:: Sunday, June 27
snow snow revolution
i pretty much went straight to the snow on friday nite from work. twas a pretty uneventful road trip mostly invovled me sleeping. we made pretty good time getting there before midnite. we kinda got a lil bit lsot since we had no idea where it was other than some vague directions which i had memorised from earlier in the day =p we almost ran over a few kangaroos and a rabbit whilst drivign down the wrong road in the pitch blackness. finally we found the place, it was this guesthouse owned by a nice lady by the name of Heidi. we ended up having to crash on the floor cos the beds were taken, but it was warm at least =p Heidi's place was mad though, it was like this wooden cabin sorta looking place but with all sorts of unique trinkets scattered about the place. also had these weird sea urchin shaped exercise ball things. good massage tools after a long day out snowboarding =)

anyhoos.. how was the snow i hear u ask .. in a word: awesome! it was about twice as good as the best snow ive ever seen in australia before. but thats not really saying much =p remember that this is June snow in australia, pretty rare even on the best of of seasons. but it was better than august snow normally is. crazy. i lost everyone at the top of the lift before we'd even done one run.. so i was cruising around by myself for a while. which is probly for the best since id pretty much forgotten how to snowboard, it was pretty silly.. i was losing my edge all over the place.. but i figured out how to snowboard again after a few runs. i hung out at ridge chair area of blue cow most of the morning cos its riddled with black runs are never normally opened. it was pretty cool.. and cos its so early in the season there was hardly any people about =)

hung out with nathan and his boys in the afternoon jsut doing some cool boarding action.. its a nice change from the woebag skiiers im normally at the snow with =p i didnt get a chance to go to Mt Perisher which was pretty disappointing cos it was apparently rockin.

dinner at Marios at nite. hunt went on and on about this calzone he was getting.. *shrugs*. i ordered a very average chicken caesar salad and a diet coke (gotta watch those calories). on the big screen we saw the wallabies walk all over the poms in the rugby. rich (my boss, who is from the uk) wasnt pleased. my cousin rang me to ask if i wanted to buy some Thredbo lift passes off him, he'd hurt his leg on the first day of a 2 day lift pass. they somehow managed to take their passes off and sold them to us for a rather discounted $50 each =)

:: sunday
got up to a very substantial brekkie that heidi made. juice, tea, cereal, toast, scrambled eggs... mmm. we werent in a massive hurry so it was all so good. since we got home early and every1 was asleep we totally got about 9 hours sleep.. which is rare on a snow trip. went to thredbo and i boarded with rich in the morning. the top of the mountain was heaps goodness. but the bottom of the mountain was typically thredbo =p spent a while in cruising speed with a few jumps off bumps here and there =)

we ventured of this massive traverse along the top of the mountain in search of soft soft powder and we were pleasantly rewarded a number of times.. so fresh untracked snow goodness. after rich left i headed to the supertrail for a while, this old ski dood on the lift showed me how to get to this place which had fresh cover every run due to wind blown snow. so windy, but so nice still. the supertrail is bloody long.. even though the top wasnt open, its still like 3km to the bottom and my legs are pretty sore by then. there were hardly any ppl about, so i could prety much go as fast as i liked and make any kind of turns i wanted without having to worry about innocent bystanders =p

.. lastly was the trip home. we made it back in record time or something. 5hours 15mins back to thornleigh with 2 stops on the way.

yawn.. so tired.
i promise to write more intersting blogs in future..

- ian, 11:59 pm ::

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