:: Wednesday, November 12
please note: i seemed to have lost this blog post.. it miraculously disappeared.. so im re-writing it from memory and backdating it (really annoying cos it was a long post =p)

im and totally exhausted today, mentally, physically and emotionally...

work today was totally lame.. basically i spent the whole day dealing with the most hated enemy of coders: the end user. in this case it was another member of the IT staff.. unfortunately she was retarded.. basicalyl she called me over to fis this admin tool i wrote a while back.. cos the password changing wasnt working... she even got her manager to yell at me for a bit to make sure i got the message. after extensive testing of the system, i found that the problem (which suprisingly, only she gets) .. was due to user error.. she was flabberghasted at the mere suggestion that it was her fault, and proceeded to make a big deal out of it.. i had to restrain myself from jumping out the nearest window before demonstrating the system in perfect working order to her.. seems when it said "enter current password" she thought it meant "enter whatever u feel like here".. argh!! afterwards, isntead of saying "ooh sorry" she goes "ur gui is confusing, u should work on that, we'll see how long it is till it breaks again" .. argh!!!!

played volleyball at lunch with my uber ghey team .. i dont think ill go on about it again =p
we lost the game, even though the other team had to forfeit due to not having enuf players... cos their team of ring-ins kicked out butts badly. i made one hugely stupid save, whilst i was in the far left corner, i ran the width of the course and dived intot he far right corner to make a one handed dive.. and for my efforts, i got a sore hip and lost a fair bit of skin off my right thigh.. ouchies..

afterwork was the toughest dragonboat training ive ever been to.. we started by running around darling harbour twice (about 3 kms) and then did 40 pushups, then ran up n down the block, the 40 sit ups, then up and down the block, then various other muscle burning exercises over and over until my arms were jelly.. then after every1 was deadness.. we had to run around darling harbour once again.. *sigh* man its not good =p i can handle running though.. i came first on the last run and also in the sprint (which was in the middle somewhere).

(thats about all i remember.. )

- ian, 11:59 pm ::

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