effective leadership
so anyways.. ive been away at Kirribilli for the last wo days on a training course which is supposed to help improve my leadership and management skills.. in case i one day have to manage someone =p overall the course was pretty much a big toss.. it was a lot about behaviourial science and observing people to understand what style they are.. and adapting my behaviour accordingly.. the example she used of some1 who was good at it was the guy who won Survivor the first season.. cos he is a behaviourial scientist who she has worked with.. and he jsut observed ppl and worked to manipulate them =p
pretty boring mostly.. learnt to juggle.. and constructed a few things for exercises in organising people in groups.. it was all rather ghey.. on thursday nite there was drinks n stuff.. to help ppl to "bond" .. twas ok.. one guy got pretty trashed.. and later on at the Greenwood Hotel.. he was saying he had a flawless pick up line.. and he attempted to show us.. so he'd go up to a girl and say "omg! Rebecca? didnt you go to (so and so) high school?" .. and everyone just stood back and laughed at him..