:: Thursday, November 13
courage the cowardly icchanosaur
today was a big yawn all around.. work was a drag.. struggled to stay awake.. i have no idea what im doing at work really.. i jsut get assigned to do impossible tasks.. then when i dont complete them, no one really seems to notice. i wouldnt be against getting transferred to another section, but apparently they need me here.. what exactly they need me for is yet to be seen, but ive been told im the ldap expert and the jms expert.. man.. u know ur group sucks if im the expert at anything, especially things which i have no idea about =p

i had lunch with kallie today, twas nice, she is always so chirpy.. i wish i could have such a positive outlook all the time. she has kinda inspired me to at least try and look on the bright side of things.. maybe the grass isnt all that green on the other side. i mean, its not all that un-green on this side =) lately ive been struggling with something (i wont say what) but im starting to see i shouldnt really worry about it... only starting to see though.. im still a lil angsty =p but tommolo is another day.....

the sun will come out tomorrow
bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there'll be sun

- ian, 11:59 pm ::

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