:: Friday, October 31
achoo achoo achoo
omfg! i had the most severe case of hayfever ever! went out to lunch at the Wooly Bay Hotel.. and i sneezed more often than i didnt sneeze.. it was quite terrible.. my new sneeze record is 12 sneezes in a row.. its like an epileptic fit.. my head feels like tis gonna explode..

*falls over*

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, October 30
is that a box of krispy kremes, or are u just happy to see me?
twas krispy kremes day again at work.. but i told every1 it was friday.. so no1 was prepared to come and get them =p ian-san wa baka desu...

anyways im was feeling kinda sick from eating so many glazed donuts.. but i needed to go shopping (cos it was pay day this week =) so im walking around Pitt St mall carrying a box of Krispy Kremes.. and no less than half a dozen people came up to me to ask where i was able to obtain the "merchandise"... or maybe that was just a line they were using =p there was this america guy who worked at GBs.. and said he would obtain me some freebies in exchange for a krispy kreme.. cos he hadnt had one since he got to Australia.. so i gave him one, and he said to come back later.. meh.. i went shopping for flares and runners, then came back... and he got me this tiny sample spray thing of some fragrance (armani night or something i forget) .. as well as a can of Tommy Hilfiger anti-perspirant.. not a bad trade for a donut which cost me less than a dollar =)

in other news: i bumped into Vonnie (my cousin) who has been in Italy for the last 6 months (damn her =p) and just got back.. she starts working again next week, so we're gonna do lunch =) .. i only jsut found out she is having marriage problems.. her husband lives in Canberra u see.. apparently theyre legaly separated.. *sigh* divorce sux0rs..

- ian, 11:52 pm :: 0 comments

2 lyrics of the day
ive tried so hard, and got so far.. but in the end it doesnt even matter...
this kinda explains itself.. sometimes it seems that not matter how hard i try.. i end up in the same sorta situation in life.. whether i go out looking for opportunities.. or jsut sit on my hands and wait for them... whether i contact old friends, or wait for them to contact me.. whether i watch what i eat, or i eat candy bars all day... it all seems to balance out in the end. at times when i try really hard.. i dont feel any better off than those times when i just sit around on my butt all day. and say "meh"

.. and so i cry sometimes when im lying in bed, just to get it all out whats in my head
do u ever go to bed and just break into a tears for no apparent reason other than jsut feeling like crasp? i had one of those last nite.. its kinda the feeling of losing control and jsut thinking "what do i have to do to change the world?" .. as anna once said, i am very disillusioned.. i might go and watch Monty Python's Meaning of Life.

- ian, 9:33 am :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, October 29
meh.. i re-instate that initial angsty remark..

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

fitness first
ian is uber-ghey.. i sucked so bad at volleyball today... well nto that bad.. but pretty sucky.. =p .. also my blackstump band got broken.. grr.. but we won!

.. yawnage at work.. but its applet yawnage.. as opposed to websphere hair-pulling =)

.. went to dragonboat land training tonite.. and it was fitness training nite. boy and i weak!.. *pokes at ian's puny arms* we did 5 tests...

1) bench press, i did 45kg (thats crap btw.. came 2nd last)
2) arm curls, i did 22.5 kg.. (thats also crap, came dead last)
3) sit ups, i did 44 in 1 minute
4) push ups, i did 54 in one minute
5) stability, basically u rest on ur forearms and toes, face down. and hold as long as u can. i ownz0rd at this! most ppl go out between 1 and 3 minutes.. and i made it to 6 minutes and 5 secs (i think i can do better too)!! only one guy beat me.. and he was built like a tank.. his arms were as big as my legs!

.. by some coincidence there was some ad van handing out Heaven on a Sticks.. which we all grabbed a few of =) hehe

- ian, 11:25 pm :: 0 comments

paranoid andriod
i take back my last angsty post.. well partially.. turns out the world isnt out to get me.. im jsut an ego-maniac..

in other news: last nite i was video chatting to tomoko live streaming from tokyo city =) its been a while.. she is a bit of a snob =p but it was the funniest thing ive seen in a while.. she has heaps good facial expressions.. she should be an anime character. like id type something and i could see her do this raised eyebrow look, quite amusing... at one point she was doing each of the emoticons in the msn smileys list.. then she was singing some japanese song karaoke style.. hehe

- ian, 9:02 am :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, October 28
more angst
good news and bad news.. first the good.. i finally won that headlamp auction after a million attempts!! .. and got it for cheapest so far =) so relieved.. lets hope the guy doesnt rip me off.. cos i paid already!

other goods: we decided not to use websphere!!! the best news ive heard in years!! im so relieved.. that program sucked so much..

now for bad: i cant win! whatever i do results in angst for me.. i talk to some1.. and that upsets some1.. i dont talk to some.. and that upsets some1 else.. i sit quietly in the corner.. and some1 thinks im plotting.. i act friendly.. and some1 thinks im a phoney.. or thinks im trying to pick them up.. or thinks im an attention seeker.. grr.. the life is a hideous bitch goddess...

well u get the idea =p
... apathy is becoming a more appealing option by the minute

- ian, 10:47 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, October 27
this one is for all the suckers who still believe in love
so i literally did no work today.. yawn.. but afterwards i went to frisbee.. it was marginally exciting.. i didnt get to play really, but the guys there taught me how to throw forehand (the easy way is backhand). i got pretty good at it towards the end.. i jsut need to get direction.. but the guy said im already good enough to play in division 4 (the bottom division).

at least two of the ppl there went to blackstump (cos they recognised my band) .. and at least 4 of them are into Reel Big Fish ... so they cant be all bad =p .. they did seem really nice.

.. on a related note.. one of the guys mentioned that Reel Big Fish are coming to the Falls Festival this year!!! .. *urge to travel interstate for new years rising*

- ian, 10:23 pm :: 0 comments

there once was a lobster named ian
last minute decision to go see a movie on saturday nite.. went to see "Swimming Pool" at dendy Opera Quays.. it was pretty lame.. it was this weird arthouse kinda thing about a sucessful author who goes to the french country side.. i dont think i really understood it... the build up to the end was a little tedious.. and the end was rather confoosing. actually i might go read a spoiler for it after i finish this blog..

.. luckily the movie came with a free night's stay in the city =) cos i was heading to dragonboat training the next morning at 8am.. although with the loss of one hour for daylight savings.. i ended up only getting about 4 hours sleep =p walked to anne's house and waited for a ride who'd forgotten to change his clock. training want too bad.. my left arm is heaps unco and couldnt keep in time.. not too bad though..

... we finished at about 11:30.. and it was such a nice day, i thought id head to the beach.. luckily, the guy who gave me a ride lived at coogee =) hehe.. so i got a lift all the way there.. schweet. it was heaps nice at the start, but it got kinda windy, cold, and even started raining for a while towards the end. but a very nice afternoon.

i got home and realised i was uber-sunburnt all over.. so bad.. after a shower and some aloe vera, i went for a small nap.. problem is i didnt wake up for 5 hours.. damnit.. hence why im blogging at 2am.. also im watching the cricket =) gilchrist ownage atm..

- ian, 1:08 am :: 0 comments

:: Friday, October 24
effective leadership
so anyways.. ive been away at Kirribilli for the last wo days on a training course which is supposed to help improve my leadership and management skills.. in case i one day have to manage someone =p overall the course was pretty much a big toss.. it was a lot about behaviourial science and observing people to understand what style they are.. and adapting my behaviour accordingly.. the example she used of some1 who was good at it was the guy who won Survivor the first season.. cos he is a behaviourial scientist who she has worked with.. and he jsut observed ppl and worked to manipulate them =p

pretty boring mostly.. learnt to juggle.. and constructed a few things for exercises in organising people in groups.. it was all rather ghey.. on thursday nite there was drinks n stuff.. to help ppl to "bond" .. twas ok.. one guy got pretty trashed.. and later on at the Greenwood Hotel.. he was saying he had a flawless pick up line.. and he attempted to show us.. so he'd go up to a girl and say "omg! Rebecca? didnt you go to (so and so) high school?" .. and everyone just stood back and laughed at him..

- ian, 9:21 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, October 22
the glorious public transport system
so i leave dragonboat training in chinatown at 8:15.. what time do u suppose i get home? if you guessed 11:40.. youd be correct..

yes thats right, it took me almost 3 and a half hours to get home today.. fudge thats a long way. my train got to strathfield.. where every1 had to get out.. cos some train got decoupled at concord west.. so we waited for an hour or so for buses to arrive.. they were noticeably packed out. so i was stuck int he middle standing up.

so our bus goes to north strathfield.. then drives around in circles for a bit.. then pulls a 3 point turn.. then another one.. then stops to ask another bus where the hell we are.. before finally endin up at concord west.. but ont he wrong side fo the tracks!!! so he had to drive all the way back to north strathfield to get a bridge over the tracks.. *sigh* ..

ended up at epping where i had to wait for a train.. then i wwalked home.. all in all a rather lengthy ride home.. meh.. i guess im kinda used to it nowadays.. but i think this is a new record.. =p

- ian, 11:39 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, October 21
angstbot of death
today at work sucked like a cheap pool cleaner.. i basically did nothign all day cept pull out my hair. rather ghey if i do say so myself..

no cell group today.. cos of pikeage all around.. i fell asleep on the train home and went to Hornsby.. *sigh*

im sore still from last nite's training =p man.. im not as young as i used to be.. i felt a twinge of oesteoperosis this morning..

- ian, 11:08 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, October 20
choo choo training

today was uber ghey at work again... my proof of comcept project isnt proving much =p

lunched with anna today at some skethchy pho/thai place.. meh i had pad thai ..it was average =p nice to catch up n stuff.. paid her out about being scared of kill bill.. =p she knows a lot of ppl who i kinda sorta know .. so i kinda know what she's talking about.. but not really =p also ive kinda started calling her a librarian more nowadays since she dont do coffee cart anymore.. although she doesnt really have the nerdy glasses to be a proper librarian.. but she was wearing a daggy cardigan today..

.. after work i headed to KK to buy tix to the studio ghibli/final fantasy concert which im uber keen to see.. then off to dragonboat land training. i kinda rocked up .. and looked all lost cos id never been there before and didnt really know anyone. it was a pretty hardcore circuit.. bit too much arm action for me.. ive got weak lil girly arms. twas ok overall.. the ppl were nice.. a few even remembered my name =) .. too bad i forgot theirs =p

- ian, 11:35 pm :: 0 comments

grr that ian *shakes fist*
dave tang has put me on his "list" cos i piked from his bday.. *sigh* .. quite concerning.. but considering the number of other people's lists im already on, probly as concerning as it first appears. i do feel bad though.. i should buy him some comics or something...

but tis true that im a dirty piker.. i cant deny that.. somedays i just feel uber angsty.. and dont wanna go out.. cos ill jsut turn up and sit quietly in a corner.. or have to answer ppl going "are u ok?" .. but i dont really wanna talk about it. so i jsut say "nothing" .. and i do hate lying ever so much. its a personal dilemma i have to face everyday... as they say int he movies "its a hard knock life"

- ian, 10:40 am :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, October 19
meh non pikeage again for ian.. its like the bizarro world or something =p

heres a sum up of the weekend.

:: saturday ::
went to broadway to see kill bill with the eclectical kids.. went via b10.. and thus bumped into a few ppl hehe =p twas all good though =) .. the movie was acceptable.. pretty good.. but a bit too gory for me... there were a lot of limbs severed and much blood splurtage goin on. ill make a final decision when part 2 comes out next year. but for now it gets 6 icchano.r0ars!

... whilst waiting for ppl to move their cars.. i almost died! i was sitting on the travelator rail.. and it lifted me off the ground.. almost to a 2 storey fall of doom. so close.. eep!

afterwards we went to.. netgamer =p to wait for cally n gaby to arrive for dinner... then headed off to some pizza joint on glebe point road for some ok-ish pizza =) an a lil chit chat .. or bitching (whatever u wanna call it) hehe.. then off to this quaint lil cafe for coffee.. i had this tea called arctic fire! (with the exclamation mark). twas ok.. kinda fresh and fruity.

i bailed after that..

:: sunday ::
yum cha at dragon star (the restaurant formally known as kam fooks).. twas a fair turnout.. but in the end we didnt have to wait all that long.. had enuf time to sneak in a game of DDR though =)

after we headed to Bondi .. but due to delays we didnt get onto the sand till the sun was gone.. but i went in the water anyways.. and brr twas sooo cold. actually wasnt too bad.. just my hands were cold.. so didnt stay long. didnt get much beach action in the end.. just went to get coffee at some sketchy lil place with bad service =p

thats about all.. good fun

.. gah back to work tommolo.. *angst* .. back into crisis mode..

- ian, 8:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, October 17
retail therapy
im uber-angsty today... having a quarter-life crisis i thinks.. topped off by a craspy day at work.. *sigh*
i feel like crawling up into a ball and sleeping for the next 25 years..

.. was sposed to go to a bday dinner tonite.. but i didnt cos im a dirty piker.. i jsut didnt feel in the mood to attempt to socialise with ppl.. im just not that sorta guy ..

to make myself feel better i chose the method of accumlating worldly possessions.. in today's case it came in the form of the SDS clearance sale. it was basically a huge hall with large tables and clothes piled up about a metre high, and being scoured by hundreds of lunchtime scavengers looking for a bargain. twas ok, but i was too lazy to look that hard.. also the change rooms were just a partition =p only one mirror, and it was in the girl's change room =p

i came away with a red volcom jumper, black n red volcom boardies and a checked juice shirt. for $20 per item.. pretty good id say.. after trying them on at home.. im adequately satisfied with my selections.

- ian, 11:05 pm :: 0 comments

compsoc is your friend
compsoc trivia nite .. :rolleyes:
we named our team "Ros's Animated Gif" in reference to this rather disturbing piece of compsoc media. sadly she seemed to find it complimentary.. and said "rock on" and proceeded to do the dance which was portrayed in the gif... which was our cue to rename our team =p

um.. go team!.. compsoc is about as ghey as it ever was.. maybe even more so.. the only difference between this trivia nite and previous ones.. is that i walked about with extremely frustrated with an optical mouse.. .. and opposed to jsut frustrated.

heres a few sample questions::

1) what word am i thinking of?
2) what did i have for breakfast?
3) what is the process of water turning into a gas? (note: the answer isnt evaporation, seems my hs science teacher was wrong. none of them knew why it was wrong, they most likely copied the answer from the crossword in a Women's Weekly or something)
4) what sport is strictly one person (the answer was andi playing the solo pole grind)
5) what word are the execs now writing on their answer sheet?

compsoc uber-gheyness never ceases to amaze me, no matter how hard they try... mostly prize whoring.. and having the ppl who runt he thing compete in it too.. and of course the wrong-answer policy (where they assume theyre right, jsut cos they cant be fsked looking it up.. and theyre like some some desperately lame power-trip)

in other news: ownage of them by us repeated... we raped the other teams like andi and steve in the showers. it was pretty mucha joke all around. i go so rorted in the giant twister game.. but i managed XXL C#.NET tshirt cos i was a crowd favourite with my back-breaking leans trying to stay legal. why do i try and stick to the rules when theres cheatage going on all around? meh.. so i got tapped out cos part of my left should scraped past part of the long carpet.. whilst peter browneye is lying on his back using the same circles as me.. and the ref lets it go due to the execs-are immune-to-rules rule in which the compsoc constitiution states that all prizes are won by execs. seems the trivia nite was a facade to pass off the prize-whoring as being legit.

i also had a run in with selphie.. meh.... how embarassment.. i dont care to write about it, but the word "collar" was used at one point.. =p

<< bitch bitch bitch... >> (ian is a bad sport, in high school grade sport he won 3 MVPs.. but not once won best and fairest =p)

on the upside.. i didnt really answer any questions and got a free mouse (which i was in need of anyways)

- ian, 9:01 am :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, October 15
so wednesday... hrm.. didnt do much work cept reinstall websphere repeatedly until it was time for the fun run =) the run is this Indepartmental run.. where its us vs the pointy heads..

i kinda sucked.. i got 18:47 over 4km.. which is apparently ok... (if your about 40).. =p there was much drinkage happening after the race down in the botanical gardens and much gloating of physical performance.. but alas i had to go and play volleyball afterwards.. gah!

we started the game with 1 player down.. and 2 mins in, one player went down witha sprained ankle.. then another with a cramped calf. then i cramped my calf!! but i played on! cos otherwise it wouldve been a forfiet.. i looked like such a gumby trying to overhead serve whilst jumping off the wrong foot =p in the end, we won! mostly due to timewasting cos of all our players being injured =p

..... << worked a bit >> ......

after work i was heading home when i got a phone invite to eat at the TanTan restaurant on Abercrombie... an offer which i couldnt refuse =) .. actually was to go to a play, but it included a free meal =) hehe... part of this meal was chilli sauce.. turbo supercharger chilli sauce at that.. "bring it on" i exclaimed naively,believing that no chilli sauce was too hot for my almighty tongue... but it was too hot.. omgsohot! i kinda piled it on.. and they were saying "maybe u should just try a lil bit" .. and i went thru a glass of OJ, a glass of milk .. and 3 glasses water =p it was soo good though =)

.. anyhoos.. whilst i was there, they were working on making earrings.. wtf? making earrings.. must be a girl thing =p but theyd bought some obscenely large amount of earring parts (for lack of a better word) .. twas kinda a family activity, kinda like painting a fence or pulling weeds would be =p

... onwards to the play! .. Dangerous Liasons.. and how.. in case u didnt know, this is the play that Cruel Intentions is based on. its pretty complex if u dont know the story already.. and ye olde english doesnt help (one line inclued "woe begone") =p .. luckily i knew the story already =) the lead character was no Sarah Michelle Geller, but she was a heaps good actress.. it was well made with a static set, all the actors.. and actresses were pretty good.. maybe a touch of overracting in places though =p but overall it gets the icchanoseal of approval =)

.. on the way home i was trying to purchase a candy bar from a vending machine, but for some reason the machine wouldnt take $2 coins. and i have this trick where i can get change for a $2 coin, but simply putting my money into the coke machine and jsut hitting refund.. which refunds the money as 50c coins =) ... but my plan backfired. and it woudlnt give me change without a purchase.. grr... so i had to insert another $2 .. and purchase a cherry coke (which i didnt drink much of) .. and salvage $1.80 in change.. meh =p

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, October 14
j.lo says:
hi, my name is ian, and it's been 2 days since my last drink. I'm currently in denial about the amount of alchol i consume, so now i've decided to be brave and take that first step into admitting i have a problem.

Oh, and P.S. KK sucks
P.P.S julia is the greatest ever!
P.P.P.S something.. i forget..

- ian, 11:30 pm :: 0 comments

furious monkey..
after much procrastination, i finally joined up to ultimate frisbee.. even if it is playing for UTS =p i shall be playing on monday nites =) yay me.. im excited.. even though i may suck =p

.. not much else from me.. cept that i completely fsked up websphere at work today =p hehe. ill have to reinstall it tommolo..

- ian, 11:02 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, October 13
ian is a piker
meh.. im getting really bad at updating lately.. meh.. maybe if more ppl posted comments *hint hint* id feel more inclined to update more often.. it feels so lonely with no comments...

anyhoos.. i was sposed to have lunch with lisa today.. so i told her to call when she got out of class.. the only problem is that i left my phone at home (oops).. so she jsut wandered around spammming my phone =p.. eep i feel bad.. mostly cos i did the exact same thing last time we were sposed to meet for lunch =p (gah, damn that ian)

- ian, 9:04 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, October 12
yawn to all the ppl who spent the weekend at home sick like me.. *sigh* my immune system is pretty fsked up .. its not pretty.. im sick more often than not nowadays.. =p

.. i didnt do anything this weekend cept going lookin for tents =) im soo in a camping mood... does ne1 wanna go camping? like soon...

in other news:
just when u think things are pretty messed up, i was watching 60 mins (or ACA or something) and there was a guy who was in the bali bombing.. and was badly burned to 50% of his body, mostly his back n stuff.. his face was fine. but while he was in intensive care after he got back.. his fiance broke up with him over the phone.. man that is harsh.. try swallowing that pill.

- ian, 10:01 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, October 9
meh.. finally got somewhere with this problem at work.. the problem was that i am an idiot =p .. hehe.. nah it was cos websphere is teh ghey.. and it doesnt work with sun's java well.. uber-lame

i was on the way out to lunch.. and michelle rang me to meet up fer lunch.. so im like "meh, ok" hehe.. so we're waiting for khoi at the virgin megastore at martin place (across the st from his work) and thinking .. "hrm, i wonder if he went to the wynyard one" .. but then thought he would obviously go to the one nearest him.. but alas.. we were wrong. we wouldve called him, but his phone was locked .. and when he rang us, shelly's phone ran out of batteries. we finally hooked up putting her sim in my phone, and waiting for him to call =p

anyways.. i was jsut out shopping today.. looking for a tent.. but ended up at KK.. and i was thinking "hrm.. havent seen jel for a while" and considered calling her, but then thought she's probly busy... a few moments later.. she rings me cos she was at martin place.. =p she was with shelly n dave.. so we stopped at DJ's uber food court for some overrated noodle bar action. my thai beef salad was unusually spicy and devoid of leaves of any kind, but the ppl there were awfully nice =)

- ian, 11:40 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, October 8
meh.. work was a bit ghey.. still working on the JMS thing.. uber lame

anyways.. after work today i went along to anne's dragonboat racing land training. for some reason they were playing ultimate frisbee for training.. and it rox0rd my sox0rs.. apparntely i played well i scored quite a few times and did some rather idiotic dive catches, landing on my face =p

i was wearing my all stars so i was slipping all over the place on the wet grass at tumbalong park. later on some girl referred to me as the sliding guy hehe.. anyhoos i was complaining about my shoes, and i happened to mention that i had those shoes on cos of volleyball to some random who was standing next to me.. and as it turns out, she plays in the same comp as me.. its a small world after all.. the reason i didnt recognise her, is cos she didnt play vs my team.. (i think she was too scared) hehe

.. umm.. went to CCC for dinner after.. food was uh.. well .. anways.. =p hehe

p.s. i did my calf tonite instead of my ankle =p

- ian, 11:21 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, October 7
tuesday yawny tuesday..
meh.. another tuesday yawn festival today..

saw julia on teh train.. first time in a while =) which is about the most exciting thing that happened today.. also the lady who was sposed to do all the frustrating JMS stuff.. has quit! after only 3 days.. grr..

- ian, 11:49 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, October 6
so tired..
im soo tired.. =p too sleepy to update this..

but heres my weekend (the short version)

thursday nite: dinner, karaoke.. home.. pack.. => hunt's place
friday: wake up... go to blackstump.. watch some bands
saturday: mosh a bit, skank a bit, rave a bit..
sunday: listen to some talks.. mosh a bit, eat a lot.. get sick a bit
monday: lie down a lot... get up, go t hunt's.. play cs.. go home..

ill write a long version when im less tired.. (probly while im at work =p)

- ian, 10:56 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, October 3
do do do.. met up with the anime kids for jap dinner and karaoke =) hehe went to Pandora's (replaced Top One).. and the ppl forgot to tell us time was up.. so we stayed about half an hour over time =p

got a lift home =) but im about to get a lift away again =p im off to blackstump! ill tell u all about when i get home on monday =)

toodles la~~

- ian, 12:07 am :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, October 1
sugoi desune~~
today was a yawn as always.. but i studied a lil bit for my jap test tonite.. but i was a bit over studying by then =p

the test was trickier than i thought.. and i choked a bit on the katakana questions.. but i ended up getting 91% overall cos the questions i screwed up werent worth many marks =) .. i wont say what annie and jelly got.. but twasnt 91 .. and theyve both done jap in school.. whereas im a jap-n00b.. although i kinda got taught jap by Ranma, and Shinji.. and Goku.. and Sailor Moon =p

afterwards we grabbed a few of those almond custard mini cake things.. i dunno what theyre called =p so tasty though...

- ian, 11:42 pm :: 0 comments

man.. i havent posted in 2 days.. =p due to the lack of comments and tags im kinda assuming no one reads this anymore.. (prove me wrong ppl =p) .. actually this blog kinda motivates me to do stuff.. like when i dont for a few days in a row i kinda realise that im wasting away so i feel like i should do something blog-worthy with my life, whether anyone reads it or not.

anyhoo, i pretty much did nothing on monday, hence no post =p

tuesdays was pretty good though.. two new contractors started at work, one of whom is basically there to do all the stuff which i cant do =p she is specialises in java messaging.. which is what i was working on, but was doing very badly =p so i managed to weasel out of doing it =) although. ill probly get stuck with it later on since she jsut a contractor =p

after work we had bible study, which went ok, kinda quick and it was at maccas.. we went thru the bit where jesus feeds the thousands with 5 loaves of bread two fish..

after that i ran all the way down to the botanical gardens to the night noodle market (which was part of the good food month). i actually didnt eat anything, since id had maccas already.. but i went to catch up with the kids down there.. some of whom i hadnt seen in ages. jsut kidna sat around, and walked around.. and sat and had a few drinks at the aqua luna bar. it was all very pleasant =) i miss jsut hanging out, too many ppl these days are so keen to get out and do things, they never stop to just chill out and talk about that silly thing that happen to me the other day...

.. also a bit of lightbulb action.. but thats kinda assumed nowadays =p one of my friend's said he'd trust his gf hanging out with me, not cos he trusts her.. but cos he trusts me =p hehe

- ian, 8:52 am :: 0 comments

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