:: Monday, October 20
choo choo training

today was uber ghey at work again... my proof of comcept project isnt proving much =p

lunched with anna today at some skethchy pho/thai place.. meh i had pad thai ..it was average =p nice to catch up n stuff.. paid her out about being scared of kill bill.. =p she knows a lot of ppl who i kinda sorta know .. so i kinda know what she's talking about.. but not really =p also ive kinda started calling her a librarian more nowadays since she dont do coffee cart anymore.. although she doesnt really have the nerdy glasses to be a proper librarian.. but she was wearing a daggy cardigan today..

.. after work i headed to KK to buy tix to the studio ghibli/final fantasy concert which im uber keen to see.. then off to dragonboat land training. i kinda rocked up .. and looked all lost cos id never been there before and didnt really know anyone. it was a pretty hardcore circuit.. bit too much arm action for me.. ive got weak lil girly arms. twas ok overall.. the ppl were nice.. a few even remembered my name =) .. too bad i forgot theirs =p

- ian, 11:35 pm ::

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