:: Wednesday, June 30
its days like these..
meh work = teh boring as always..

basketball was on tonite, our schedule said the game was at 6:40pm.. but when we turned up, the guy says we're not playing till 8:55 and told us to go away. kinda weird, and he said the schedule hasnt changed. anyways.. we start shooting around cos we're bored and we think we have 2 hours to kill. and the same guy says our game is starting now (6:40) .. wtf? so we jsut played.

the game was pretty weird. we were matching them for about 10 mins. i went to the bench with the score at 7-7. i came back on a while later and the score was 17-7 .. and at halftime the score was 37-7. pretty crazy. scoring-wise i had a good game with 11 points (only 4 of which were fast breaks =). i also hit a 3-pointer. i had a lot of turnovers though.. and i also played crap defence. we ended up only losing by 32 points.. which means we almost matched them in the second half. still a bit embarassment =p

anyhoos whilst im here at work doing nothing, i figure i might analyse my basketball transition from streetball to comp basketball. we've played 5 or 6 games now.. but how have i faired? ive broken it down into rough categories and rated how i think im doing::

:: scoring (8/10)
this is pretty much the same. mostly scoring from layups and short leaners around the basket. i get a lot of points from fast breaks (which there arent really any of in halfcourt streetball) mostly just cos i run fast, but sometimes cos i cheat on defence. ive actualyl hit a few 3's which i rarely attempt in streetball. my free-throw shooting in comp has been terrible. i think im something like 2 from 10. i could probly take more shots, not many guys in this comp so far can guard me off the dribble. although some jsut send me to the line, which is as good as blocking me =p

:: defence (6/10)
my defence in comp is heaps more crap. probly cos i being heaps cautious to not foul. i seem to rack up between 3 and 4 fouls a game which is pretty bad (considering u foul out at 5), although im yet to foul out. i still get a lot of steals, but ive only had one block so far, whereas in streetball i used to get heaps.

:: rebounding (2/10)
im heaps suck at rebounding in comp. i think its partially cos the guys are taller in general and partially cos i play at the top in the zone defence. in uts streetball i was a mad rebounder, in comp i pretty much jsut get the long rebounds after i miss my free throws really badly =p i have had quite a few tips where i knock the ball to a teamate though.

:: passing (3/10)
ok in streetball i was a fancy-ass passer lots of no-look passes and drive and dish plays, but in comp i cant pass for crap. i jsut turn it over heaps, im not really sure why. possibly cos of the zone defence that most teams play. i have heaps less poise in comp and i tend to panic a bit so i just shoot whereas in streetball id make a pass to some guy under the ring.

:: ball skills (6/10)
i was never really that good at this. but i suck heaps in comp probly cos theres more guys on the court to sneak up behind and steal the ball.. and also cos i got called for a few travels and double dribbles in the early games so i tend to not be able to dribble unless im thinking heaps hard about it. ive only had the ball taken off me a few times though.

- ian, 3:50 pm ::

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