:: Thursday, November 27
Off the Hezay...
a pretty nothing day at work again.. i did manage to stop by the new EzyDVD store and i picked up a copy of Wargames for only $16.95.. but i can forsee me visiting that store quite regularly =)

anyways after wark was a rather interesting evening of basketball.. it started at UTS courts where we're playing these korean guys who looked like they were pretty good.. but we started schooling them hard.. we were playing up to 7 and the score was 6-1. and they started getting uber ghey.. they called a travel on hunt for nothing.. then some guy blocked me twice .. and both times they kept saying that it was out off me.. even though i said it was a clean block they wanted the ball as well.

so next hunt tried a move from the AND1 mix tape.. by bouncing the ball off the defender's head. needleess to say the guy wasnt happy.. he fully went skitz. he had a swing blindside at hunt.. but miraculously hunt ducked it.. i managed to grab they guy and he clipped me under the chin.. luckily he was a pussy and i barely even noticed =p

after much standing off and a lot of them yelling in broken engrish crap language.. we decided to leave .. mostly cos they outnumbered us. we shot around a bit then decided to head off to the courts round the other side of Central stn. its was heaps better basketball action heaps fun. some of the guys were heaps good .. some not so good.. but they all played good clean basketball .. which is good whether we win or lose. i played ok.. still struggling with my jump shot.. and i got blocked a few times, it seems my pump fakes arent really working anymore =p

- ian, 11:42 pm ::

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