:: Tuesday, June 15
woe day
i awoke this morning.. barely.. and totally didnt feel like going to work. but i knew i had stuff to do (and thats rare for me) so i decided i may as well go while the going is good =)

i felt heaps crap the whole day.. but i was working.. so at least i wasnt bored =) hehe. i lunched with annie and kallie and some other girls that annie knew from about the place. by that time i was feeling pretty hazy... and all i remember is arguing about using the word "either" for more than 2 items in a sentence. in case ur wondering dictionary.com says u can use it for more than 2 items when you use it as a conjuction, but not when you use it as a pronoun or an adjective. ill let u read up on that, before i bore u to death =p

i think i may have lsot my atm card. so annoying.. i have no cash.. i had to borrow a total of $90. $5 of nathan for lunch, $10 off adrian for basketball court fees, and $75 for basketball rego. grr. tempted to cash out my credit card.. but i cant cos i dont know the PIN .. gah!~~

.. in other news: we won basketball tonite. me and hunt both werent gonna play cos we were sickly. but one other guy injured his ribs and didnt turn up, so we had to play.. i played ok. heaps suck jump shooting, but probly my best inside game so far. some boards and some fast break points.. i went 1/2 from the free throw line. but the highlight of the game for me was blocking this guy on a fast break, he was out in front of me but i caught up and got in front of him. he didnt shoot it all that well and i blocked it clean out of bounds. hehe. fear me!! =p

.. also updated links on the side. some new blogs added, some old ones removed. have a look for yourself =p

- ian, 10:19 pm ::

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