:: Wednesday, October 29
fitness first
ian is uber-ghey.. i sucked so bad at volleyball today... well nto that bad.. but pretty sucky.. =p .. also my blackstump band got broken.. grr.. but we won!

.. yawnage at work.. but its applet yawnage.. as opposed to websphere hair-pulling =)

.. went to dragonboat land training tonite.. and it was fitness training nite. boy and i weak!.. *pokes at ian's puny arms* we did 5 tests...

1) bench press, i did 45kg (thats crap btw.. came 2nd last)
2) arm curls, i did 22.5 kg.. (thats also crap, came dead last)
3) sit ups, i did 44 in 1 minute
4) push ups, i did 54 in one minute
5) stability, basically u rest on ur forearms and toes, face down. and hold as long as u can. i ownz0rd at this! most ppl go out between 1 and 3 minutes.. and i made it to 6 minutes and 5 secs (i think i can do better too)!! only one guy beat me.. and he was built like a tank.. his arms were as big as my legs!

.. by some coincidence there was some ad van handing out Heaven on a Sticks.. which we all grabbed a few of =) hehe

- ian, 11:25 pm ::

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