:: Friday, October 17
compsoc is your friend
compsoc trivia nite .. :rolleyes:
we named our team "Ros's Animated Gif" in reference to this rather disturbing piece of compsoc media. sadly she seemed to find it complimentary.. and said "rock on" and proceeded to do the dance which was portrayed in the gif... which was our cue to rename our team =p

um.. go team!.. compsoc is about as ghey as it ever was.. maybe even more so.. the only difference between this trivia nite and previous ones.. is that i walked about with extremely frustrated with an optical mouse.. .. and opposed to jsut frustrated.

heres a few sample questions::

1) what word am i thinking of?
2) what did i have for breakfast?
3) what is the process of water turning into a gas? (note: the answer isnt evaporation, seems my hs science teacher was wrong. none of them knew why it was wrong, they most likely copied the answer from the crossword in a Women's Weekly or something)
4) what sport is strictly one person (the answer was andi playing the solo pole grind)
5) what word are the execs now writing on their answer sheet?

compsoc uber-gheyness never ceases to amaze me, no matter how hard they try... mostly prize whoring.. and having the ppl who runt he thing compete in it too.. and of course the wrong-answer policy (where they assume theyre right, jsut cos they cant be fsked looking it up.. and theyre like some some desperately lame power-trip)

in other news: ownage of them by us repeated... we raped the other teams like andi and steve in the showers. it was pretty mucha joke all around. i go so rorted in the giant twister game.. but i managed XXL C#.NET tshirt cos i was a crowd favourite with my back-breaking leans trying to stay legal. why do i try and stick to the rules when theres cheatage going on all around? meh.. so i got tapped out cos part of my left should scraped past part of the long carpet.. whilst peter browneye is lying on his back using the same circles as me.. and the ref lets it go due to the execs-are immune-to-rules rule in which the compsoc constitiution states that all prizes are won by execs. seems the trivia nite was a facade to pass off the prize-whoring as being legit.

i also had a run in with selphie.. meh.... how embarassment.. i dont care to write about it, but the word "collar" was used at one point.. =p

<< bitch bitch bitch... >> (ian is a bad sport, in high school grade sport he won 3 MVPs.. but not once won best and fairest =p)

on the upside.. i didnt really answer any questions and got a free mouse (which i was in need of anyways)

- ian, 9:01 am ::

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