the sun'll come out tomorrow...
miserable weather again today.. made me kinda glad i was trapped in an office. i did nothing today.. cept deal with one hellish helpdesk call.. *sigh* for some reason ppl cant figure out how to change their won password.. meh!
no cell gp today.. so i went to see a movie by myself (whichi i havent done since i saw Ransom) that seems kinda sad.. but im not lacking self esteem that i have problems with seeing a movie alone.. also i had a comp ticket which i had to use up =p... anyhoo whilst in the line i bumped into this girl from peer networking (whose name i cant remember) and she's like "what are you doing here?" .. what a dumb qn.. im seeing a movie .. duh =p
back to the movie.. i saw the Medallion.. with Jackie Chan. it was what i expceted.. a stupid storyline.. cheesy overacting.. and some good stunts.. although the ending was dissappointing.. a bit of an anticlimax. but i dont go in expecting much so i was content with a few laughs and some outtakes =)