:: Monday, May 31
/me falls asleep
another uber-boring day in the RBA today.. i pretty much jsut fell asleep all day. i got ditched for lunch by Corina.. so i resorted to Final Fantasy Tactics and walking around the place for lunch. the rest of the day was basically me wishing i had something to do (so i could procrastinate from it) .. procrastination is totally not fun if its all u have to do =p

after work was frisbee.. and basically it was freezing.. my fingers were numb, making it rather hard to catch the disc or throw it for that matter. i played an ok game. the other team had 7 girls and 5 guys. so they were playing 4 girls and 3 guys on the field.. and we had to match them. in ultimate frisbee the team on offence gets to choose the lineup.. and u are on offence after the other team scores.. but we jumped out to an 11-0 lead.. which means we didnt get a chance to change the lineup =p the team we played was the Orphans team.. which is like the people who dont have a team.. so it was full of n00bs. in the end our coach told us to un-obviously not play defence.. so they would get to score.. so many chances and so many dropped .. hehe. they eventually did score =) they seemed to enjoy it anyways, which is cool =)

i walked home.. it was fricking freezing.. *shivers*

- ian, 9:55 pm ::

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