:: Tuesday, June 22
dont touch me, cos im electric. and if you touch me, you'll get shocked..
ok i managed to buy some blades and a skateboard off ebay today =p both for about $60 each. which is a bargain (assuming i dont get ripped off by some dodgey ebay seller =p) im pretty excited cos my skateboard is heaps thrashed.. and i havent had skates since i was about 10. i got some blades with a grind plate in the middle ... eep! *predicts ian breaking his wrist in the near future*

.. anyhoos on to basketball...
we played this athletic but n00b team. at the start we played totally crap. and the score was 0-0 after 10 mins =p so embarassment. but it wasnt all bad, cos they had racked up 7 fouls by then. and only 13 mins into the game one of their doods fouled out. and they had no subs. so they played with only 4 guys for most of the game. and only 3 guys for some of the game.

we ended up winning, but we probly shouldnt have.. cos we played terribly. im pretty sure i scored a career high of something like 13 points. maybe 15 even. but almost all of them we fast break points after we tired them out =p i went 1-6 from the free throw line... the horror continues.. *sigh*. the highlight of the game for me was what i like to call the Karl Malone move. basically a guy tries to shoot or pump fake, but then i swipe at the ball and knock it out of bounds off his hand or leg. hehe. i did it left handed, and i wasnt really even trying to do it. i was trying to play frisbee defence on him and stop him passing it =p

- ian, 11:59 pm ::

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