:: Sunday, November 16
not the beach..
so i hiked all the way to the city.. only to find out that every1 is piking and hanging out in the city. so i walked around a bit deciding whether to just let them be, and go by myself or to join them. in the end i decided it was too cold to go .. so i just joined them.. we did nothing for a while.. then sat around.. then went to Dendy Opera Quays to see Spellbound. hehe it was this amusing documentary about a bunch of school kids who are in the national spelling bee. i highly recommend it. it was a most enjoyable watch.. to see the diff backgrounds of the kids and how they prepared.. and how their parents and teachers reacted to them getting to the nationals. one of the better movies ive seen this year (which isnt hard =p)

after that we went to the Summit for a few cocktails..mm.. the guy warned us of the dress code.. cos i was in beach gear, but let us in anyways cos the place was deserted. =p it such a nice place .. its a pity that no one goes there =p

after that we went to dinner.. at Rossinis at circular quay.. it was ok.. i was just glad to get out of the rain. i went home after.. but the other kids headed to this theatre sports thing (sounded fun, i kinda wouldve liked to have gone)

.. to finish off, two slightly amusing jokes i heard this week..

1) why dont new zealanders bring their gf's to the rugby?
because theyd jump the fence and eat the grass

2) why did Pauline Hanson always get laundry duty in prison?
because she was the best at separating the coloureds from the whites

- ian, 10:32 pm ::

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