:: Sunday, November 30
warning!! bandwidth at critical levels
i havent been able to blog cos we are dangerously close to our bandwidth cap. so i had to wait till the new month started (the post is backdated)

what did ian do this weekend?
not much really.. everything kinda fell thru this weekend.. and it was looking to be really jam packed. it was a result of bad organisation, as well as some pike-age and laziness from me =p

saturday had heaps lined up . but it ended up a bust. stopped by the anime marathon to say hello.. but every1 was sorta too caught up to talk all that much. next headed to centennial park for some lightbulb action with tenny/amy and minh/thao.. we rode bikes.. and ate ice-cream.. and watched the world go by.. it was all very pleasant =) i was sposed to go to a bday party at Pyrmont point park.. but frankly i couldnt be bothered walking that far.. i stopped at the marathon again.. but then ended up going home...

at one point i talked to nins about how i have nothing to do on NYE!! .. *sigh* .. and last year i had 4 parties to go to! oh how the world can change in 12 short months. oh well.. sitting at home by myself watching fireworks on the tv is kinda cool.. =p

when i got home, a whole bunch of my brother's frens were over, to watch the Lakers-Spurs game. hung out for a while playing PS2 games and talking about basketball =) it was kinda cool to hang out with a bunch of guys.. even if theyre little kids =p

sunday! .. nothing again.. i was meant to play tennis with tenny.. but i slept in. just got up in time to yum cha. which was at Marigold with a too many ppl to list here, but next o where we sat there was a North Sydney Girls 5 year High School reunion on... and i spotted Linda and Cecil there.. (i was sposed to go rock climbing with Cecil that afternoon, but she piked.. hrm.. =p) kind of a strange coincidence .

in other news: although i dont listen to pop really, i found out that Stacey Orrico is apparently a christian singer.. so i checked out lyrics for her songs.. and i like the chorus for the song "More to Life" ::

"There's gotta be more to life
Then chasing 'round every temporary high
to satisfy me
Cause the more that I'm trippin up
thinkin' there must be more to life
well it's life but im sure
there's gotta be more"

kinda abstractly christian.. but its a good message still.. worldy stuff sucks so much, its just all so overwhleming though.

- ian, 11:45 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, November 29
today at work i found out the weeks of stress ive had on MQSeries was all for nought.. as we are scrapping it for webservices.. (dont worry if u dont understand that.. cos i dont really =p)

after work met up with lisa for a quick bite before the Jap Film festival.. we ate at this sketchy jap restuarant in a small alley.. the food was very average.. i doubt ill go back =p we had to rush off to the Dendy to catch the movie.. cos although id pre-booked tix, we still had to line up for seats. when we arrived i was not really suprised to see a massive line out and around the corner. gah! i went to pick up tix.. and bumped into yuki n eric.. who i promptly cut into line with =) hehe.. got tix.. but still had to wait for chito, who was late (what a suprise) .. he came with mendel.. who had to lineup to attempt to grab a last minute ticket =p

anyhoos.. the movie was good.. we saw The Owl.. this arthouse japanese flick about a mother/daughter team who live alone in a failed farming village. it was cool to see a low budget film, .. but still some cool cinematography and some interesting themes to it. it wasnt something to write home about, but certainly out-rates the last arthouse flick i saw.. the lowly Swimming Pool.. which was good in its own way.. but this movie seemed to be more directional, in an obscure japanese sorta way =p

- ian, 12:26 am :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, November 27
Off the Hezay...
a pretty nothing day at work again.. i did manage to stop by the new EzyDVD store and i picked up a copy of Wargames for only $16.95.. but i can forsee me visiting that store quite regularly =)

anyways after wark was a rather interesting evening of basketball.. it started at UTS courts where we're playing these korean guys who looked like they were pretty good.. but we started schooling them hard.. we were playing up to 7 and the score was 6-1. and they started getting uber ghey.. they called a travel on hunt for nothing.. then some guy blocked me twice .. and both times they kept saying that it was out off me.. even though i said it was a clean block they wanted the ball as well.

so next hunt tried a move from the AND1 mix tape.. by bouncing the ball off the defender's head. needleess to say the guy wasnt happy.. he fully went skitz. he had a swing blindside at hunt.. but miraculously hunt ducked it.. i managed to grab they guy and he clipped me under the chin.. luckily he was a pussy and i barely even noticed =p

after much standing off and a lot of them yelling in broken engrish crap language.. we decided to leave .. mostly cos they outnumbered us. we shot around a bit then decided to head off to the courts round the other side of Central stn. its was heaps better basketball action heaps fun. some of the guys were heaps good .. some not so good.. but they all played good clean basketball .. which is good whether we win or lose. i played ok.. still struggling with my jump shot.. and i got blocked a few times, it seems my pump fakes arent really working anymore =p

- ian, 11:42 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, November 26
the hardest button to button
today was a bit of a yawn as usual.. bleh im so over my life atm.. its getting rather boring and tedious. but on the up side.. i got leave approved for me to go to Japan!! woohoo.. now i just need to sort out the airfares and the accommodation.. and where im going.. hehe gah!

im rather excited cos ive wanted to go for a long time.. im kinda over the whole jap thing though =p but im still keen to check out the place... hong kong was a lot less interesting than i thought it would be.. so hopefully japan is a bit more fulfilling, at least theres variety in japan.. old and new culture.. and if all else fails, the snow is gonna be good =)

more about my day: played volleyball and lost miserably.. im jsut glad its over =p i dont think im gonna play next season. my team kinda sucks a lot now, theyre all too selfish and always blame some1 else when they screw up.. its all getting lame and not much funwhen some1 claims it was my fault for not diving 4 metres to my left for a ball she couldve made one step to her right and gotten.

after work was dragonboating.. yet another hardcore workout.. pretty crazy now.. my arms are really struggling =p on the upside, im running faster than ever. i set new pb's for the single run around darling harbour (10m35s) and also for the double lap (16m55s). i kinda enjoy the run, but i couldnt really do it without other ppl to push me cos i dont pace myself that well. next week is water training, so i dotn know if i can make it down to glebe on a wed nite.. hmm.. but ill see how it goes.

in other news: twas my sister's bday today.. i got her a Daria DVD.. she was quite pleased with it to say the least =)

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, November 25
the sun'll come out tomorrow...
miserable weather again today.. made me kinda glad i was trapped in an office. i did nothing today.. cept deal with one hellish helpdesk call.. *sigh* for some reason ppl cant figure out how to change their won password.. meh!

no cell gp today.. so i went to see a movie by myself (whichi i havent done since i saw Ransom) that seems kinda sad.. but im not lacking self esteem that i have problems with seeing a movie alone.. also i had a comp ticket which i had to use up =p... anyhoo whilst in the line i bumped into this girl from peer networking (whose name i cant remember) and she's like "what are you doing here?" .. what a dumb qn.. im seeing a movie .. duh =p

back to the movie.. i saw the Medallion.. with Jackie Chan. it was what i expceted.. a stupid storyline.. cheesy overacting.. and some good stunts.. although the ending was dissappointing.. a bit of an anticlimax. but i dont go in expecting much so i was content with a few laughs and some outtakes =)

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, November 24
no frisbee today
apparently frisbee was called off today.. cos the oval was closed.. i was so keen to play! oh wells =p i went home and did nothing. *sigh* pretty much capped of a totally unproductive day.

in other news: ive been listening to my brother's mp3 collection, stuff like The White Stripes, Spoon, Pavement, Jet.. etc.. and its all quite good. im not sure if i really like this music.. or if i jsut recognise and acknowledge it from subliminally hearing it in the background from my brother's stereo.

- ian, 10:42 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, November 23
sit back n relax
breaking news: i have no life.. meh.. but im ok with that =p did absolutely nothing this weekend.. pretty much slept a lot.. it was miserable weather and i was scared of going outside. i did manage to construct a lego tie fighter which the lovely Vicky gave me for my bday =) hehe its soo cool.. id post a pic, but seems both digicams are broken.. and i cant be bothered to figure out why. yawn-ness.. im pretty tired atm.. got nothing to do.. hence im blogging =p

in a related news: in j.lo's blog, she mentioned this about me "...i knew he knew a LOT of people ..." .. man i dont know that many people, i think i jsut know lots of people from diff groups, so it gives the illusion of me knowng lots of ppl. but the truth is i spend most of my time wonder why i never have anywhere to go. =p

- ian, 5:18 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, November 21
spread your wings
a biatch of a day at work.. stuff was breaking all over the place.. and i had no idea how to fix stuff. in the end i kinda fudged it all .. i have no idea what i did, but it all works now =p meh.. im so over work now.. i wanna leave and go travel.. *sigh*

afterwork was dinner at Wagamama .. i did, of course, get the Chicken Katsu Curry .. mm .. soo tasty =) the whole nite was a bit of a mess with ppl turning up close to 2 hours late.. but it was good to catch up n stuff. afterwards we went for gelatissimo.. mm so tasty =) hehe.. tried to catch jel's going away party, but it ran away from us down to oxford street..and we couldnt catch up, so we jsut went home.. i scored a lift from david.. but still got home at 1am.. soo tired..

in other news: i need to purchase some shoes which are not converse all stars.. cos they have a tendancy to absorb moisture from the atmosphere =p and it was pouring rain last nite

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, November 20
and on the 7th day he rested..
mm.. a tasty RDO for ian.. i jsut slept in and recovered from dragonboating =p.. also played a lot of SSX3 (thanks matt =) its pretty schweet.. although its very similar in gameplay to SSX Tricky., but instead of using uber tricks to power up ur tricky-meter.. u have to do 4 mini-uber tricks.. before u can do regular uber tricks.. the tricks are all the same but u can buy new tricks now. the biggest diff is really that isntead of jsut have a few levels with a menu.. everything is connected on a huge mountain, so u can snowboard around to diff places and pick what u want to do =)

other than that i jsut sat around on my fat ass all day.. watched some tv, saw the king's game where they lost.. man it was uber-ghey. the refereeing was so bad (both ways) it was so inconsistant.. like a guy got pushed over on one end, and got no call.. but then later on they were calling hand checks n stuff. im not sayin Sydney got all the bad calls, cos Wollongong got bad ones too.. but in a game where the difference is only 2 points.. it sucks when the game is decided by the refs instead of the players.

ended the day by doing some shopping, retail therapy as it were.. i had to buy some basketball shorts.. and some gel .. and some other things which i didnt end up getting. it was all pretty boring.. retail therapy doesnt realyl work for me anymore.. i need to get some other fix.. maybe yoga or tai chi or something =p

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, November 19
oww.. it hurts
played volleyball today.. we sucked a lot.. and lost.. meh im so over it. i did literally nothing at work today.. so unproductive..

afterwork was dragonboat land training.. omg it was like the same as last week, cept that it was about 10 degrees warmer.. my arms are so weak atm.. i dont think ive ever sweated so much in one day.. i feel like about 2 kgs lighter from water loss..

im so lethargic right now.. lucky i took an RDO for tommolo =) hehe

- ian, 11:28 pm :: 0 comments

its my party and ill cry if i want to...
party time!! well a birthday celebratory outing.. which is kinda the same.. started out with drinks.. 2 for 1 cocktails at the Orbit Lounge .. the revolving kinda made me feel woosy.. although that may have been the alcohol =p it was cool though.. nice for a quiet catch up before the "party".... in the end it was impressive turnout for a random tuesday nite in the middle of the exam period. thanks to everyone who came =) special mention to lingy cos she came after her exam even though she was exhausted.. *hugs* ..

picked up a few ppl along the way, but still had to wait for a lot of ppl who were late (i wont mention names =p) but it was all good in the end, the restaurant didnt seem to care as much as the lady on the phone seemed to imply. it was rather busy for a tuesday nite though.. the food was impressive so i guess that explains why. it was great to see all these ppl together .. i like making ppl meet new people, so ppl ask "oh how do u know so-and-so?" .. and theyll say "i met them at ian's bday" =) .. i tried my best to get around to talk to everyone at least for a while, but there was a lot of ppl who i hadnt seen for a while so there was much catching up to be had. hopefully we wont have to wait till my next bday to catch up again.

as mentioned before the food was really good .. the service was average.. i had to ask 5 times for the bill before it eventually came. *sigh* what ever happened to japanese efficiency? =p after collecting the monies, we were a rather large $50 short of the mark.. weird.. i didnt mind paying though.. i actually considered paying the whole thing, but it woudlve made me fall behind on the mortgage.

afterwards we headed off to gelatissimo to meet up with lingy.. and we went for the 32 flavour option.. omfg.. thats a lot of ice-cream.. it came in two giant martini glasses.. and we all just kinda dug and and were basically guessing which flavor we had with each bite, it was rather amusing =) lotsa fun.. quite filling after a big japanese dinner though.

.. every1 kinda went their separate ways after that.. lotsa hugs all around.. i really like hugs.. they are a great invention. theyre a bit harder to come by than they were back in the old days.. so a hug-laden outing is a fantabulous thing =)

me and julia kinda went thru opening the presents on the long train ride home.. there were a few i hadnt opened yet... i wont go on about what every1 got me.. but of special note was the scarf jel knitted, and the milk photo book khanh got me =) ... i really like getting cards btw.. cos at anytime i can walk down to a store and buy myself lotsa presents.. but it not really the same to write myself a card. often ppl write things in a card which they never had an opportunity to say irl. probly cos it sounds cheesy coming out of ur mouth except at a 21st bday speech or soemthing, but on a card its really sweet =) ive kept every card and letter ive ever gotten in my life, handwritten stuff is so much more personal than emails will ever be, i like to keep them to remind me of things which my brain has long forgotten. the good old days as it were.

i was once in this class full of people with low self-esteem problems (i had a very troubeld childhood).. and one of the activities we did was to anonymously write on a piece of paper sometime nice about each person in the class. it sounded kinda cheesy at the time, and there were always alot of ppl who didnt take it seriously, but i still have all of those pieces of paper at home. they make me smile whenever i have a read... its like random compliments from people who i never knew noticed me.

- ian, 11:05 am :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, November 18
*blows out candles*
happy birthday to me! i had 6 ppl say happy birthday to me with the first 5 mins of it being my bday =) aww theyre such sweeties.. although i had a few yesterday.. and one 2 weeks ago =p

.. ok i have a new "its a small small world" story:: i was peeking around at mindy's sister's website.. and i noticed that i knew her basketball coach, and one of the players.. cos i went to new zealand with them, like 3 years ago.. they are frens with my cousin. kinda weird cos mindy is a northy, and my cousin is a eastie. but i guess those asian ppl all find a way to link up some six degrees action. =p

in other news: this is amusing: http://www.theonion.com/3944/news3.html

- ian, 9:16 am :: 0 comments

:: Monday, November 17
ive got a brand new hero..
i had lunch with my cousin vonnie today.. she is soo cool.. she is my new hero.. i aspire to do what she has done. at least in some aspects.. she jsut got back from Italy.. which isnt all that strange.. cept she was there for 6 months.. and she jsut kinda sat around.. and painted paintings =) .. which is cool.. btu also she worked at an archaelogical dig! she was digging up 700,000 year old mammals.. mammoths, hippos and stags. back when i was a lil kid, i was really into such things.. i was such a lil nerd =p i dreamt of being indiana jones =)

- ian, 2:50 pm :: 0 comments

its frisbee in the rain..
after work was frisbee.. i thought it mightve been called off due to rain, but apparently they jsut play thru the weather. the other team didnt have enough players, so i think we won by forfeit but we played a game anyways (with a few of our players on their team). we ended up winning by some ridiculous margin.. like 20-1 no one was really keeping score after the first 10 or so though. i played ok.. but not as well as last week id say.. i threw a lot better this week, with only 1 or 2 uncatchable ones.. i was kinda disadvantaged in the rain, cos all i have is speed =p

- ian, 11:59 am :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, November 16
not the beach..
so i hiked all the way to the city.. only to find out that every1 is piking and hanging out in the city. so i walked around a bit deciding whether to just let them be, and go by myself or to join them. in the end i decided it was too cold to go .. so i just joined them.. we did nothing for a while.. then sat around.. then went to Dendy Opera Quays to see Spellbound. hehe it was this amusing documentary about a bunch of school kids who are in the national spelling bee. i highly recommend it. it was a most enjoyable watch.. to see the diff backgrounds of the kids and how they prepared.. and how their parents and teachers reacted to them getting to the nationals. one of the better movies ive seen this year (which isnt hard =p)

after that we went to the Summit for a few cocktails..mm.. the guy warned us of the dress code.. cos i was in beach gear, but let us in anyways cos the place was deserted. =p it such a nice place .. its a pity that no one goes there =p

after that we went to dinner.. at Rossinis at circular quay.. it was ok.. i was just glad to get out of the rain. i went home after.. but the other kids headed to this theatre sports thing (sounded fun, i kinda wouldve liked to have gone)

.. to finish off, two slightly amusing jokes i heard this week..

1) why dont new zealanders bring their gf's to the rugby?
because theyd jump the fence and eat the grass

2) why did Pauline Hanson always get laundry duty in prison?
because she was the best at separating the coloureds from the whites

- ian, 10:32 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, November 15
hit me back just to chat..
ian feels like crapsticks today.. *sigh* .. to the point of pike-age... =p

anyhoo i stayed home today.. and jo and jules were writing cards.. not xmas cards, but thank u cards for every1 who came to their combined bday party. and not just "thank you", they wrote like a half page each, per card. i thought, thats so strange .. but its also very sweet. i might do that after my bday dinner.. if i have the motivation.

those kids are so cute (even though theyre older than me =p) .. kinda makes me wish i had a gf.. just for a second.. i think ppl nowadays focus too much on finding a "partner" .. and i guess i did for a long time.. i mean.. its really really nice (if i remember correctly) but being single aint all that bad. i have patience, ill just wait for love to come find me.

in other news: i feel like eating a big fruit salad! like with lots of pineapple and watermelon.. mm

- ian, 11:49 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, November 14
with the shape of an L on his forehead
.. in other news, i may be the biggest loser in the world..

but im comfortable with that...

- ian, 8:01 pm :: 0 comments

disappearing act
for some reason, my wednesday post has gone walkabout.. i re-wrote it, but i never like when i write something the second time, it never quite has the same zip to it. anyways.. scroll down and read it..

in other news: i found blood on my towel this morning whilst drying myself.. and i looked all over for a wound.. and it ended up being on the tip of my ear.. nasty. bleeding like crazy.. bizarre.

- ian, 12:31 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, November 13
courage the cowardly icchanosaur
today was a big yawn all around.. work was a drag.. struggled to stay awake.. i have no idea what im doing at work really.. i jsut get assigned to do impossible tasks.. then when i dont complete them, no one really seems to notice. i wouldnt be against getting transferred to another section, but apparently they need me here.. what exactly they need me for is yet to be seen, but ive been told im the ldap expert and the jms expert.. man.. u know ur group sucks if im the expert at anything, especially things which i have no idea about =p

i had lunch with kallie today, twas nice, she is always so chirpy.. i wish i could have such a positive outlook all the time. she has kinda inspired me to at least try and look on the bright side of things.. maybe the grass isnt all that green on the other side. i mean, its not all that un-green on this side =) lately ive been struggling with something (i wont say what) but im starting to see i shouldnt really worry about it... only starting to see though.. im still a lil angsty =p but tommolo is another day.....

the sun will come out tomorrow
bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there'll be sun

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, November 12
please note: i seemed to have lost this blog post.. it miraculously disappeared.. so im re-writing it from memory and backdating it (really annoying cos it was a long post =p)

im and totally exhausted today, mentally, physically and emotionally...

work today was totally lame.. basically i spent the whole day dealing with the most hated enemy of coders: the end user. in this case it was another member of the IT staff.. unfortunately she was retarded.. basicalyl she called me over to fis this admin tool i wrote a while back.. cos the password changing wasnt working... she even got her manager to yell at me for a bit to make sure i got the message. after extensive testing of the system, i found that the problem (which suprisingly, only she gets) .. was due to user error.. she was flabberghasted at the mere suggestion that it was her fault, and proceeded to make a big deal out of it.. i had to restrain myself from jumping out the nearest window before demonstrating the system in perfect working order to her.. seems when it said "enter current password" she thought it meant "enter whatever u feel like here".. argh!! afterwards, isntead of saying "ooh sorry" she goes "ur gui is confusing, u should work on that, we'll see how long it is till it breaks again" .. argh!!!!

played volleyball at lunch with my uber ghey team .. i dont think ill go on about it again =p
we lost the game, even though the other team had to forfeit due to not having enuf players... cos their team of ring-ins kicked out butts badly. i made one hugely stupid save, whilst i was in the far left corner, i ran the width of the course and dived intot he far right corner to make a one handed dive.. and for my efforts, i got a sore hip and lost a fair bit of skin off my right thigh.. ouchies..

afterwork was the toughest dragonboat training ive ever been to.. we started by running around darling harbour twice (about 3 kms) and then did 40 pushups, then ran up n down the block, the 40 sit ups, then up and down the block, then various other muscle burning exercises over and over until my arms were jelly.. then after every1 was deadness.. we had to run around darling harbour once again.. *sigh* man its not good =p i can handle running though.. i came first on the last run and also in the sprint (which was in the middle somewhere).

(thats about all i remember.. )

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, November 11
eep! had cell group .. and i was supposed to prepare the study.. but i completely forgot.. *sigh* ian = dumb.

we jsut sat around and caught up on the week that was... i kinda realised my weeks are proved to be quite a yawn =p hunt, reads about it in my blog beforehand anyways.. so its all old news.

in other news: i added a mindy to my blog links.. cos i caught her lurking around here. and ive started to read her blog... i need to expand my blog pool.. i get bored.. cos no one updates nearly as often as i do.. man i need to get a life =p

- ian, 11:59 am :: 0 comments

:: Monday, November 10
a new dawn
i played my first ultimate frisbee game today!! woohoo.. too bad i kinda suck.. but ill get better =) we ended up losing 9-7.. pretty close considering our team is almost all n00bs. i made a few good plays.. and a few terrible plays.. =p

the first good play i made was a rather stupid diving catch of an overthrow which wasnt even meant for me.. 2 passes later we had a touchdown! yay me. then later on i caused a turnover about 1 foot away from their goalline.. and threw for a touch down! lastly i caught another overthrow which was meant for someone else.. and not quite a dive, but i had to really reach for it and that was my only touchdown catch =) 3 good plays from me.. in 90 mins of play =p but i also had 3 intercepts =) my defence was ok..i got caught guarding a really fast guy.. and i got tired.

throwing!! i cant throw really at all =p i only threw about 10 passes the whole game.. most of which were easy backward passes.. the rest were mostly into the ground. i definately need to practice hard on my throwing, id say im easily the worst thrower on my team. i also dropped the frisbee in the endzone.. on what woudlve been the first score of the game.. grr.

- ian, 11:26 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, November 9
wake up ian!!!
meh.. i slept in and missed dragonboating =p so me and nige went and played some tennis. man i suck a lot =p but i kinda enjoyed it.. im keen to learn to play. ne1 wanna teach me?

after just sat around nige's place and talked about his work.. and watched futurama.. before i felt like goin =p i was gonna go to the beach.. but i was too lazy.. so i went for a swim at Victoria park instead =) it was rather warm today.

i ended up not swimming much cos my sore ankle made it really painful to swim.. so i lay in the sun a lot, luckily i had sunscreen this time =) there was this heaps hot chick there.. (not that i was looking) .. she was reading j2ee notes on design patterns =p what a geek. hehe

i came home via one train, and 2 buses =p gah trackwork!

** please note i backdated the last few posts.. to match chronologically **

- ian, 11:28 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, November 8
ok twas the first of sheralyn's many "going back to singapore for a while" dinners =p xut its always quite nice to catch up.. have seen anime ppl for a while =) we went to michitaro (the regular hangout) a nice quiet catch up session .. there was the usual RO chatter about, but i like the idea of meeting up and just talking, too many ppl nowadys are caught up in doing new and exciting things... but a nice quiet chat over a nice jap meal is a good nite out in my opinion =)

afterwards we went back to that same cafe i went to on friday =p for gelato .. mm.. tasty.. and played big 2. lameness but fun =) hehe. i went and crashed at nige's place cos i was intending to go to dragonboating the next morning.. (more on that later) .. nige's place is so schweet.. i wanna live in the city!! grr..

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, November 7
friday nite! matrix revolutions! do do do...
anyhoo.. just like for reloaded .. we decided to go eat beforehand... and just like reloaded, we almost missed the movie cos of craspy service =p waited ages in this lil indian place on glebe point road.. but in the end it all worked out =)

the movie was ok.. not nearly as good as the first.. and a bit better than the second. the action was good.. the battle of zion was a cool but a lil long and repetitive. the overall closure reached at the end was acceptable albeit a lil too easy. i must say i still prefer the first movie by itself than the trilogy as a whole. the agent smith vs neo battle was sorta like a dragonballZ fight.. with flying and smashing of ppl thru buildings.. and punches rippling the ground =) hehe

after.. we stopped for a quick coffee at a glebe point rd cafe (*insert name*) and there were some nerds there playing magic cards.. quite humorous =p we also played cards with these oversized playing cards which gus n shelly won at intensity =) hehe

i got home very late! eep! i missed the last train..

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

only people i really like read my blog.. so heres an invite, in case u didnt get the email or see the board post:
if you're not busy, it would be really nice if you could come out to dinner on tuesday, the 18th november
we shall be going to Masuya on O'Connell Street (its off Hunter St).

im booking for 6:30.. so come before then if possible.
otherwise, ill be around the city killing time from about 5pm.. so u can just join me.

if u can come could u please rsvp asap, ill book it late next week.
no pressure though..

if you're one of those ppl who feels the need to know who else is coming
u can have a peek here: http://www.eclectical.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2254

- ian, 5:06 pm :: 0 comments

bitch bitch bitch
last nite i was talking to some1 i dont normally talk to.. and bitching about various ppl and the world in general.. and i must say that it did kinda help.. as selfish as it sounds, i sorta feel better knowing that im not the only one getting jerked around. u girls may be onto something with this so called bitching session idea =p

in other news: when i stacked it last nite, i think i hurt my elbow and my jaw too.. double ouchies..

- ian, 9:37 am :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, November 6
injury prone
man .. after badly bruising my knee on wed.. today a badly twisted my ankle and grazed my arm on the way home.. i stacked it heaps bad and rolled down the hill a bit. ouchies

mommy i got a boo boo on my knee *puts on a bandaid*

- ian, 11:37 pm :: 0 comments

red icchanosaur needs food badly
my tummy feels bad.. but not the normal kinda churnin clenchy sorta tummy ache.. its like not painful, but really sickeningly uncomfortable.. it feels like that feeling u get when u ride the spaceprobe at wonderland.. cept without the coolness.. and only the badness..

in other news: i jsut got an SMS from cecil.. saying "happy belated bday for tuesday" .. which is awfully nice.. cept my bday isnt for 2 more tuesdays =p *hint hint*

- ian, 10:55 am :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, November 5
meh.. played volleyball today.. and it was searing hot..
then after work played frisbee with the dragonboat ppl.. so energy sapping

went to dinner after at CCC.. and they were telling this story about their coach who mispronounced names.. and he used to call this girl "Hamdog" .. when her name was Pamela =p

- ian, 11:33 pm :: 0 comments

you light up my life
i got my headlight today!! woohoo *dances around*
its got 6 LEDs and a regular globe.. and u can toggle 1, 3 or 6 LEDs on at a time =)
and to make things better.. it came in bubble wrap! *pop pop pop*
.. would u like to go camping with me? i feel like doing something rustic

in other news: i take back that comment about no1 coming to 2 bdays in a row. i can actually think of heaps.. just not really ever close close frens..

in other other news: im average like two posts a day over the last week or so.. meh.. seems the number of blog posts i do are inversely proportional to the amount of work i have to do at work =p

- ian, 2:34 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, November 4
clique slut
back in the day, anne would often call me a social butterfly cos of the large number of peoples that i supposedly knew.. recently i was dubbed a friend whore.. cos it appears that im always hanging with diff ppl.. i kinda burn thru cliques pretty quick.. i dun seem to keep friends that well (ive been told im quite the disagreeable type) =p

it seems every year i hang out with a diff gang..
in first year it was the old school compsci ppl (bonnie, khoi, bunny, audrey, etc..)
second year twas the randwick girls and related parties (annie, anne, minh, thao.. etc)
third year it mostly um.. i dont have a collective name for them but theyre kinda the HK trip ppl (tenny, amy, kallie, cecil, judy.. etc)
4th year was anime people (meh, u know who they are) .. and a few peer network ppl ..
This Year (5th yr i spose) its been mostly eclectical people

theres usually little overlap too.. i wonder how many ppl have been to 2 consecutive bdays of mine? probly not many .. although tenny features a lot (i think he's stalking me.. =p)

who knows what next year shall bring.. maybe dragonboat ppl.. maybe frisbee ppl.. maybe even .. *gasp* work ppl..

.. my kingdom for a little stability...

- ian, 2:17 pm :: 0 comments

escape from icchanoland
it was recently commented that the only reason im taking up a whole bunch of new sports (volleyball, frisbee, dragonboating, rock climbing) .. is to escape from reality.. and to compensate for my lack of any social life. im too scared to face old friends.. so i seek comfort in exercising a lot.. and hanging out with ppl who i barely know, cos they are less likely to have preconceived ideas about me.. and at least seem kinda interested in things i have to say.

i dunno it thats correct or what, but i can kinda see some truth in it. im also thinking of playin basketball again soon.. and maybe taking up surfing over the summer. i guess people are never as quick to judge u when ur schooling them at basketball =p

- ian, 10:22 am :: 0 comments

:: Monday, November 3
i feel funny today..

also im still at work at 6pm.. every1 else left at 5..
hrm.. im a sad sad little boy =p

- ian, 6:06 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, November 2
i think its something i ate
so nige stopped by, to show me this dual screen link thing he is doing for work.. it didnt raelly work =p

but he di try and get every1 to eat styrofoam!!! omfg .. apparently its this new non-toxic stuff made from rice.. i still kinda wish i didnt eat it.. *clutches tummy*

- ian, 7:38 pm :: 0 comments

the world is a vampire
did u ever have a secret.. that was so embarassing that u couldnt tell anyone about it? i havo one of those.. its kinda disturbing.. nothing evil or disgusting .. but one of those things i dont want anyone to ever know about.. its not something i did.. but something i think about.. it quite off putting.. i hate that i cant control my emotions.

- ian, 4:06 pm :: 0 comments

to angst or not to angst
i got told the other day that im nice to hang out with when im not angsty =) thats good to know hehe.. now i just need to increase the ratio of times when im not-angsty =p

.. in other news: my sunburn from last week i peeling!! eep.. its like a whole week later.. how strange.. but my arms are all flakey.. eww..

- ian, 12:37 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, November 1
did u ever know that i my eye on you?
meh, i was uber sick today.. didnt get to go to anything today.. but i went to the studio ghibli/final fantasy conert cos id bought tix already.. painful.. not the concert.. but going out while sickly..

that concert was really good.. not perfect, but the orchestra was good and it was cool to hear songs that i knew =) it was kinda odd to be in such a large gathering of asian ppl and not see anyone that i knew there hehe =p

afterwards we jsut went home, i walked bunny to starcity so she could get a lift home.. but i watched her play a few rounds of the pokies.. started with $50.. made it past $100.. then back down to $20 .. then back to evens before i left.. but apparently she lost it all after i went home =p man those things are teh ghey... but i can kinda see their appeal.. for a while i was kinda thinking "man, i could win big!" .. but then i realised thats what they want u to think.

an coincidently appropriate penny arcade comic this week:
click here

- ian, 11:24 pm :: 0 comments

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