:: Monday, June 28
its like that and thats the way it is
ok this blog is in two parts the diary part and the rant part. i duno why. i jsut feel like it =p

:: diary
total tiredness today at work. after getting home from the snow pretty late i wasnt exactly running on all cylinders on monday morning =p heaps boring at work anyways.. msotly jsut talking about old school hip hop like NWA, Beastie Boys, Run DMC =)

went to frisbee after work. we owned it up pretty hard. i played ok. score 3 or 4 i think. i had a few figertip catches go down which is a bit disappointing, cos if i was jsut an inch taller i wouldve had those. i played pretty good d though so that sorta makes up for it. dispite seeing Supersize me, i had maccas on the way home and i wasnt under and delusions that it was in any way healthy. i bumped into matt on the train cos he'd jsut finished work =p i think i also saw Ryan Holland.. but i didnt talk to him. no idea what he's doing nowadays. some sort of scam id assume =p

when i got home i decided to reformat my malfunctioning computer. so i wasted a coupla hours reinstalling win2k and guess what? it was still broken.. grrr... can anyone help me? my internet wont work, but my network card works. it jsut cant connect to the DHCP server for some reason =( im such a puter n00b. i havent been online at home for like 4 days now. thats weird. it doesnt look like i will be online any time soon either.. i feel lost without icq or msn..

in other news: i need to write a speech for my sister's wedding on saturday.. eep! totally havent started...

:: rant
this could also be called the angsty section.. cos its mostly me bitching about stuff =p anyhoos heres a few thoughts...

ive been known to call pretty much everyone a snob.. but the other day someone said that i was a snob.. it was totally cut. i like to think i can make time for anyone who wants any of my time. in a recent unofficial ranking system, i was rated 2nd lowest for anti-social behaviour (despite being constantly labelled a piker), which means im at least trying.. but apparently im more reactive and not proactive. like whilse i talk to ppl when they talk to me.. i dont go out of my way to contact ppl and initialise conversation. *shrugs* maybe i am a snob =p someone said to me the other day that she thought i was unapproachable in real life. apparently im one of the cool popular kids so she could only talk to me online... funny, i dont feel cool or popular =p also funny coming from a BIT hehe. i think i usually try, bit i just kinda give up heaps easily .. im pretty apathetic nowadays. meh.. last friday i was invited to 3 different dinners.. (none of which i went to cos i was at the snow) but it totally didnt bother me at all that i missed them (not jsut cos the snow was awesome). basically i dont find big gatehreings heaps fun.. i prefer jsut hanging out with small groups. like 4 or less is nice. one on one is the besto though.. cos u cant ever get ignored .. unless ur hanging out with a jerk =p

- ian, 11:59 pm ::

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