:: Tuesday, October 28
more angst
good news and bad news.. first the good.. i finally won that headlamp auction after a million attempts!! .. and got it for cheapest so far =) so relieved.. lets hope the guy doesnt rip me off.. cos i paid already!

other goods: we decided not to use websphere!!! the best news ive heard in years!! im so relieved.. that program sucked so much..

now for bad: i cant win! whatever i do results in angst for me.. i talk to some1.. and that upsets some1.. i dont talk to some.. and that upsets some1 else.. i sit quietly in the corner.. and some1 thinks im plotting.. i act friendly.. and some1 thinks im a phoney.. or thinks im trying to pick them up.. or thinks im an attention seeker.. grr.. the life is a hideous bitch goddess...

well u get the idea =p
... apathy is becoming a more appealing option by the minute

- ian, 10:47 pm ::

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