:: Wednesday, October 15
so wednesday... hrm.. didnt do much work cept reinstall websphere repeatedly until it was time for the fun run =) the run is this Indepartmental run.. where its us vs the pointy heads..

i kinda sucked.. i got 18:47 over 4km.. which is apparently ok... (if your about 40).. =p there was much drinkage happening after the race down in the botanical gardens and much gloating of physical performance.. but alas i had to go and play volleyball afterwards.. gah!

we started the game with 1 player down.. and 2 mins in, one player went down witha sprained ankle.. then another with a cramped calf. then i cramped my calf!! but i played on! cos otherwise it wouldve been a forfiet.. i looked like such a gumby trying to overhead serve whilst jumping off the wrong foot =p in the end, we won! mostly due to timewasting cos of all our players being injured =p

..... << worked a bit >> ......

after work i was heading home when i got a phone invite to eat at the TanTan restaurant on Abercrombie... an offer which i couldnt refuse =) .. actually was to go to a play, but it included a free meal =) hehe... part of this meal was chilli sauce.. turbo supercharger chilli sauce at that.. "bring it on" i exclaimed naively,believing that no chilli sauce was too hot for my almighty tongue... but it was too hot.. omgsohot! i kinda piled it on.. and they were saying "maybe u should just try a lil bit" .. and i went thru a glass of OJ, a glass of milk .. and 3 glasses water =p it was soo good though =)

.. anyhoos.. whilst i was there, they were working on making earrings.. wtf? making earrings.. must be a girl thing =p but theyd bought some obscenely large amount of earring parts (for lack of a better word) .. twas kinda a family activity, kinda like painting a fence or pulling weeds would be =p

... onwards to the play! .. Dangerous Liasons.. and how.. in case u didnt know, this is the play that Cruel Intentions is based on. its pretty complex if u dont know the story already.. and ye olde english doesnt help (one line inclued "woe begone") =p .. luckily i knew the story already =) the lead character was no Sarah Michelle Geller, but she was a heaps good actress.. it was well made with a static set, all the actors.. and actresses were pretty good.. maybe a touch of overracting in places though =p but overall it gets the icchanoseal of approval =)

.. on the way home i was trying to purchase a candy bar from a vending machine, but for some reason the machine wouldnt take $2 coins. and i have this trick where i can get change for a $2 coin, but simply putting my money into the coke machine and jsut hitting refund.. which refunds the money as 50c coins =) ... but my plan backfired. and it woudlnt give me change without a purchase.. grr... so i had to insert another $2 .. and purchase a cherry coke (which i didnt drink much of) .. and salvage $1.80 in change.. meh =p

- ian, 11:59 pm ::

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