:: Thursday, October 30
is that a box of krispy kremes, or are u just happy to see me?
twas krispy kremes day again at work.. but i told every1 it was friday.. so no1 was prepared to come and get them =p ian-san wa baka desu...

anyways im was feeling kinda sick from eating so many glazed donuts.. but i needed to go shopping (cos it was pay day this week =) so im walking around Pitt St mall carrying a box of Krispy Kremes.. and no less than half a dozen people came up to me to ask where i was able to obtain the "merchandise"... or maybe that was just a line they were using =p there was this america guy who worked at GBs.. and said he would obtain me some freebies in exchange for a krispy kreme.. cos he hadnt had one since he got to Australia.. so i gave him one, and he said to come back later.. meh.. i went shopping for flares and runners, then came back... and he got me this tiny sample spray thing of some fragrance (armani night or something i forget) .. as well as a can of Tommy Hilfiger anti-perspirant.. not a bad trade for a donut which cost me less than a dollar =)

in other news: i bumped into Vonnie (my cousin) who has been in Italy for the last 6 months (damn her =p) and just got back.. she starts working again next week, so we're gonna do lunch =) .. i only jsut found out she is having marriage problems.. her husband lives in Canberra u see.. apparently theyre legaly separated.. *sigh* divorce sux0rs..

- ian, 11:52 pm ::

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