:: Monday, May 31
/me falls asleep
another uber-boring day in the RBA today.. i pretty much jsut fell asleep all day. i got ditched for lunch by Corina.. so i resorted to Final Fantasy Tactics and walking around the place for lunch. the rest of the day was basically me wishing i had something to do (so i could procrastinate from it) .. procrastination is totally not fun if its all u have to do =p

after work was frisbee.. and basically it was freezing.. my fingers were numb, making it rather hard to catch the disc or throw it for that matter. i played an ok game. the other team had 7 girls and 5 guys. so they were playing 4 girls and 3 guys on the field.. and we had to match them. in ultimate frisbee the team on offence gets to choose the lineup.. and u are on offence after the other team scores.. but we jumped out to an 11-0 lead.. which means we didnt get a chance to change the lineup =p the team we played was the Orphans team.. which is like the people who dont have a team.. so it was full of n00bs. in the end our coach told us to un-obviously not play defence.. so they would get to score.. so many chances and so many dropped .. hehe. they eventually did score =) they seemed to enjoy it anyways, which is cool =)

i walked home.. it was fricking freezing.. *shivers*

- ian, 9:55 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, May 30
my mother told me not to stay out so late
i was pretty much stuck home sick all day today.. i got home uber-late yesterday and caught a cold on the way back. it gets awfully chilly at thorneleigh at 3am.

anyhoos heres a wrap up of the weekend..

:: friday
i officially have no life.. jsut stayed home and played DDR on a friday nite. i was sposed to go to annies for some dinner party, but i thought id get home too late.. in the end i stayed up playing literati till 2am-ish.. that made it a struggle to get up for soccer the next morning..

:: saturady
barely got up early for soccer, i was late and had to rush out the door, i managed to skate to the station in 7 mins =) hehe.

anyhoos it was the much hyped up battle between UTS and UNSW anime clubs.. but in the end we pretty much dominated it. well not so much me as much as our team. by the end they stole one of our plays by using the turtle defence hehe.. but the highlight of the game was the mikey and annie panda cheer squad =) hehe. the bestest cheering ive seen ever!

.. do do do.. afterwards we went to maccas for psot game happy meals =) it was pretty crazyness.. cos we went to parra westfields where there are 3 McDonalds in the one building and despite instructions which supposedly made sense.. people ended up at each of the 3 diff ones =p we jsut chilled out and talked about crap as ppl do.. bitched about stuff..

... afterwards we headed to hunt's place to play singstar.. which is this new karaoke game where u get scored on pitch and timing. its pretty cool.. i totally cant sing.. although i did have an awfully sore throat.. it was pretty fun anyways.

.. we were off to phil's bday dinner thing, but we were uber-early (for a change) so we jsut sat in chitos car and sat and bitched about people and went on about stuff that we hated. did that for like 2 hours.. then decided we probly should move =p

we sat around inside the bank hotel for a bit to chill out and have half price cocktails =) the smoke was killing me... but we next headed to some random Thai place along the main road in newtown. it was ok-ish.. nothing spectacular, but the service was pretty good =)

afterwards we headed to some bar.. the zanzibar.. or something like that.. my lungs felt like they need to have the crap beaten out of them a bit more =p i basically sat there and choked for a few hours before id had enough =p we ended up deciding to do nothing.. so we dispersed and chito gave me a ride to the stn.. i played final fantasy tactics ont he way home.. then skated home and caught a nasty cold.. grr.. i need to move out.. *sigh*

- ian, 7:39 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, May 27
soo much icing...
so anyhoos the new Wynyard Krispy Kremes opened yesterday.. i wasnt that game to go, but i went this morning =) hehe at about 10-ish. i was in and out of there in 18 mins. which is a pretty good time compared to other KK stores. i swear those donuts are totally evil.. cant stop eating.. *clutches tummy* i ate half a box today.. ill probly eat the second half tommolo =p

i was like falling asleep at work so i totally ran out the door at 5pm on the dot pretty much. i was gonna rush home, but on the way i bumped into Brendan.. from school.. who i hadnt seen in like a year. turns out he is doing nite shift surveying work in the city.. also he is getting married on the same day as my sister =) we basically stood on the side of the road and talked for more than an hour =) hehe. whilst there i bumped into Yuki who was rushing off home and also my sister who was rushing off to this Women in engineering thing on at Town Hall. pretty good day for bumping into ppl =) hehe

- ian, 11:26 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, May 26
a new template
ok.. i made a new template.. as u can probly already see =p

this is called the red shoe theme.. thats one of my infamous converse all stars.. sitting a pile of junk in my living room. i was jsut playing with photoshop, and i thought thatd make a nice template =p im thinking of re-taking the photo to have a basketball in it somewhere... anyhoo its been almost a year since the icchanosaur one went up so its about due for a change.

id like some feedback on the template.. ive been told it needs more contrast for the text... it looks fine on my monitor though =p hehe

- ian, 11:41 pm :: 2 comments

due to me getting home rather late nowadays.. i keep ending a backlogs of blogs.. i end up writing yesterday's blog at work so i can either change the date of the post.. or jsut have everything one day out of sync. im not really sure which i prefer atm..

anyhoos.. at lunch today.. or yesterday.. or um.. lets jsut say lunch on Tuesday. i had to go and buy some long soccer socks for soccer.. and also frisbee. it was suprisingly difficult to find a pair of plain black socks.. theyre all branded with "im a consumer whore" logos on them like nike and umbro.. or some crap. anyways i got some no name brand black and white socks which seem ok.

on the way back to the office i bumped into Minh Tran.. the girl one.. (like girl-type ranma sorta). totally havent seen her for ages.. she was lunching with some other ppl in her year who ive seen before but never met.. and still havent met. =p seems ppl dont introduce other ppl to each other nowadays. she happened to mention she was reading my blog that day.. hehe.. i had no idea.. i really like finding out that people read my blog.. it makes it feel less like a waste of time =p i decided to have a read of hers featuring the lovely Ayumi Hamasaki ^_^; hehe. when i have time, i might add it to my "list of blogs that are dead or are never updated" which sits on the menu on the right hand side =p although it seems she actually updates hers once in a while.. so i might actually have a blog which isnt mine to read =p

afterwork was the first game of the basketball season.. i was sposed to meet up with hunt at redfern.. but i totally blacked out or something and overshot it to sydenham .. im such a train n00b. anyways we eventually got there at 6:56pm.. and the game started at 7pm and he had rego n stuff to do =p eep.. hehe also we had to meet our team as well .. it all went ok though. it seems the whole comp is pretty disorganised. anyways the first half went ok.. we were up 15-12.. and thinking we had a good chance to win.. but in the second half we out scored them 33-4 (no thats not a typo) .. so we ran out winners by 48-16 .. which is pretty crazy.. cos this is grading round.. *fingers crossed we dotn get put in Div1*. the team we played against was heaps n00b though, they were mostly high school kids.. and we jsut killed them on the fast breaks... all they really had was jump shots, and they werent really dropping. but in any case it was good to win first up =p

kinda walked home in the rain.. but thats ok i spose.. i need to figure out a better way to carry all the crap i have home.. hrms..

- ian, 11:38 am :: 1 comments

:: Tuesday, May 25
too sickly for frisbee
i woke up on monday feeling uber sickly.. and my mum told me to stay home. but i wanted to play frisbee.. hehe.. although once i went to play frisbee.. even though i was too sick to go to work =p

anyways.. i actually did a fair amount of work on monday.. maybe 4 hours worth.. which is about 3 and a half hours more work than i usually do =p and i tell ya.. the days go soo fast when u actualyl do work.. it feels like nothing.. then i look at the clock and its 5pm already =) hehe.. so this is what its like to have a real job... =p

do do do..
onwards to frisbee.. we have a pretty stacked team.. and i got there kinda late so was kinda worried i wouldnt get much of a run. and i didnt really.. i didnt even get ont he field for ages.. but when i got on i played my best game for ages. i scored on 2 of the first 3 points i was on =) i also made a pretty good diving backwards catch.. although my throwing was still crasp.. my defence was about as good as normal. i made one awesoem throw.. maybe my best throw ever.. curving left to right into the back of the end zone.. and andrea dropped it.. gah =p oh wells.. i guess ill forever be stuck as a guy who can catch but cant throw =p anyhoos i ended up with 4 touch downs or whatever u call them.. which is normally a godo haul.. but we did score 15.. so its not that impressive =p

in other news: heres..
::100 other things things u may or may not know about ian

one hundred and one
i am a sometimes a bit of a poser

one hundred and two
caramel makes my teeth hurt

one hundred and three
i once went to hospitl to get caner cut out of my head

one hundred and four
i was once sick from eating a whole 1kg pack of peanut m&ms

one hundred and five
my shoulder is very sore atm

one hundred and six
i havent done any work today

one hundred and seven
but i havent really done any this whole month

one hundred and eight
the first gig iever went to was guttermouth

one hundred and nine
i ran the city2surf in about 80 mins

one hundred and ten
i like to wear red shoes

one hundred and eleven
i dont really know where i wanna be in 5 years

one hundred and twelve
in year 3 i learnt how to knit

one hundred and thirteen
in year 5 i won a squash tournament

one hundred and fourteen
i sing better when not at karaoke

one hundred and fifteen
i used to do dragonboating

one hundred and sixteen
but i quit cos the girls there could benchpress more than me

one hundred and seventeen
i was disappointed when i heard tomoko kawase got married

one hundred and eighteen
i rarely made it thru any kinda of class without snoozing at least a bit

one hundred and nineteen
i very well may be addicted to DDR

one hundred and twenty

i missed my gameboy SP when i left it at hunt's place

one hundred and twenty - one
my earliest memory of school is getting detention for running out and sitting right in the middle of an assembly

one hundred and twenty - two
sometimes i cheer myself up by imaginigin how id spend my money if i won the lottery

one hundred and twenty - three
it almost always involves me just investing the money then quitting my job to live on the beach

one hundred and twenty - four
i hate when ppl say "we should do lunch" when they dont really want to

one hundred and twenty - five
i hate drifting apart from people

one hundred and twenty - six
i wish i could write hip hop

one hundred and twenty - seven
i wish i could breakdance

one hundred and twenty - eight
i hate puzzles which i cant solve

one hundred and twenty - nine
my only ever pet was a silk worm

one hundred and thirty
for a while in high school my nick name was skitz

one hundred and thirty - one
cos i beat the crap out of this guy who was twice my size (he threw an apple at me)

one hundred and thirty - two
sometimes i wish i had a gf again

one hundred and thirty - three
other times i just wish i had someone who wanted to hang out with me all the time

one hundred and thirty - four
but i dont believe i need someone else to feel happy

one hundred and thirty - five
i started the anime club to help me get over some1

one hundred and thirty - six
i cant remember how to write my name in chinese

one hundred and thirty - seven
i cant really remember how to write anything in chinese

one hundred and thirty - eight
for a while my favourite movie was White Men Cant Jump

one hundred and thirty - nine
i used to be obsessed with the xfiles

one hundred and forty
i did karate for almost 4 years

one hundred and forty - one
my sister was better than me at it

one hundred and forty - two
i find my left hand really frustrating cos its so unco

one hundred and forty - three
whenever i can, i throw change to buskers

one hundred and forty - four
and beggars

one hundred and forty - five
and i always buy bandage bears, or daffodils.. or any other charity merhcandise

one hundred and forty - six
people have told me that they find that weird

one hundred and forty - seven
i hate getting handed flyers whilst walking down the street

one hundred and forty - eight
im good at saving money

one hundred and forty - nine
but not as good as i could be

one hundred and fifty
when i was a kid i loved going to play in mazes

one hundred and fifty - one
but im pretty sure i only got thru them fastest cos i ran faster =p

one hundred and fifty - two
i went thru a phase of not drinking soft drinks for about 6 years

one hundred and fifty - three
i went thru a phase where i didnt swear for about the same amount of time

one hundred and fifty - four
i used to slap myself on the back of the hand if i swore

one hundred and fifty - five
i like finding out that people already know who i am if we've never met before

one hundred and fifty - six
i hate when people forget my name

one hundred and fifty - seven
i dont like being referred to as Jo's brother

one hundred and fifty - eight
or as "that guy who used to go out with khanh"

one hundred and fifty - nine
but i still get both of those a lot

one hundred and sixty
i like it when people say "hello ian" instead of just "hello"

one hundred and sixty - one
i like my name better than any nick name ive ever had

one hundred and sixty - two
i wish i lived closer to the city

one hundred and sixty - three
i wish i could drive

one hundred and sixty - four
no, i wont tell u who im referring to in number 64

one hundred and sixty - five
i like when people call me just to say hi

one hundred and sixty - six
i wish it happened more often

one hundred and sixty - seven
im too scared to call anyone just to say hi

one hundred and sixty - eight
i dont feel im getting my money's worth out of my mobile

one hundred and sixty - nine
i have failed a number of times to phase it out

one hundred and seventy
i hate horse racing for so many reasons

one hundred and seventy - one
i hate injustice

one hundred and seventy - two
i like going to the snow

one hundred and seventy - three
even though my body doesnt handle cold well at all

one hundred and seventy - four
i often wear 3 or more jumpers at the same time

one hundred and seventy - five
i like listening to punk rock covers of other songs which i dont like

one hundred and seventy - six
i often swipe clothes from my dads closet.. retro stuff

one hundred and seventy - seven
the first real club i ever went to was Club 77 on William St

one hundred and seventy - eight
i lub japanese food

one hundred and seventy - nine
i wish more people would glomp me

one hundred and eighty
last nite i was karaokeing to a dvd full of westlife songs

one hundred and eighty - one
id only heard one song on it before

one hundred and eighty - two
but i sung about 3 others anyways

one hundred and eighty - three
at the party i felt like a lightbulb

one hundred and eighty - four
i like eating cereal

one hundred and eighty - five
at any time of the day

one hundred and eighty - six
i get cut when ppl come online and dont message me

one hundred and eighty - seven
i think its like walking into a party and not saying hello

one hundred and eighty - eight
although ive been told some ppl get cut when i dont msg them

one hundred and eighty - nine
i rely on the internet too much

one hundred and ninety
i wish i could ice skate backwards

one hundred and ninety - one
so i could play ice hockey

one hundred and ninety - two
i like hearing that some girl used to think i was cute

one hundred and ninety - three
i lose and ruin a lot of ties each year.. too many to count

one hundred and ninety - four
i didnt write these in order

one hundred and ninety - five
sometimes i fall asleep at my desk at work

one hundred and ninety - six
im totally sickly whilst writing this

one hundred and ninety - seven
i just coughed up a whole lot of not good stuff

one hundred and ninety - eight
i accidently deleted half this list and had to write it again

one hundred and ninety - nine
i couldnt remember them all when i rewrote it

two hundred
i found the second hundred easier than the first

- ian, 2:16 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, May 23
*coughs repeatedly*
ok.. um.. seems im posting less and less nowadays.. meh =p

:: thursday
played basketball at work today.. twas pretty crasp. i totally suck at teh basketball.. i was purposely trying to shoot jumpers, as practice for the comp which starts next tuesday, but i shot something atrocious like 2 from 20. its was pretty horribles.

anyways. afterward work we headed out to Big Echo for some karaoke =) the place was pretty cool.. nice clean rooms for a change hehe.. although the song selection wasnt as good as some other places. my throat was totally whack .. in fact it has been for like a week now. i struggle to breathe out of it, let alone sing =p it was heaps fun though.. twas a good group of ppl to go K with.

.. onwards to Ichiban Boshi, fast becoming my favourite jap restaurant, depsite the fact that the miso ramen i had that nite wasnt really all that flash =p its cool to jsut chill out n stuff.. kinda felt like being back at uni =) hehe

:: friday
afterwork i met up with kallie to go to annies house.. to then go to annie's sisters place in marsfield. the whole was pretty blasé, i was heaps lightbulb actually which probly didnt help much =p we made these vietnamese roll things which were ok, cept i hate viet food =p it was kinda fun i spose though.. i do like to make things to eat hehe..

we then did karaoke for about a million hours.. my throat was still crap.. but i sung a bit anyways. the selection was pretty restricted due to annie's sisters tendancy towards pop music =p tenny was practicing for his australian idol audition.. man he is singing awesome lately.. he has this new singing coach.. i mean he was good before, but now i reakon he has a chance to make it past the first round he is that good. jsut hope picks a good song.

:: saturday
i woke up pretty sickly and i didnt really feel like doing anything.. but since i wasnt going to canberra i thought i really should go do something constructive. i thought i should go to this usyd anime dinner thing.. and also vicky's bday party thing. so i had to head out and purchase a gift for vicky. meh.. shopping =p hehe.. i didnt have time to make a card like i do, but i got a pretty nice card anyways =) i ended up buying her this pink handbag in the shape of hello kitty's head.. on special at Morning Glory... it was pretty cute i think.. i might be a bit much though.. even for her

.. in other news: i totally cant buy clothes anymore.. i need to start making my own clothes or something.. stores never have the kinda clothes that i wanna buy. i wanted to buy a plain small sized dark blue tshirt with a nice pattern on the front, and no massive name brand on the front. anyways i totally couldnt find anything like that anywheres.. either had like stripes.. or a swoosh on the front.. or some crap.. it was uber. i ended up buying a tshirt with an Element logo on the front cos it was kinda cool, but not so obviously branding me a comsumer whore.

do do do.. anyhoos
headed off to the city to meet up with bunny before the dinner thing.. she wanted to go to kinokuniya to purchas this rather odd book. it was a craft book on how to make things out of felt, things like sushi rolls and burgers and bunny rabbits.. so cute~~ hehe.. but the whole book was in japanese.. and she bought it anyways =p

.. next .. Genghis Khan
we rocked up to find a whole bunch of asian ppl lurking around outside, and figured that must be them =p hehe. this was one of those "match irc names up to real people" sorta events. pretty funny to see what people look like after talking to them online. but also to see how they act in real life, its quite common that some irc spammer is actually uber quiet in real life. still pretty fun.. although i didnt get to talk to heaps of people.. anime nerds are pretty shy =p i also managed to obtain CDs for RO.. ooh.. =)

next they all went to k-world, but i bailed out and went to Vicky's bday instead. i skated there, but it still took ages cos i totally got lost.. =p i had to skate around in circles for a while. hehe. i finally got there, and it was in this really awesome lil place down near circular quay.. ill have to add it to my list of venues for um.. something. anyways... the place was crawling with BITs.. which was a bit weird.. i felt intimidated.. *sigh* if only the cool kids would invite me to sit at their table.. i did get to catch up with a few people.. most notably Tony and Audrey who i hadnt seen in like forever. audrey said that they came across my badly neglected webcam page whilst searching google for her own name. hehe, twas cos i refered to some headband she made ages ago.

anyhoos.. i skated home.. it was cool. im getting almost ok at skating now.. got home like 2am.. and went on irc to talk to suanime ppl about the dinner hehe. pretty funny to talk to them after seeing them across the room and not talkin to them =p i was referred to as "the bish skater guy", unfortunately it was by a guy.. hrm.. why does that always happen to me =p

:: sunday
today was totally whack.. im uber sick

watched the swans sneak out with a one point win over hawthorn.. but not much else today.. probly some DDR =) hehe

- ian, 11:46 am :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, May 19
i made an ouchie
so anyhoos.. i was walking past EB today when i spotted Dancing Stage Megamix for $59.95.. a good price.. although i do own it already =p but i bought it for bunny cos she'd been lookin for it for that price for ages. apparently its still $109 everywhere else..

afterwork i had to get to redfern to meet up with hunt, which is normally pretty easy.. but for some reasont eh trains were fsked up so it took an awfully long time. but i eventualyl got there.. meh.. we headed out to lidcombe to check out hunt's new place.. it was a pretty cool new lil townhouse.. not much going on there yet though. along the way we stopped at some asian grocery stores, and i managed to pick up some Crunky chocolate in preparation for playing Crunky next weekend in soccer =p

we detoured a bit to look at the skate park.. and i did s pretty nasty stack.. id kinda forgotten how hard concrete is when i hit it with ur hip or the top of your head.. its very hurting if u didnt know =p i blame the shoes though.. cos i was in work shoes.. and a suit =p hehe

we played a bit of DDR and flicked through Hunt's weddign photos which were pretty awesome =) my mum is pretty keen to see them actually.. hunt! ahem.. scan.. =p

afterwards we went to bunny's to drop off dancing stage.. she was busy playing magicpunk as seems to be the norm nowadays =p we also got a chance to sample some of bunny's cooking.. had some green cupcakes and some cheesecake.. mm soo tasty =)

next we drove for ages trying to find the Ryde Aquatic Centre where we needed to talk to some guy about basketball.. and we didnt have any idea where it was really =p .. but when we found it.. it turned out he wasnt there.. so we got a phone number and jsut rang him and asked him stuff .. what a waste of a drive.

- ian, 3:41 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, May 17
100 things you may or may not know about ian...
based on this: http://www.mizdos.com/100things.htm#req

my favourite ice cream flavour is vanilla

i dont think i look good in photos

sometimes i like listening to RnB music

if i knew some of them, id probly be a trekkie

i hate trying to live up my sister's lofty reputation

i enjoy playing scrabble

i hate people who cheat at scrabble

i am the neglected middle child

i like lying down and just staring at the nite sky

i have illegal mp3s on my HD

i am frustrated at my attempts to draw

i was always too scared to watch the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark when they open the ark

i currently am in possession of 4 dance mats for playstation

i seriously like pokemon

i pretty much only own white socks

my left side is the bad side for taking photos

i really like all kinds of fruit cept mangoes

i was born on a tuesday

i really dont like sandra bullock

or julia roberts

twenty - one
im not as smart as ppl think i am

twenty - two
i was a senior prefect in high school

twenty - three
i only missed 2 days of school between kindergarten and yr 12

twenty - four
my school isnt as bad as i make it out to be

twenty - five
my teachers were as dumb as i make them out to be

twenty - six
i was enrolled in both Baulkum Hills and Cherrybrook High schools but never went to a class

twenty - seven
when i was a kid i wanted to be a pilot

twenty - eight
in year 9 i was in the top english class at my school

twenty - nine
in the HSC i failed general english

i had no idea what the Reserve Bank did before i worked there

thirty - one
i own a giant pikachu plushy

thirty - two
and i like hugging him

thirty - three
i wish i could sing better at karaoke

thirty - four
before i went to school they thought i had ADD cos i never shut up

thirty - five
im not really allergic to mushrooms

thirty - six
i just hate them

thirty - seven
i dont like america for so many reasons

thirty - eight
my favourite musical movie is the Sound of Music

thirty - nine
my favourite stage musical is Annie

or maybe Oliver =p

forty - one
back in the day i was the absolute master of Civilisation

forty - two
i played Ultima VI everday for about a year and never even got close to finishing .. cos i cheated all the time

forty - three
i suck at street fighter

forty - four
i still like playing counter strike

forty - five
at home i get my lil brother to fix my computer

forty - six
i like chatting to randoms on icq

forty - seven
i hate spyware like poison

forty - eight
i own a microbee..

forty - nine
but have no idea how to use it

my favourite cake is a fruit flan

fifty - one
i cut my own hair

fifty - two
i quite often have a looping playlist in winamp with only one song

fifty - three
i once kissed a girl

fifty - four
i have never actually watched Totoro all the way through

fifty - five
im pretty sure i understand the ending to Evangelion

fifty - six
i used to cry in the movie Ernest Goes to Camp at the part when he gets fired

fifty - seven
i often got beat up when i was in primary school cos i was the only asian kid

fifty - eight
as a kid i once stole a Caramello Koala, but i felt so guilty about it that i never ate it

fifty - nine
one time one of the cool girls said that she thought i was "tolerable" to look at

i once smashed someone's living room window with an egg (nige has a video of it)

sixty - one
im a wannabe skater

sixty - two
basketball saved my life

sixty - three
i like girls who wear glasses

sixty - four
i secretly have a crush on someone

sixty - five
i once colored my hair green

sixty - six
i never finished final fantasy 7, 8, 9 or 10

sixty - seven
i am still heaps dissappointed for failing my P's test

sixty - eight
im a sucker for a girl who smiles at me

sixty - nine
i wish i was a better soccer player

i am scared of the future

seventy - one
i have a recurring dream where i can hover about a foot above the ground

seventy - two
when i was a kid i was scared to death of heights

seventy - three
but for some reason i liked to climb trees

seventy - four
i still like to climb trees

seventy - five
im running out of things to write about myself =p

seventy - six
i find Monty Python really funny

seventy - seven
i am a really bad dancer

seventy - eight
but i still like it

seventy - nine
i really really like getting hugs

i like eating brocolli

eighty - one
i am not as angsty as i appear to be

eighty - two
i am more cynical than i appear to be

eighty - three
i am the most injury prone person i know

eighty - four
i once lost an arm wrestle to a girl

eighty - five
i have hitch hiked to the snow

eighty - six
i went to chinese school for 6 years

eighty - seven
i love christmas time

eighty - eight
im a sook

eighty - nine
i hate indecision

i once went 5 days without eating any food for no real reason

ninety - one
i actually do think im fat

ninety - two
but i dont care as much as i make it seem

ninety - three
i really miss lots of people

ninety - four
i cant really pronounce my middle name

ninety - five
in high school i used to stay up till 1am just to watch Letterman

ninety - six
i wish the popular kids liked me

ninety - seven
i never like my hair style

ninety - eight
i like that random people come and read my blog

ninety - nine
i dont like when ppl read my blog instead of just talking to me

one hundred
im thinking too much about each of these

- ian, 11:42 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, May 16
a conspiracy...
i had a bit of a shocker on saturday.. i leant some money to my sister.. so i had no money to buy a train ticket.. so i borrowed money off my brother.. when i got to the city i attempted to withdraw some money from an atm.. but it claimed that i had insufficient funds.. wtf? grr.. i tried other atms.. but no luck there either.. hrm. i kinda freaked out. but i went to an internet cafe with the shrapnel in my pocket. and discovered that id overdrawn my bank account!! grrr i had -$98 in there.. hrm. seems i accidently had a scheduled transfer of $500 to my ING. fudge. i got docked with a $30 fee. bleh..

anyhoos i transferred some money from my savings to my transaction account and finally withdrew some money. by this time i was totally late for nathan's gig. so i skated there rather swiftly.. with a couple of stacks =p his band The Conspiracy were playing there first ever pub gig at the Bat and Ball. despite his sore throat nathan sang heaps well.. and his band played well all around =) there cover of Sunday Bloody Sunday was awesome too =) i managed to drag a few uni ppl along.. all of whom knew nathan.. but he didnt know any of them by name, only by face =p but he seemed to be cool seeing them there =)

.. next we went to the Clare where some uni kids were celebrating their graduation. it was pretty cool just to hang out n stuff like the old days.. even though in my old days they were just lil kids =p hehe. but i did get to catch up with a few chaps who i hadnt seen for ages. i drank a lot of beer considering i dun really drink beer.. but i was suprisingly sober =) hehe. it was nice n quiet.. although not literally quiet.. since the music was loud-ish my throat is sore from yelling all nite =p

- ian, 12:04 pm :: 1 comments

:: Friday, May 14
ok ive managed to break the commenting thing already.. not sure what ive done wrong.. but i did my templete badly or something.. cos some posts dont have comments.. hrm.. lil help?

- ian, 3:32 pm :: 3 comments

just another commenting system
ok.. so i jsut found out that blogger now has an inbuilt commenting system. this will be the 4th and hopefully the last commenting system ill use. this one will hopefully not suck like the others. enetation (the one i was most recently using) had this problem where comments would disappear.. so people would keep reposting.. or it would jsut break.. *shrugs*. cos this is part of blogger, it also saves my comments and stuff properly.

anyways.. we'll see how it goes =)
go on, try it, you know you want to.....

- ian, 3:21 pm ::

1,2,3,4,5 nows the time, lets get out of here
meh maybe im a lemming.. but i finally went and bought Dancing Stage Megamix for PS2. i jsut had Crash! stuck in my head.. so i had to go and play it.. i got it for $59.95 .. considering i spend about $5 everytime i stop at galaxyworld.. thats a pretty good deal id say. spent most of my time playing Crash and Kylie. crash jsut for sheer speed.. and Kylie on Expert to practice freezes and 1/8th beat steps.

i actually wanna go home tonite jsut to play =p

- ian, 1:26 pm :: 2 comments

:: Wednesday, May 12
as we go on, we remember all the times we, had together
ok i took another RDO to go to the compsci graduation.. which sounds kinda lame.. or heaps nice of me depending on how you look at it =p i mostly went for hunt and chito.. but there were a suprisingly large number of ppl who i knew graduating.. heres a quick list of congrats for finally getting the hell out of UTS: hunt, chito, gus, kavita, gabby, tina, julia, mindy, phil, andrea, daphne, ivan, aaron, nick, simon.. um.. probly a few more who i missed. sorry. =p i managed to see all those ppl too.. cept mindy. i dunno if u still stop by to read by sorry =) ... anyhoos.. you guys are free!! hehe

next we all went down to CCC for yum cha. mm it was heaps good.. and cheap! also the ppl speak english, which is rare for a yum cha place =p it kinda sucekd for connie though.. cos everythin sorta had some sorta meat in it =p she only had this weird mushroomy thing which looked horribles.

afterwards we went out to play DDR at galaxyworld.. played Crash a few too many times.. thighs so sore.. =p it was fun anyhows.. but next we went to karaoke which was also heaps fun =) ahh.. good times.. we went to Pandoras Box.. which used to be Top One.. and its gotten a lot better (like less sketchy) but they still dun really have a huge collection of english songs.

afterwards hunt went to EB to buy dancing stage megamix =) hehe. and we looked around at stuff. then went to Ultimo communtiy centre cos chito gus mendel had to play in their indoor soccer grand final. but we were early so we went to check out their basketball courts, which were all pretty schweeeet.. although the caged rooftop courts were nice, they were pretty breezy and that made it hard to shoot =p also the guy at hunt did an off-the-hezay to (last year or whenever) was there.. needless to say he didnt say hello =p

anyways.. they ended up loosing 3-2 and so they won a $30 pub voucher instead of a $100 one.. meh the game was pretty skitz.. im glad i wasnt playing =p i just went home after that.. but they stayed out and made good use of their voucher i suspect. =)

- ian, 11:29 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, May 11
in other news: its really hard to cut the hair on the back of your own head...

.. i totally fsked it =p it looks pretty bad .. i dun wanna fix it in fear of making it worse..


- ian, 11:31 pm :: 0 comments

the times they are a changing..
whoa blogger.com looks weied n different now. i guess its for the better.. im jsut scared of change i spose. =p

anyhoos.. yesterday was the first week of the winter frisbee tournament. we won of course =) hehe we have an awfully stacked team for a div 4 (beginners league) team. pretty much dominated. i played ok.. better than i played all through the hat though so thats good. scored twice. and had some good throws. i walked home wearing my frisbee gear and my suit jacket (cos it was the only one i had) .. apparently i looked quite peculiar =p

:: tuesday
no news today ..

- ian, 9:40 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, May 9
so what has ian been doing of late? ..

:: thursday
um.. played basketball at work again. i schooled every1 so hard =p totally ownage by me on them.. hehe.. heaps foul-age by them too. but ive never been one to back down =) hehe

afterwork i jsut went for a bit of retail therapy action at chatswood. walked away with a new pair of brown pants and some black skate shoes (for my new attempt to skate). im buying a lot of clothes lately.. quite disturbing =p

i bumped into bonnie on the train home.. she seemed ok. she is always stressed out about something or other.. she is a bit of a worry.

:: friday
work was just bleh.. went to drinks at lunchtime =p

after work met up with anime ppl cos it was some graduation party for tristan. we went to Lowenbrau Keller in the rocks. its this sorta oktoberfest themed bar/restaurant. it was pretty amusing. the food was a bit bleh .. and kinda pricey. but the entertainment was pretty funny. there was this band made up of old german guys in lederhosen playing trumpets and a tuba and such. and they also had activities like a hammering a nail into a plank of wood competition.. and a drinking competition.

as always with anime ppl, we stood on a street corner for a ages afterwards deciding what to do.. and then eventually deciding on doing nothing.. and then going home. *sigh* =p

:: saturday
i got up stupidly early cos i forgot to turn off my alarm clock. but i had to get up for soccer anyways.. i kinda jsut dawdled around for a bit and watched some tv. but then thought i should get off my butt and go. twas at strathfield park, and i had no ride from the station, so i intended to skate there =p although i got a ride from chito in the end. soccer is totally not my kinda game, im pretty suck at it.. luckily so are many of the other ppl on the other teams, so i dont feel too bad =p i didnt do anything good this game cept almost scored the first header of the comp.. Mort threw a perfect inbounds.. and i ran in.. but i hit it early and it sailed too high.. grr. so closeness. other than that it was the chito lam show.. as he got a hattrick. we ended up winning 6-2 (or something like that), fear to all opposition when hunt returns..

.. in other news: tonite i had 2 random icq ppl talk to me.. and neither of them was a pr0n spam bot telling me to visit their webcam.. thats a rarity nowadays =p one was a 30yo lady from russia who i talked to in japanese.. and i think she got scared off =p the other was a 13 yo brazillian girl who wanted to know how good the beaches were in australia. hehe.. ahh the memories of the good ole days of icq random chats =)

back in the day i had 3 random icq chat buddies who i talked to regularly. the first was named Cami, and she was this 16 yo (back in the day i was only 18) and she was from Brazil.. and she was like had an abusive stepfather or something. i think she added me cos my info said i liked sailor moon, and she drew anime pics (which i have around somewhere i think). she said ppl teased her cos she kinda looked like britney, cept younger and latino =p she was cool.. kinda felt sorry for her cos all she wanted was like a cool group of friends (i think she may have been picked on at school). dunno what happened to her.. but we said we'd meet up in japan one day.. =p not sure how thatll work..

... next was this tall blonde basketball playin chick from Perth named jenelle.. we pretty much jsut talked about basketball all the time. which is cool. She actually used to call me on the phone on occassion (optus yes time) i almost her her when she came to sydney..but it never happened, i forget why. she seemed like a bit of a slut though =p

... the only one i still occassionally talk to is Jessie.. who was from sydney =) she was heaps hilarious.. heaps asian n stuff.. i think knew some ppl that i knew.. maybe matt since he knows every asian in sydney or something. she ended up going to macquarie and studying something or other =p i think i spoke to her on the phone once too.. her numebr is in my phone still.. optus and voda like a true asian =p

- ian, 12:41 am :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, May 5
so anyways.. i went out to CeBit today.. which is this computer show thing if u didnt know. and i must say i was sorely disappointed by the lack of freebies this year =p the show was overall quite disappointing.. lotsa mp3 players and mobile phones.. and casemods.. and internet security crap.. but nothing i hadnt seen before.. except for this 3D plasma screen. its like the sorta 3D u get at Imax. but without the bulky stereoscopic goggles! it looked heaps cool.. it looks like a hologram.. ooh =) heres a link http://www.vr21.com.au/

.... so anyways we were talking to this guy from security about soccer =p and about how defenders arent given enough recognition.. basically theyre expected to stop attackers all the time.. and if they screw up once, some1 scores a goal and they get heaps of crap. but a striker pretty much is expected to not score.. so if he misses thats ok.. and every1 remembers the one time he makes a good play and scores. .. but enough about soccer =p this guy was saying that security is like a defender cos if they do their job right, no one says anything. but if something does get thru the firewall they get heaps of crap =p whereas the web team (like me) is like a striker.. cos if we screw up 20 times thats ok.. cos nothing is in production.. but every now and then we make something good.. and we get heaps of praise =) hehe

in other news: *gasp* http://www.hotham.net.au/content.asp?Document_ID=671

- ian, 9:25 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, May 3
.. with his finger and his thumb in the shape of an L on his forehead...
ok.. so i was too sick to go to work.. but not too sick to go play frisbee =p but maybe i was too sick.. since i just hurt myself and got even sicker from the cold. in the first game i played ok. i made one ridiculous catch in the endzone... and got a shoulder charge in the chest for my troubles. we wont hat game by heaps.. so it didnt mean much. the next game was the Grand Final!!! .. and about halfway thru the game i got a boot in the head.. from my own teammate!! grr.. and had to sit out the rest of the game. i dived to try and make an intercept, when my teammate ran thru tryin to do the same.. but neither of us could pull out in time, and eh clipped my over the top of the head with his boot. ouchies...

we had pizza and beers afterwards to celebrate.. so it was all good..
you can have a peek at my team here: http://www.eclectical.org/gallery/extras/sunnysideup1

- ian, 11:59 am :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, May 2
here comes the bride..
omg.. a rather hectic weekend.. but soo good.
heres the jist of it.

:: friday .. total boringness at work.. i had lunch with lisa, she was saying i should go buy a second hand Honda S2000 with my savings.. cos apparently asians girls are impressed by such cars ..hrm.. maybe its not such a bas idea after all.. =p we spent the rest of lunch at flight centre booking her trip to new zealand.. mm snow...

afterwork i met up with lingy.. for no real reason other than we both had a lil bit of time to kill. was pretty fun.. she was pondering the future as usual.. she aims so high.. maybe thats why she achieves so much =) she is such a lil trooper. anyways i spent the time trying to wrap the wedding present for hunt and connie.. with soem wrapping paper i bought.. but stupid me accidently bought cellophane.. grr.. i then had to run down to the UTS union shop and buy some wrapping paper.. and the only size they had wasnt big enough.. grr.. so i patched up the wrapping a bit with the cover of the latest Vertigo, student newspaper.. i hope thats not too dodgey =p

anyhoos headed to Jannali next.. we were sposed to help setup the church hall.. but connie finished it before we got there.. so we went and played Baldurs Gate and NBA Street for a while =) went and took some stuff for the reception.. then jsut went to bed.

:: the big day!!!
.. i woke up heaps groggy.. cos id totally caught a cold from sleepin on hunt's couch in the ever cold Shire... *shivers* .. *sneezes* ...
got up pretty casually... Hunts boss told him we were sposed to go play golf in the morning.. but none of us made it up in time =p

we all got changed an packed into a stretch limo =) so uptown hehe. went cruising around Sutherland for a bit.... then rocked up to the church.. we were a bit early.. and connie was caught in traffic =p the ceremony was really beautiful .. ahh .. i wanna get married.. *sigh* looks like thats a fair way off =p

we milled around a bit.. and then got in the limo again and headed to Cronulla for the first reception. it was an incredibly good day for taking photos.. and we stopped by the beach to take photos of the bridal party n stuff frolicking and such around the place.. pretty silly at times =p

the main reception was at this fancy restaurant by the beach. it was mostly filled with connie's extended italian family =p its great that she keeps so close to her family though =) i was supposedly the MC.. but i hardly had to do anything.. havent spoken in front of that many ppl in a long time.. but i basically jsut felt like karaoke.. but a giant karaoke bar full of old italian ppl =p hehe. the food was awesome.. i had prawn entree and barramundi main.. mm.. the speeches were soo good.. i hope the one i do at my sister's wedding is half that good. deehunts was particularly good. there was much crying all around by many peoples..

later on.. we went and took some more sunset photos by the beach.. including some where the guys are all wearing all stars =) hehe pretty funny... such fun though. then hopped into a tarago and went back for the second reception.. aka. the young ppls reception =p this one was heaps more casual.. with jsut heaps of ppl in a hall .. i was totally exhausted.. andthe sicklyness was kicking in.. i pretty much jsut sat and drank hot tea the whole time. although i did catch up with a few ppl who i hadnt seen in a lil while.

needless to say.. i got home stupidly late.. and walked home in the freezing cold.. argh.. *moves "get my license" to the top of my todo list*

:: sunday... *staggers*
pretty much all i did today was wake up.. and i barely did that.. i am totally sick atm.. feels bad.

um.. thats it =p i think ill probly take a day off work tommolo.. i feel horribles. also im not doin anything at work anyways. =p

- ian, 11:14 pm :: 0 comments

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