:: Thursday, November 20
and on the 7th day he rested..
mm.. a tasty RDO for ian.. i jsut slept in and recovered from dragonboating =p.. also played a lot of SSX3 (thanks matt =) its pretty schweet.. although its very similar in gameplay to SSX Tricky., but instead of using uber tricks to power up ur tricky-meter.. u have to do 4 mini-uber tricks.. before u can do regular uber tricks.. the tricks are all the same but u can buy new tricks now. the biggest diff is really that isntead of jsut have a few levels with a menu.. everything is connected on a huge mountain, so u can snowboard around to diff places and pick what u want to do =)

other than that i jsut sat around on my fat ass all day.. watched some tv, saw the king's game where they lost.. man it was uber-ghey. the refereeing was so bad (both ways) it was so inconsistant.. like a guy got pushed over on one end, and got no call.. but then later on they were calling hand checks n stuff. im not sayin Sydney got all the bad calls, cos Wollongong got bad ones too.. but in a game where the difference is only 2 points.. it sucks when the game is decided by the refs instead of the players.

ended the day by doing some shopping, retail therapy as it were.. i had to buy some basketball shorts.. and some gel .. and some other things which i didnt end up getting. it was all pretty boring.. retail therapy doesnt realyl work for me anymore.. i need to get some other fix.. maybe yoga or tai chi or something =p

- ian, 11:59 pm ::

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