:: Thursday, October 30
2 lyrics of the day
ive tried so hard, and got so far.. but in the end it doesnt even matter...
this kinda explains itself.. sometimes it seems that not matter how hard i try.. i end up in the same sorta situation in life.. whether i go out looking for opportunities.. or jsut sit on my hands and wait for them... whether i contact old friends, or wait for them to contact me.. whether i watch what i eat, or i eat candy bars all day... it all seems to balance out in the end. at times when i try really hard.. i dont feel any better off than those times when i just sit around on my butt all day. and say "meh"

.. and so i cry sometimes when im lying in bed, just to get it all out whats in my head
do u ever go to bed and just break into a tears for no apparent reason other than jsut feeling like crasp? i had one of those last nite.. its kinda the feeling of losing control and jsut thinking "what do i have to do to change the world?" .. as anna once said, i am very disillusioned.. i might go and watch Monty Python's Meaning of Life.

- ian, 9:33 am ::

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