:: Wednesday, November 26
the hardest button to button
today was a bit of a yawn as usual.. bleh im so over my life atm.. its getting rather boring and tedious. but on the up side.. i got leave approved for me to go to Japan!! woohoo.. now i just need to sort out the airfares and the accommodation.. and where im going.. hehe gah!

im rather excited cos ive wanted to go for a long time.. im kinda over the whole jap thing though =p but im still keen to check out the place... hong kong was a lot less interesting than i thought it would be.. so hopefully japan is a bit more fulfilling, at least theres variety in japan.. old and new culture.. and if all else fails, the snow is gonna be good =)

more about my day: played volleyball and lost miserably.. im jsut glad its over =p i dont think im gonna play next season. my team kinda sucks a lot now, theyre all too selfish and always blame some1 else when they screw up.. its all getting lame and not much funwhen some1 claims it was my fault for not diving 4 metres to my left for a ball she couldve made one step to her right and gotten.

after work was dragonboating.. yet another hardcore workout.. pretty crazy now.. my arms are really struggling =p on the upside, im running faster than ever. i set new pb's for the single run around darling harbour (10m35s) and also for the double lap (16m55s). i kinda enjoy the run, but i couldnt really do it without other ppl to push me cos i dont pace myself that well. next week is water training, so i dotn know if i can make it down to glebe on a wed nite.. hmm.. but ill see how it goes.

in other news: twas my sister's bday today.. i got her a Daria DVD.. she was quite pleased with it to say the least =)

- ian, 11:59 pm ::

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