:: Monday, November 10
a new dawn
i played my first ultimate frisbee game today!! woohoo.. too bad i kinda suck.. but ill get better =) we ended up losing 9-7.. pretty close considering our team is almost all n00bs. i made a few good plays.. and a few terrible plays.. =p

the first good play i made was a rather stupid diving catch of an overthrow which wasnt even meant for me.. 2 passes later we had a touchdown! yay me. then later on i caused a turnover about 1 foot away from their goalline.. and threw for a touch down! lastly i caught another overthrow which was meant for someone else.. and not quite a dive, but i had to really reach for it and that was my only touchdown catch =) 3 good plays from me.. in 90 mins of play =p but i also had 3 intercepts =) my defence was ok..i got caught guarding a really fast guy.. and i got tired.

throwing!! i cant throw really at all =p i only threw about 10 passes the whole game.. most of which were easy backward passes.. the rest were mostly into the ground. i definately need to practice hard on my throwing, id say im easily the worst thrower on my team. i also dropped the frisbee in the endzone.. on what woudlve been the first score of the game.. grr.

- ian, 11:26 pm ::

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