, 11:35 pm ::

poor ian, no friends :o(

i'll be your friend!

um .. anyhoos .. both of my games are at SL next week (naremburn, then gore hill) so i hopefully shouldn't be there too late .. so if u'd like a throw, i'll be around (fingers crossed)... i just have to remember to bring a disc next week :p

else i know that some of the others should be there earlyish, like the Halls etc and they're always up for a throw :o)
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