:: Wednesday, June 30
im not really sure how, but i managed to put a massive crack thru the screen of my phone.

.. smells like time for a new phone...

- ian, 5:36 pm :: 0 comments

its days like these..
meh work = teh boring as always..

basketball was on tonite, our schedule said the game was at 6:40pm.. but when we turned up, the guy says we're not playing till 8:55 and told us to go away. kinda weird, and he said the schedule hasnt changed. anyways.. we start shooting around cos we're bored and we think we have 2 hours to kill. and the same guy says our game is starting now (6:40) .. wtf? so we jsut played.

the game was pretty weird. we were matching them for about 10 mins. i went to the bench with the score at 7-7. i came back on a while later and the score was 17-7 .. and at halftime the score was 37-7. pretty crazy. scoring-wise i had a good game with 11 points (only 4 of which were fast breaks =). i also hit a 3-pointer. i had a lot of turnovers though.. and i also played crap defence. we ended up only losing by 32 points.. which means we almost matched them in the second half. still a bit embarassment =p

anyhoos whilst im here at work doing nothing, i figure i might analyse my basketball transition from streetball to comp basketball. we've played 5 or 6 games now.. but how have i faired? ive broken it down into rough categories and rated how i think im doing::

:: scoring (8/10)
this is pretty much the same. mostly scoring from layups and short leaners around the basket. i get a lot of points from fast breaks (which there arent really any of in halfcourt streetball) mostly just cos i run fast, but sometimes cos i cheat on defence. ive actualyl hit a few 3's which i rarely attempt in streetball. my free-throw shooting in comp has been terrible. i think im something like 2 from 10. i could probly take more shots, not many guys in this comp so far can guard me off the dribble. although some jsut send me to the line, which is as good as blocking me =p

:: defence (6/10)
my defence in comp is heaps more crap. probly cos i being heaps cautious to not foul. i seem to rack up between 3 and 4 fouls a game which is pretty bad (considering u foul out at 5), although im yet to foul out. i still get a lot of steals, but ive only had one block so far, whereas in streetball i used to get heaps.

:: rebounding (2/10)
im heaps suck at rebounding in comp. i think its partially cos the guys are taller in general and partially cos i play at the top in the zone defence. in uts streetball i was a mad rebounder, in comp i pretty much jsut get the long rebounds after i miss my free throws really badly =p i have had quite a few tips where i knock the ball to a teamate though.

:: passing (3/10)
ok in streetball i was a fancy-ass passer lots of no-look passes and drive and dish plays, but in comp i cant pass for crap. i jsut turn it over heaps, im not really sure why. possibly cos of the zone defence that most teams play. i have heaps less poise in comp and i tend to panic a bit so i just shoot whereas in streetball id make a pass to some guy under the ring.

:: ball skills (6/10)
i was never really that good at this. but i suck heaps in comp probly cos theres more guys on the court to sneak up behind and steal the ball.. and also cos i got called for a few travels and double dribbles in the early games so i tend to not be able to dribble unless im thinking heaps hard about it. ive only had the ball taken off me a few times though.

- ian, 3:50 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, June 28
its like that and thats the way it is
ok this blog is in two parts the diary part and the rant part. i duno why. i jsut feel like it =p

:: diary
total tiredness today at work. after getting home from the snow pretty late i wasnt exactly running on all cylinders on monday morning =p heaps boring at work anyways.. msotly jsut talking about old school hip hop like NWA, Beastie Boys, Run DMC =)

went to frisbee after work. we owned it up pretty hard. i played ok. score 3 or 4 i think. i had a few figertip catches go down which is a bit disappointing, cos if i was jsut an inch taller i wouldve had those. i played pretty good d though so that sorta makes up for it. dispite seeing Supersize me, i had maccas on the way home and i wasnt under and delusions that it was in any way healthy. i bumped into matt on the train cos he'd jsut finished work =p i think i also saw Ryan Holland.. but i didnt talk to him. no idea what he's doing nowadays. some sort of scam id assume =p

when i got home i decided to reformat my malfunctioning computer. so i wasted a coupla hours reinstalling win2k and guess what? it was still broken.. grrr... can anyone help me? my internet wont work, but my network card works. it jsut cant connect to the DHCP server for some reason =( im such a puter n00b. i havent been online at home for like 4 days now. thats weird. it doesnt look like i will be online any time soon either.. i feel lost without icq or msn..

in other news: i need to write a speech for my sister's wedding on saturday.. eep! totally havent started...

:: rant
this could also be called the angsty section.. cos its mostly me bitching about stuff =p anyhoos heres a few thoughts...

ive been known to call pretty much everyone a snob.. but the other day someone said that i was a snob.. it was totally cut. i like to think i can make time for anyone who wants any of my time. in a recent unofficial ranking system, i was rated 2nd lowest for anti-social behaviour (despite being constantly labelled a piker), which means im at least trying.. but apparently im more reactive and not proactive. like whilse i talk to ppl when they talk to me.. i dont go out of my way to contact ppl and initialise conversation. *shrugs* maybe i am a snob =p someone said to me the other day that she thought i was unapproachable in real life. apparently im one of the cool popular kids so she could only talk to me online... funny, i dont feel cool or popular =p also funny coming from a BIT hehe. i think i usually try, bit i just kinda give up heaps easily .. im pretty apathetic nowadays. meh.. last friday i was invited to 3 different dinners.. (none of which i went to cos i was at the snow) but it totally didnt bother me at all that i missed them (not jsut cos the snow was awesome). basically i dont find big gatehreings heaps fun.. i prefer jsut hanging out with small groups. like 4 or less is nice. one on one is the besto though.. cos u cant ever get ignored .. unless ur hanging out with a jerk =p

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, June 27
snow snow revolution
i pretty much went straight to the snow on friday nite from work. twas a pretty uneventful road trip mostly invovled me sleeping. we made pretty good time getting there before midnite. we kinda got a lil bit lsot since we had no idea where it was other than some vague directions which i had memorised from earlier in the day =p we almost ran over a few kangaroos and a rabbit whilst drivign down the wrong road in the pitch blackness. finally we found the place, it was this guesthouse owned by a nice lady by the name of Heidi. we ended up having to crash on the floor cos the beds were taken, but it was warm at least =p Heidi's place was mad though, it was like this wooden cabin sorta looking place but with all sorts of unique trinkets scattered about the place. also had these weird sea urchin shaped exercise ball things. good massage tools after a long day out snowboarding =)

anyhoos.. how was the snow i hear u ask .. in a word: awesome! it was about twice as good as the best snow ive ever seen in australia before. but thats not really saying much =p remember that this is June snow in australia, pretty rare even on the best of of seasons. but it was better than august snow normally is. crazy. i lost everyone at the top of the lift before we'd even done one run.. so i was cruising around by myself for a while. which is probly for the best since id pretty much forgotten how to snowboard, it was pretty silly.. i was losing my edge all over the place.. but i figured out how to snowboard again after a few runs. i hung out at ridge chair area of blue cow most of the morning cos its riddled with black runs are never normally opened. it was pretty cool.. and cos its so early in the season there was hardly any people about =)

hung out with nathan and his boys in the afternoon jsut doing some cool boarding action.. its a nice change from the woebag skiiers im normally at the snow with =p i didnt get a chance to go to Mt Perisher which was pretty disappointing cos it was apparently rockin.

dinner at Marios at nite. hunt went on and on about this calzone he was getting.. *shrugs*. i ordered a very average chicken caesar salad and a diet coke (gotta watch those calories). on the big screen we saw the wallabies walk all over the poms in the rugby. rich (my boss, who is from the uk) wasnt pleased. my cousin rang me to ask if i wanted to buy some Thredbo lift passes off him, he'd hurt his leg on the first day of a 2 day lift pass. they somehow managed to take their passes off and sold them to us for a rather discounted $50 each =)

:: sunday
got up to a very substantial brekkie that heidi made. juice, tea, cereal, toast, scrambled eggs... mmm. we werent in a massive hurry so it was all so good. since we got home early and every1 was asleep we totally got about 9 hours sleep.. which is rare on a snow trip. went to thredbo and i boarded with rich in the morning. the top of the mountain was heaps goodness. but the bottom of the mountain was typically thredbo =p spent a while in cruising speed with a few jumps off bumps here and there =)

we ventured of this massive traverse along the top of the mountain in search of soft soft powder and we were pleasantly rewarded a number of times.. so fresh untracked snow goodness. after rich left i headed to the supertrail for a while, this old ski dood on the lift showed me how to get to this place which had fresh cover every run due to wind blown snow. so windy, but so nice still. the supertrail is bloody long.. even though the top wasnt open, its still like 3km to the bottom and my legs are pretty sore by then. there were hardly any ppl about, so i could prety much go as fast as i liked and make any kind of turns i wanted without having to worry about innocent bystanders =p

.. lastly was the trip home. we made it back in record time or something. 5hours 15mins back to thornleigh with 2 stops on the way.

yawn.. so tired.
i promise to write more intersting blogs in future..

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, June 25
meow meow
the last few days have been some of the yawn-iest days of all time at work =p totally nothing going on.
nothing going on outside of work either really.. pretty uneventfulness.. my net connection at home is still screwd up.. *sigh*

although i caught up with julia today, she's in sydney for a short break from adelaide. seems like she misses Krispy Kremes more than anything else =p

meh.. im off to the snow tonite.. w00t! so i wont be online for a while. although since the net is dead at home, i probly wouldnt have been anyways =p anyways.. im predicting that the 10,000th visit will be next thursday. i hope its you! =) hehe.

- ian, 3:45 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, June 23

Special Announcement!

*dances around*
ok.. ive been racking up page views pretty fast lately for some unknown reason..
have a look::

anyways.. as im writing this its on 9,707 total visits. so i thought id do something for the person who has the 10,000th visit. if you are the 10,000th visitor, take a screenie and email it to me at ian@bubblemix.net. and ill send you a prize =)

if by some chance i happen to get the 10,000th page view, ill give the prize to whoever gets 10,001 .. and so on =p

- ian, 12:01 pm :: 1 comments

:: Tuesday, June 22
dont touch me, cos im electric. and if you touch me, you'll get shocked..
ok i managed to buy some blades and a skateboard off ebay today =p both for about $60 each. which is a bargain (assuming i dont get ripped off by some dodgey ebay seller =p) im pretty excited cos my skateboard is heaps thrashed.. and i havent had skates since i was about 10. i got some blades with a grind plate in the middle ... eep! *predicts ian breaking his wrist in the near future*

.. anyhoos on to basketball...
we played this athletic but n00b team. at the start we played totally crap. and the score was 0-0 after 10 mins =p so embarassment. but it wasnt all bad, cos they had racked up 7 fouls by then. and only 13 mins into the game one of their doods fouled out. and they had no subs. so they played with only 4 guys for most of the game. and only 3 guys for some of the game.

we ended up winning, but we probly shouldnt have.. cos we played terribly. im pretty sure i scored a career high of something like 13 points. maybe 15 even. but almost all of them we fast break points after we tired them out =p i went 1-6 from the free throw line... the horror continues.. *sigh*. the highlight of the game for me was what i like to call the Karl Malone move. basically a guy tries to shoot or pump fake, but then i swipe at the ball and knock it out of bounds off his hand or leg. hehe. i did it left handed, and i wasnt really even trying to do it. i was trying to play frisbee defence on him and stop him passing it =p

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, June 21
cannot connect to DHCP server..
gah my puter at home is the deadness. and i have no idea how to fix it. grr.. im such a computer n00b. it wotn connect to the internet for some reason. i dunno why *shrugs*.. ive tried nothing and im all out of ideas =p can some1 help me?

anyways back to the story... played frisbee tonite. it was ok. i played pretty well i reakon. i only scored twice but i make a few assists too =) on the last point of the game, we were up by more than a few, and someone (i forget who) threw it high up into the back corner of the end zone. where i didnt really think i could reach it.. but i figured id jump anyways. i managed to catch it barely.. but i landed on top of some defender and got tipped over and landed hard on my chest.. ouchies. hardly worth it since we were easily gonan win, but u gotta show commitment and hussle.. =) hehe

- ian, 10:51 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, June 20
woke up heaps late today.. not quite into the afternoon though..
havent done much.. and i dont plan to really.. jsut resting mostly.
i got a haircut today.. its ok.. my mum did it.. and she seems to have troubles with symmetry.. *shrugs*

anyhoo heres what i supposedly look like as an anime avatar

you can see what u would be here: http://illustmaker.abi-station.com/index_en.shtml

- ian, 3:35 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, June 19
you cant get ye flask
ok i had to wake up at normal work time on a weekend.. *yawn* so sleepy... hehe. i got up and put on my school uniform.. and headed out to Olympic Park (i skated through bicentennial park) for the start of the Scavenger Hunt. seems like we were the only group to dress up in a proper costume. so we looked kinda silly.. but at the same time kinda cool.

we were heaps much crap at following the clues.. mostly cos at the start we had no idea what was going on.. and thus we just followed the other groups to get check points. =p but after the first 3 we figured out how the clues worked and we were getting out own check points =) hehe. there was one which was like on top of a hill.. so i ended up running up every hill in homebush bay pretty much.. but i obviously missed one, cos we didnt get that one =p it was pretty fun.. the organisation was about a million times better than anything ive ever organised. the funny thing was that it was dubbed a "scavenger hunt" but in the end she forgot to hand out the scavenger lists.. =p so it was more like a car rally (like race around the world.. cept in sydney's inner west only). it was still fun though. there were some extra side quests like trivia and a coloring in competition.. but the "tear a mintie wrapper to as long as u can" competition was marred by blantant cheat-age as my 160cm one was beated out by 2 other groups who used scissors to make stupidly long ones. i guess that serves me right for playing byt he rules.. next year im totally letting down someone's tires. i mean it never specifically says i can do it.. therefore it must be allowed. (note: that was their jsutification for using scissors).

in the end we realised it was totally rigged so we didnt even bother to stay for the prizes and the announcement of the winners. this race jsut proved that cheaters always prosper cos nice guys finish last. not that im bitter or anything.. i mean all we lost was like an inflatable hat or some crap...

.. moving on...
we left to go to see Supersize Me at burwood cinemas. after a large amount of seriously discussion on social issues on the board i was a lil dubious cos some ppl who'd seen it had made it out to be heaps earth-shattering n stuff. but to tell u the truth there wasnt heaps in there i didnt know already. the movie was made really well and the guy in it was pretty funny. he got across his point by being clever and without being over the top or exaggerating heaps or sensationalising his findings. yeh it was stupid to eat maccas every meal of everyday.. and yes most normal ppl will stop when they feel ill and stuff.. but it showed how nasty fast food can be.

there was one interesting point by some guy he interviewd (i forget who) who was saying how its socially acceptable to tell a smoker to stop smoking cos its damaging their lungs.. but its not acceptable to tell a fat person to eat less big macs.. cos its damaging their liver (amoung other things). and there is no difference really.. but if u say that to a fat person ur being a jerk. although i spose there are other factors to why ppl are overweight.. its still deemed to be mean if u tell a fat guy to go get some exercise.. even though he probly should.

hehe also there was this rather slender looking fellow who had eaten 19,000 big mas in his life and ate an average of 2 big macs a day in his life. he was pretty funny.. he did love his big macs.

.. meh..
im still gonna eat maccas though.. cos seriously its not that much worse than the other food out there. i mean if ur stupid enough to think that food is good for u, then i wonder how u get by from day to day with other difficult tasks like tying your own shoes n stuff.

.. skated home after.. brr.. twas freezing.. omg!
so tired.. gonna sleep till midday..

- ian, 11:25 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, June 18
meh it was an uber short day at the RBA today. came in late cos of trains.. stayed for a half hour brekkie at the cafeteria.. then had a work lunch.. at the Lord Nelson. the walk alone took almost half an hour each way =p ended up taking like a 3 hour lunch.. cos i stopped at EB on the way home =p hehe. also i had a drink or two.. so i wasnt really working at full capacity =p

i ended up jsut buying a shirt from jeans west.. meh.. =p didnt get back to the office till 3:30pm.. and we had drinks on friday at 4pm.. hehe.. a few more drinks there and i wasnt feeling heaps flash =p Mike came back to the office for drinks hadnt seen him for a while. he spent most of the time talking about shares and investing.. *whoosh over ian's head* .. hehe.

later he was talking to nathan about guitars.. and we were saying that theres so many things out there that we wanna do, but its jsut hard to do if others around u dont also do the same things. for example , he stopped playing guitar when his friend's did cos he had no one to talk to about it.. and like skating with me was something i could always kinda do, but i didnt really get into it till hunt and others started skating. becuase i meant i had ppl to skate with.. meh.. it seemed more profound at the time =p

.. atm im preparing for the Scavenger Hunt tommolo.. our uniform is our school uniform =p
heres mine in a variety of silly poses::

- ian, 10:37 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, June 17
so anywaye i was at the EB sale today and i picked up a sweet pair of Altec Lansing headphones for half price =) but nothing else interesting happened to me today =p oh i also bought a red shirt.. uhm.. uh. yay =p

anyhoos.. so i went to work on my website for a bit.. trying to play with phpnuke. i had a hell of a time.. mostly cos i had no idea what i was doing. even though i supposedly worked with php for a year, i dont have a clue how to do stuff.

next was attempting to use photoblogger .. and im finding it pretty suck actually. like its cool if u dont have hosting or anything.. but its not all that intuitive as to whats happening.. and u can only add one pic at a time n stuff.. you can see my attempts below.. hehe.. this may very well be the last time i use it =p

- ian, 11:29 pm :: 0 comments


- ian, 11:28 pm :: 0 comments


- ian, 11:27 pm :: 0 comments

ian modelling some new headphones =)

- ian, 11:25 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, June 16
sweet justice
for once in the NBA justice is served.. well sorta. the Detroit Pistons beat the LA Lakers in 5 games in the finals today. the lakers blantant salary cap work around seems to have failed. but the pistons mildy-blatant work around suceeded =p i guess the rasheed wallace for nothing trade is the lesser of two evils..

in big news im moving this blog
i have no idea how to do it smoothly
but basically change ur bookmarks to http://bubblemix.net/blog/
but in a few days it should be http://blog.bubblemix.net/ as well.

i cant keep publishing here and there.. i dont think..
so update ur links now!! cos this will probably die sooner than later

- ian, 8:08 pm :: 2 comments

:: Tuesday, June 15
woe day
i awoke this morning.. barely.. and totally didnt feel like going to work. but i knew i had stuff to do (and thats rare for me) so i decided i may as well go while the going is good =)

i felt heaps crap the whole day.. but i was working.. so at least i wasnt bored =) hehe. i lunched with annie and kallie and some other girls that annie knew from about the place. by that time i was feeling pretty hazy... and all i remember is arguing about using the word "either" for more than 2 items in a sentence. in case ur wondering dictionary.com says u can use it for more than 2 items when you use it as a conjuction, but not when you use it as a pronoun or an adjective. ill let u read up on that, before i bore u to death =p

i think i may have lsot my atm card. so annoying.. i have no cash.. i had to borrow a total of $90. $5 of nathan for lunch, $10 off adrian for basketball court fees, and $75 for basketball rego. grr. tempted to cash out my credit card.. but i cant cos i dont know the PIN .. gah!~~

.. in other news: we won basketball tonite. me and hunt both werent gonna play cos we were sickly. but one other guy injured his ribs and didnt turn up, so we had to play.. i played ok. heaps suck jump shooting, but probly my best inside game so far. some boards and some fast break points.. i went 1/2 from the free throw line. but the highlight of the game for me was blocking this guy on a fast break, he was out in front of me but i caught up and got in front of him. he didnt shoot it all that well and i blocked it clean out of bounds. hehe. fear me!! =p

.. also updated links on the side. some new blogs added, some old ones removed. have a look for yourself =p

- ian, 10:19 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, June 14
im so glad the cheat is not dead..
ok twas a long long weekend this weekend.. im totally exhausted atm.. can barely moveness.
okies heres ths short and dirty version..

:: saturday
got up for anime club soccer it was a bit late.. but our game was on tons later than i thought =p it was a pretty decent game for once.. we were matched up the ever-no-show team from mac uni. so we played a game vs the anime club all-stars. it was pretty crazy.. all the best players from other teams.. trying to beat us =p we won 2-0 in the end... i didnt do much =p

as always the cheer squads were more interesting than the games =p the mikey-annie panda squad was in full force.. bolstered by additions of bunny and sheralyn this week. pics can be found here. theres one rather unusual pic of me in there =p. pretty funny though. those kids are hilarious.

onwards to the LAN at hunt's lidcombe abode. it was pretty small, but still pretty cool. not heaps of action going on.. mostly me losing at warcraft3, then hunt and chito trash talking each other up at q3. at abouts 3am we decided to go skating at the lidcombe snake run. it was pretty late and uber frigging cold... but it was jsut kinda getting in the swing of it, so i was soo keen to get back out and hit the park. i can ride it top to bottom now, not convincingly, but im not stacking it or any crap. i jsut need to work on making big turns on the high wall parts.

anyhoo.. after a bit of a thrash down in the carpark, chito in prety mcuh his first skating attempt tried out the shallow parts of the snake run. and was actually doing better than i was at that point in time.. until he went down with his feet not planted straight.. and had was seemed like a minor stack at the time, but he landed heaps bad on his right ankle. he was clutching it and exclaiming profanities for a lil while. we thought it best to head to the local hospital (conviniently its across the street from hunt's place =) the sign in the ER waiting room said "current waiting time: 4 1/2 hours" and we're like "wtf?" but it seemed it was a bluff to scare off ppl or something cos we pretty much went straight in. the nurse was like "what the hell are u doing skating at 4am?" .. hehe

after a bit of discussion, the doc said he should stay overnite and get xrays in the morning. chito was doing alright at this point, pain had subsided. we went back to hunt's and played some tower defence.. till we jsut crawled up and slept.

:: sunday
we were sposed to go see chito come out of xray at 9am-ish.. but i totally overslept by about 3 hours. the other guys went down there.. and at first they thought there was nothing wrong, it was just a sprain. after the second xray the doc is like "uh.. its broken in like a million places and the ligments are torn too" and he was rushed off to surgery. hehe public hospitals. anyways.. he got an adamantium plate put in is ankle and some massive screws too. pretty nasty. he is gonna be out of action for like 6 months which is heaps the suck. hopefully it doesnt put him off skating forever.lotsa ppl came to visit which is cool, some friends, family, and work ppl rocked up. all bearing his beloved strawberry milk =p

anyhoos.. not much else went on this day.. mostly since i missed half the day sleeping. some more tower defence.. then heaps late Mort gave me a ride home.. where i had to shower away 3 days worth of soccer, skating and LANing.. =p

:: monday
i woke up feelin heaps lethargic this morning.. i had to get up and drag my sorry butt down to centennial park for Matt n Betty's engagement party. there was trackwork today.. so it was skate, bus, train, bus, skate jsut to get there.. it was like kinda dehydrating in the sun. the plae was crawling with honkies =p later ill upload this peace-sign pic of matt n betty =p hehe. i was feeling pretty exhausted by the end. i got a lift from zincky back to central. then i killed a bit of time at marketcity. this hot chick working at general pants said she liked my jacket =) hehe

ok im heaps tired.. cant really write anymore...
i went to firsbee.. i was too lethargic to play.. i played heaps crap. but we still won. skate, train, bus, bus, skate on the way home. gah!!..

- ian, 10:17 pm :: 1 comments

:: Friday, June 11
*cough* .. .. errr.
ok i took a day off today.. but i was too sick to do anything anyways =p i probly wouldve taken a sick day anyways =p gah..

um.. let me see

:: wednesday
i finally got my new domain name / hosting thing up and running. yay me .. =p so much troubles though. i highly dont recommend ipowerweb. but its working now.. so im kinda over it. my new website isnt up yet, but u can have a peek at http://bubblemix.net/. hehe. thats some Flash thing i made, its pretty n00b, but im jsut learning...

free email addresses for everyone!! well.. for the first 400 ppl anyways. pop or webmail or forwarding =) have u ever wanted pop@bubblemix.net or spammagnet@bubblemix.net? well nows your chance =) jsut msg me or email me at ian@bubblemix.net =)

:: thursday
work is work.. bleh =p
after work, me and lisa headed to this thai place in newtown which was a million miles from the train station =p a friend of hers was going back to Canada. the restaurant was pretty mad.. cept i was totally sick and felt woosy the whole night =p the ppl were pretty cool =) some ppl she knew from some chinese church in surry hills. it was pouring rain outside.. im so glad i didnt have to go to work today =p hehe

:: friday
today i jsut bummed around and watch NBA. the Finals as Detroit beat LA!! =) and also this old video i had of the 94 eastern conf semis where toni kukoc hit a catch n shoot fadeaway to bea the knicks =) ahh.. the nba was soo good back in those days.

i also spent all day trying to install a webmail client on my hosting. the one that the host provides runs on port 2095.. which is blocked by the firewall at the RBA. so i installed about 50 different ones.. before finding one which worked =p gr.. im disliking php atm...

- ian, 4:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, June 9
acho.. achoo..
ok im a bit lethargic.. so im running behind on my blog.. heres a catch up post

:: monday
player frisbee.. and i had a pretty mad game. scored 5 or 6 times.. and had one huge diving left-handed catch =) i lost some skin of my elbow for that lil stunt. =p we won against pretty convincingly against one of the better teams around. it was a pretty funny game.. we only had one guy sub so i kept trying to get off the field.. but no one wanted to come on =p like we'd play a long point and then id score (i like to come off after i score) then id run over to the sideline, and the other guy is like lying down =p

i went home and learnt some Flash =) .. see previous post.
i was following a tutorial but for some reason it wouldnt work. it kept crashing. after comparing it to bunny's version and the one on the site, i couldnt figure out anything different in mine.. grr. in the end i jsut had to save it downards as a Flash 6 file instead of a Flash 7, and it worked no problems at all.. grr.. stupid Flash crap.. *grumbles*

:: tuesday
i bumped into Paul Johnston today at lunch.. havent seen him in like a million years. he is sorta working near me at the Commbank. probly do lunch sometime.. although we say that so often its lost all meaning =p probly bump into him again in a year =p

after work went to Lidcombe to do some skating at the snake run. it was pretty good. im about 1000 times better than last time i went down there.. im about one or two tic tacs away from riding it top to bottom. i only had one significant stack.. and i whacked my knee and twisted my ankle. ankle is fine now, knee is still a bit sore though.

next was basketball.. and we lost.. grr. the scoreline looked like a blowout, but they werent that much better than us really. they had one guy (number 7) who lit it up from everywhere. i think he missed one shot the whole game. all game nailed threes and swished long twos with a defender right in his face. it was pretty crazy. what was pretty suck was that we had 2 subs, and they had none, but they still out ran us. lack of hussle from us.. and also our sub rotation was terribles.. there was much talk of doin something about it later on. um.. thats all.. oh we got singlets.. but mine is stupidly big for me.. it almost comes down to my knee cos they got all the same size.. grrr..

- ian, 9:49 am :: 0 comments

:: Monday, June 7
*flashes you*
hehe.. ill update this tommolo
been learning flash.. too busy for blogs

heres my first flash thing..

hope u like it =)

- ian, 11:48 pm :: 1 comments

:: Sunday, June 6
i dont know what is, that makes me feel like this. i dont know who you are.. but you must be some kind of superstar..
so im watching this b-grade movie on cable. it stars the australian guy out of coyote ugly leading a bunch of nerds who built this holographic computer which is later stolen by the bald photographer guy out of Just Shoot Me. it was ok.. not totalyl crap.. but cheesy and technically flawed =p but the most interesting thing about this movie is that the guy who played SlappySue in the Parlour was in it. he was jsut an extra but i was like "whoa" .. hehe.

.. later that day i was sposed to go to this snow thing at the Newport Arms for my cousins bday. but i left kinda late.. and i onyl got as far as manly. fridge the ferry is pricey.. $7.50 for the jetcat up and $5.80 for the ferry back. in the end i jsut hung out with lisa and her brother at Manly for a bit.. she wanted to buy some rollerblades.. but ended up not =p the place was packed out with ppl for this food and wine festival. i find crowds annoying .. so many teeny bops around the place.

next i met up with bunny and we went to eat at this tiny lil upstairs korean place. it was ok.. she seemed to love this raw beef and rice thing she had.. mine was ok..=p we ate sitting next to the owners and their family eating dinner =p hehe.. they had this awesome looking hotpot thing.. mm..

next was A Touch of Broadway.. which is this thing run by a usyd club and is a whole bunch of songs from different musicals put together to make some sort of show. some of the solos were pretty cool.. it was overall very enjoyable =) hehe. we were sposed to meet up with hatman who supposedly bought us tickets.. but he never showed up... that dirty piker =p luckily we could still buy some at the door =) coincidently there was this tall asian guy in it.. and everytime he came out all i could think was that he looked like the slappysue guy =p hehe

.. 2nd day in a row i got a lift home =) hehe. my dad was in town to pick up my mum.. who was out at my sister's hens night =) hehe. they wouldnt tell me what they got up to =p

:: sunday
today i did nothing =p
jsut watched the mighty swans defeat the previously undefeated saints.. w00t =)

.. meh..
in other news: ive added a few new blogs to the list on the right (cos the exisiting ones are dropping off faster than dotcoms did a few years back)


- ian, 4:35 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, June 5
omg! he's gonna jump off that?!?!
after a fair DDR session at Galaxyworld, we went to this pretty cool jap restaurant. but we had trouble getting out of there.. somethng about "can i get the bill?" that they couldnt understand =p ended up being a tad late for the Warren Miller Film, but didnt really miss any action. this movie totally kciekd ass! considering how much it was skiing and not snowboarding it was one of the better snow movies ive seen. at one point they were doing slopes which were steeper than 60 degrees!! omg! pretty craziness.

afterwards headed to superbowl with my cousin and co to catch up and stuff. twas pretty funny to trash talk about snowboarding and basketball abilities. hehe. and in the end i got a ride.. which is mad =p so i didnt get home at 4am or any crap like that =p

- ian, 12:44 pm :: 1 comments

:: Friday, June 4
another busy day at work
although i actually did a godo 3 or 4 hours fo work today .. i still had time to do this new top ten list

i was actually working on SQL today.. gasp.. i totally couldnt remember how to do it =p

- ian, 2:48 pm :: 0 comments

love is a doing word
im totally addicted to the song Teardrop by Massive Attack
its haunting and eerie but quite profound.. although i dont really know what it means i can stop playing it...

*puts winamp on endless loop*

- ian, 11:16 am :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, June 3
ok maybe i am the biggest sook in the world.. someone said something about me to me .. and i was heaps cut by it =( i didnt cry.. but i came close. it totally wasnt anything... but it was one of those things that i jsut felt really bad about when i heard it =( pretty lame really.. i try and tell myself i dont care what other ppl think.. that im above that.. . but its a pretty weak attempt. *sigh*

- ian, 7:40 pm :: 2 comments

:: Wednesday, June 2
today i actually did some work at work.. weird =p it was pretty boring tedious work though. i jsut spent the whole day wanting to go home.

lately.. im getting an unusually high number of random icq chats lately.. like not bots! weird.. =p must we something strange going on in the internet..

in other news this is what i did at work today::

two hundred and one
it is unlikely this will be my last list =p

two hundred and two
i wrote this list backwards (from 300 to 201)

two hundred and three
I like knowing how much of a task I have left

two hundred and four
I formatted this list using Excel

two hundred and five
Excel is probly my favourite Microsoft program

two hundred and six
I find im rather itchy a lot

two hundred and seven
I find it hard to sleep with socks on

two hundred and eight
I went thru a phase where I couldn’t fall asleep anywhere cept the lounge room floor

two hundred and nine
I like going to museums and art galleries

two hundred and ten
I don’t claim to know about art. but I know what I think looks nice

two hundred and eleven
I find that a lot of ppl I kinda know (as opposed to knowing well) have read my blog.. even if it was just once

two hundred and twelve
I wish more people had blogs I could read

two hundred and thirteen
I find blogs more fun to read than webcomics

two hundred and fourteen
I like music makes me wanna nod my head or tap my toes

two hundred and fifteen
I like to buy new shoes

two hundred and sixteen
I often want to bake things, but am too lazy to go to the store and buy ingredients

two hundred and seventeen
I enjoy writing these lists more than reading them

two hundred and eighteen
I really wanna go camping again.. like soon!

two hundred and nineteen
i loved growing up in thornleigh

two hundred and twenty
the first money i earnt was washing cars in the local neighbourhood for $3 a car

two hundred and twenty - one
i like candy a lot less than i used to

two hundred and twenty - two
I eat a lot of chocolate bars

two hundred and twenty - three
I think chocolate is overrated

two hundred and twenty - four
i used to be pretty funny when i was a kid

two hundred and twenty - five
my mum thinks that the drawings i did when i was 10 are better than the ones i do now

two hundred and twenty - six
i dont really wanna be rich, i just want to not have to work

two hundred and twenty - seven
not cos i hate work, but cos i reakon theres better things to do in life

two hundred and twenty - eight
im scared of leading a mediocre life

two hundred and twenty - nine
i like being old school

two hundred and thirty
about 364 days a year i dont feel 100% well

two hundred and thirty - one
i like having friends who arent in my regular circle of friends

two hundred and thirty - two
i want to do some volunteer work overseas

two hundred and thirty - three
sometimes i rush home cos i wana play DDR

two hundred and thirty - four
i like to hand code html

two hundred and thirty - five
i have no idea how the internet works

two hundred and thirty - six
i have no idea whats going on at my work

two hundred and thirty - seven
i actually did some work today

two hundred and thirty - eight
i wish i was somewhere else

two hundred and thirty - nine
i enjoy sleeping on the beach

two hundred and forty
i think chipping in for a bday present (or any other present) is sort impersonal

two hundred and forty - one
but it usually results in getting better stuff

two hundred and forty - two
i hate how people are always so non-commital to stuff like snowtrips.

two hundred and forty - three
i have a bottle of Cointreau and a bottle of Galliano on my desk at work

two hundred and forty - four
im not as good at DDR as i say i am

two hundred and forty - five
i hate using MS Word

two hundred and forty - six
i think Internet Explorer is a spyware magnet

two hundred and forty - seven
i think the new big brother is the stupidest show ive ever seen (and i have cable tv...)

two hundred and forty - eight
i think australian ppl are stupid and are too easily swayed by media hype

two hundred and forty - nine
i take friggin forever to get over things

two hundred and fifty
i tend to dwell on things a lot

two hundred and fifty - one
the first movie i ever hired from a video store was Back to the Future Part II

two hundred and fifty - two
Daria is still one of my all time favouritest shows

two hundred and fifty - three
i used to collect phonecards

two hundred and fifty - four
i dont like site seeing nearly as much as i thought i did

two hundred and fifty - five
i think tv and the internet have kinda killed site seeing

two hundred and fifty - six
in hindsight, i was heaps of a jerk to my last gf

two hundred and fifty - seven
i still have every bday, xmas and valentines card ive ever been given

two hundred and fifty - eight
i like the lyrics to the song Comfortable by John Mayer but i dont really like the song

two hundred and fifty - nine
i reakon i could kick ur ass in a fight

two hundred and sixty
occasionally i feel like getting trashed like i used to do in the old days

two hundred and sixty - one
i hate it when say things they dont mean

two hundred and sixty - two
i wish i could get an article, drawing or comic published one day

two hundred and sixty - three
i like to be a journalist

two hundred and sixty - four
im a lot tougher than people think i am

two hundred and sixty - five
i hate how long it takes me to get to and from work everyday

two hundred and sixty - six
i hate how ppl are so suspicious of a guy and a girl being close friends.

two hundred and sixty - seven
i dont read books unless i already know they are going to be awesome

two hundred and sixty - eight
im not very good at my job, but people at my work think i am

two hundred and sixty - nine
i usually only drink softdrinks cos they come out of vending machines and im desperate for a drink

two hundred and seventy
i wish i knew someone who just wanted to travel the world with me

two hundred and seventy - one
i wouldnt mind being prime minister one day

two hundred and seventy - two
im a loyal Sydney Swans fan

two hundred and seventy - three
im a bandwagoning Sydney Kings fan

two hundred and seventy - four
sometimes i feel that Sydney is suffocating me

two hundred and seventy - five
im scared of driving and i had a nightmare about it last nite

two hundred and seventy - six
i think im a bit idealistic

two hundred and seventy - seven
i dont understand why people smoke

two hundred and seventy - eight
i dont really understand why people spend so much money on their sound system.

two hundred and seventy - nine
i like to make bday cards and xmas cards for people

two hundred and eighty
at work my 17" screen is set at 1600x1200 res.. and no one can read whats on my screen.

two hundred and eighty - one
i often like a girl cos i think she likes me

two hundred and eighty - two
just cos i think a girl is hot doesnt mean i "like" her...

two hundred and eighty - three
i think a lot of girls are hot

two hundred and eighty - four
im more of a follower than a leader

two hundred and eighty - five
i get frustrated at my own laziness

two hundred and eighty - six
more often than not my procrastination is a result of my ludicrously short attention span

two hundred and eighty - seven
i like the word "ludicrous"

two hundred and eighty - eight
i like using words repeatedly until other ppl incorporate it into their vocabulary

two hundred and eighty - nine
i often pick up words from other people

two hundred and ninety
i have horribly bad teeth.. they hurt when i eat ice cream or caramel

two hundred and ninety - one
i have more than once eaten krispy kremes until i felt sick

two hundred and ninety - two
i did today

two hundred and ninety - three
i have at least a couple of hundred dollars worth of unclaimed medicare receipts at home.

two hundred and ninety - four
in first year uni i lost my wallet 3 times

two hundred and ninety - five
in high school basketball i was a feared 3 point shooter

two hundred and ninety - six
now im lucky to hit a 5 foot jump shot on a good day

two hundred and ninety - seven
i reakon my basketball ability is about 80% athleticism, 10% skill and 10% experience

two hundred and ninety - eight
i really like milk tea

two hundred and ninety - nine
i reakon i could write a 100 list for lotsa other ppl

three hundred
i have wayy too much spare time at work.

- ian, 8:32 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, June 1

ok a wrap up of today..
i lunched today with corina, richard and jason @ mlc. i see those guys like never.. so it was pretty cool to catch up and all that jazz. we're all jsut working chumps.. slaves to the corporation.. *sigh*.. i went to Rebel afterwards and got a pair of tear-off trackpants for basketball =) after walking home in the freezing cold after frisbee, i figured it was a good investment =)

.. basketball comp was on after work. we rocekd up kinda early.. but its better than rocking up late as we did last time. we played this team which was pretty much full of old guys. we ended up winning by heaps.. some of the referee calls were pretty controversial.. but since we were up by heaps no one really complained all that much. a few times i got grabbed or pushed on rebounds right in front of the ref.. and he just goes "meh". i got to the free throw line twice and i choked like Nick Anderson in the '95 NBA Finals. they all felt like they were bricks as soon as they left my hand.. it was pretty ugly. i did hit a 3 in the game though.. so i didnt feel too bad. i figure im not gonna be making too many of those this season =p

on the way home the goomba at the train station kept tellign me the train was coming in 5 mins.. but id jsut seen a train leave .. and trains never come every 5 mins on my line. luckily i had Final Fantasy.. so i kinda lose track of time =p

ill leave u with Call My Name (english version) from the ever-present Brilliant Green.

So take my hand
And lead me to that place
Don't waste your time
Just another pretty face

Now don't you know
You're meant to be with me
I'm waiting yeah
For you to call my name

If this is how it was meant to be
I don't care, anything is OK
Only thing about it
I just wanna know
How I can kill time

Baby, the moment you said goodbye
In the light of the day in a clear blue sky
On my cheek fell a single drop of rain

A thousand sighs
So slow, the time goes by
It's such a drag
You know i'm getting tired

One drop of rain became an ocean
And in my tears I'm drowning
I'm begging now
For you to call my name

The pain of a lifetime in just a day
Cried and cried for what seems forever
How could you do this to me?
What did I do?
Want your love again

Baby, this whirlpool of emptiness
Has got me spinning 'round so fast I'm on my knees
I never knew that the water could be so deep

The further I fall down into the emptiness
Rays of the sun we call love just fade away
If you care anymore baby call my name

I love you, love you, love you baby
I want you, want you, want you back again

Baby, the moment you said goodbye
In the middle of the day in the clear blue sky
On my cheek fell a single drop of rain

Now as I fall down into the emptiness
Rays of the sun we call love fading away
If you care anymore baby call my name

baby baby
call me baby
please baby, wont you save me
oh baby
come back baby
please baby, i need your love baby

- ian, 11:37 pm :: 0 comments

September 2002. October 2002. December 2002. January 2003. February 2003. March 2003. April 2003. May 2003. June 2003. July 2003. August 2003. September 2003. October 2003. November 2003. December 2003. January 2004. February 2004. March 2004. April 2004. May 2004. June 2004. July 2004. August 2004. September 2004. October 2004. November 2004. December 2004. January 2005. February 2005. March 2005. April 2005. May 2005. June 2005. July 2005. August 2005. September 2005. October 2005. November 2005. December 2005. January 2006. February 2006. March 2006. April 2006. May 2006. June 2006. July 2006. August 2006. September 2006. October 2006. November 2006. December 2006. January 2007. February 2007. March 2007. April 2007. May 2007. June 2007. July 2007. August 2007. October 2007. January 2008. February 2008. March 2008. April 2008. May 2008. June 2008. July 2008. September 2008. December 2008.

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