:: Tuesday, November 4
clique slut
back in the day, anne would often call me a social butterfly cos of the large number of peoples that i supposedly knew.. recently i was dubbed a friend whore.. cos it appears that im always hanging with diff ppl.. i kinda burn thru cliques pretty quick.. i dun seem to keep friends that well (ive been told im quite the disagreeable type) =p

it seems every year i hang out with a diff gang..
in first year it was the old school compsci ppl (bonnie, khoi, bunny, audrey, etc..)
second year twas the randwick girls and related parties (annie, anne, minh, thao.. etc)
third year it mostly um.. i dont have a collective name for them but theyre kinda the HK trip ppl (tenny, amy, kallie, cecil, judy.. etc)
4th year was anime people (meh, u know who they are) .. and a few peer network ppl ..
This Year (5th yr i spose) its been mostly eclectical people

theres usually little overlap too.. i wonder how many ppl have been to 2 consecutive bdays of mine? probly not many .. although tenny features a lot (i think he's stalking me.. =p)

who knows what next year shall bring.. maybe dragonboat ppl.. maybe frisbee ppl.. maybe even .. *gasp* work ppl..

.. my kingdom for a little stability...

- ian, 2:17 pm ::

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