:: Wednesday, June 2
today i actually did some work at work.. weird =p it was pretty boring tedious work though. i jsut spent the whole day wanting to go home.

lately.. im getting an unusually high number of random icq chats lately.. like not bots! weird.. =p must we something strange going on in the internet..

in other news this is what i did at work today::

two hundred and one
it is unlikely this will be my last list =p

two hundred and two
i wrote this list backwards (from 300 to 201)

two hundred and three
I like knowing how much of a task I have left

two hundred and four
I formatted this list using Excel

two hundred and five
Excel is probly my favourite Microsoft program

two hundred and six
I find im rather itchy a lot

two hundred and seven
I find it hard to sleep with socks on

two hundred and eight
I went thru a phase where I couldn’t fall asleep anywhere cept the lounge room floor

two hundred and nine
I like going to museums and art galleries

two hundred and ten
I don’t claim to know about art. but I know what I think looks nice

two hundred and eleven
I find that a lot of ppl I kinda know (as opposed to knowing well) have read my blog.. even if it was just once

two hundred and twelve
I wish more people had blogs I could read

two hundred and thirteen
I find blogs more fun to read than webcomics

two hundred and fourteen
I like music makes me wanna nod my head or tap my toes

two hundred and fifteen
I like to buy new shoes

two hundred and sixteen
I often want to bake things, but am too lazy to go to the store and buy ingredients

two hundred and seventeen
I enjoy writing these lists more than reading them

two hundred and eighteen
I really wanna go camping again.. like soon!

two hundred and nineteen
i loved growing up in thornleigh

two hundred and twenty
the first money i earnt was washing cars in the local neighbourhood for $3 a car

two hundred and twenty - one
i like candy a lot less than i used to

two hundred and twenty - two
I eat a lot of chocolate bars

two hundred and twenty - three
I think chocolate is overrated

two hundred and twenty - four
i used to be pretty funny when i was a kid

two hundred and twenty - five
my mum thinks that the drawings i did when i was 10 are better than the ones i do now

two hundred and twenty - six
i dont really wanna be rich, i just want to not have to work

two hundred and twenty - seven
not cos i hate work, but cos i reakon theres better things to do in life

two hundred and twenty - eight
im scared of leading a mediocre life

two hundred and twenty - nine
i like being old school

two hundred and thirty
about 364 days a year i dont feel 100% well

two hundred and thirty - one
i like having friends who arent in my regular circle of friends

two hundred and thirty - two
i want to do some volunteer work overseas

two hundred and thirty - three
sometimes i rush home cos i wana play DDR

two hundred and thirty - four
i like to hand code html

two hundred and thirty - five
i have no idea how the internet works

two hundred and thirty - six
i have no idea whats going on at my work

two hundred and thirty - seven
i actually did some work today

two hundred and thirty - eight
i wish i was somewhere else

two hundred and thirty - nine
i enjoy sleeping on the beach

two hundred and forty
i think chipping in for a bday present (or any other present) is sort impersonal

two hundred and forty - one
but it usually results in getting better stuff

two hundred and forty - two
i hate how people are always so non-commital to stuff like snowtrips.

two hundred and forty - three
i have a bottle of Cointreau and a bottle of Galliano on my desk at work

two hundred and forty - four
im not as good at DDR as i say i am

two hundred and forty - five
i hate using MS Word

two hundred and forty - six
i think Internet Explorer is a spyware magnet

two hundred and forty - seven
i think the new big brother is the stupidest show ive ever seen (and i have cable tv...)

two hundred and forty - eight
i think australian ppl are stupid and are too easily swayed by media hype

two hundred and forty - nine
i take friggin forever to get over things

two hundred and fifty
i tend to dwell on things a lot

two hundred and fifty - one
the first movie i ever hired from a video store was Back to the Future Part II

two hundred and fifty - two
Daria is still one of my all time favouritest shows

two hundred and fifty - three
i used to collect phonecards

two hundred and fifty - four
i dont like site seeing nearly as much as i thought i did

two hundred and fifty - five
i think tv and the internet have kinda killed site seeing

two hundred and fifty - six
in hindsight, i was heaps of a jerk to my last gf

two hundred and fifty - seven
i still have every bday, xmas and valentines card ive ever been given

two hundred and fifty - eight
i like the lyrics to the song Comfortable by John Mayer but i dont really like the song

two hundred and fifty - nine
i reakon i could kick ur ass in a fight

two hundred and sixty
occasionally i feel like getting trashed like i used to do in the old days

two hundred and sixty - one
i hate it when say things they dont mean

two hundred and sixty - two
i wish i could get an article, drawing or comic published one day

two hundred and sixty - three
i like to be a journalist

two hundred and sixty - four
im a lot tougher than people think i am

two hundred and sixty - five
i hate how long it takes me to get to and from work everyday

two hundred and sixty - six
i hate how ppl are so suspicious of a guy and a girl being close friends.

two hundred and sixty - seven
i dont read books unless i already know they are going to be awesome

two hundred and sixty - eight
im not very good at my job, but people at my work think i am

two hundred and sixty - nine
i usually only drink softdrinks cos they come out of vending machines and im desperate for a drink

two hundred and seventy
i wish i knew someone who just wanted to travel the world with me

two hundred and seventy - one
i wouldnt mind being prime minister one day

two hundred and seventy - two
im a loyal Sydney Swans fan

two hundred and seventy - three
im a bandwagoning Sydney Kings fan

two hundred and seventy - four
sometimes i feel that Sydney is suffocating me

two hundred and seventy - five
im scared of driving and i had a nightmare about it last nite

two hundred and seventy - six
i think im a bit idealistic

two hundred and seventy - seven
i dont understand why people smoke

two hundred and seventy - eight
i dont really understand why people spend so much money on their sound system.

two hundred and seventy - nine
i like to make bday cards and xmas cards for people

two hundred and eighty
at work my 17" screen is set at 1600x1200 res.. and no one can read whats on my screen.

two hundred and eighty - one
i often like a girl cos i think she likes me

two hundred and eighty - two
just cos i think a girl is hot doesnt mean i "like" her...

two hundred and eighty - three
i think a lot of girls are hot

two hundred and eighty - four
im more of a follower than a leader

two hundred and eighty - five
i get frustrated at my own laziness

two hundred and eighty - six
more often than not my procrastination is a result of my ludicrously short attention span

two hundred and eighty - seven
i like the word "ludicrous"

two hundred and eighty - eight
i like using words repeatedly until other ppl incorporate it into their vocabulary

two hundred and eighty - nine
i often pick up words from other people

two hundred and ninety
i have horribly bad teeth.. they hurt when i eat ice cream or caramel

two hundred and ninety - one
i have more than once eaten krispy kremes until i felt sick

two hundred and ninety - two
i did today

two hundred and ninety - three
i have at least a couple of hundred dollars worth of unclaimed medicare receipts at home.

two hundred and ninety - four
in first year uni i lost my wallet 3 times

two hundred and ninety - five
in high school basketball i was a feared 3 point shooter

two hundred and ninety - six
now im lucky to hit a 5 foot jump shot on a good day

two hundred and ninety - seven
i reakon my basketball ability is about 80% athleticism, 10% skill and 10% experience

two hundred and ninety - eight
i really like milk tea

two hundred and ninety - nine
i reakon i could write a 100 list for lotsa other ppl

three hundred
i have wayy too much spare time at work.

- ian, 8:32 pm ::

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