you cant get ye flask
ok i had to wake up at normal work time on a weekend.. *yawn* so sleepy... hehe. i got up and put on my school uniform.. and headed out to Olympic Park (i skated through bicentennial park) for the start of the Scavenger Hunt. seems like we were the only group to dress up in a proper costume. so we looked kinda silly.. but at the same time kinda cool.
we were heaps much crap at following the clues.. mostly cos at the start we had no idea what was going on.. and thus we just followed the other groups to get check points. =p but after the first 3 we figured out how the clues worked and we were getting out own check points =) hehe. there was one which was like on top of a hill.. so i ended up running up every hill in homebush bay pretty much.. but i obviously missed one, cos we didnt get that one =p it was pretty fun.. the organisation was about a million times better than anything ive ever organised. the funny thing was that it was dubbed a "scavenger hunt" but in the end she forgot to hand out the scavenger lists.. =p so it was more like a car rally (like race around the world.. cept in sydney's inner west only). it was still fun though. there were some extra side quests like trivia and a coloring in competition.. but the "tear a mintie wrapper to as long as u can" competition was marred by blantant cheat-age as my 160cm one was beated out by 2 other groups who used scissors to make stupidly long ones. i guess that serves me right for playing byt he rules.. next year im totally letting down someone's tires. i mean it never specifically says i can do it.. therefore it must be allowed. (note: that was their jsutification for using scissors).
in the end we realised it was totally rigged so we didnt even bother to stay for the prizes and the announcement of the winners. this race jsut proved that cheaters always prosper cos nice guys finish last. not that im bitter or anything.. i mean all we lost was like an inflatable hat or some crap...
.. moving on...
we left to go to see
Supersize Me at burwood cinemas. after a large amount of seriously discussion on social issues on
the board i was a lil dubious cos some ppl who'd seen it had made it out to be heaps earth-shattering n stuff. but to tell u the truth there wasnt heaps in there i didnt know already. the movie was made really well and the guy in it was pretty funny. he got across his point by being clever and without being over the top or exaggerating heaps or sensationalising his findings. yeh it was stupid to eat maccas every meal of everyday.. and yes most normal ppl will stop when they feel ill and stuff.. but it showed how nasty fast food can be.
there was one interesting point by some guy he interviewd (i forget who) who was saying how its socially acceptable to tell a smoker to stop smoking cos its damaging their lungs.. but its not acceptable to tell a fat person to eat less big macs.. cos its damaging their liver (amoung other things). and there is no difference really.. but if u say that to a fat person ur being a jerk. although i spose there are other factors to why ppl are overweight.. its still deemed to be mean if u tell a fat guy to go get some exercise.. even though he probly should.
hehe also there was this rather slender looking fellow who had eaten 19,000 big mas in his life and ate an average of 2 big macs a day in his life. he was pretty funny.. he did love his big macs.
.. meh..
im still gonna eat maccas though.. cos seriously its not that much worse than the other food out there. i mean if ur stupid enough to think that food is good for u, then i wonder how u get by from day to day with other difficult tasks like tying your own shoes n stuff.
.. skated home after.. brr.. twas freezing.. omg!
so tired.. gonna sleep till midday..