:: Sunday, May 23
*coughs repeatedly*
ok.. um.. seems im posting less and less nowadays.. meh =p

:: thursday
played basketball at work today.. twas pretty crasp. i totally suck at teh basketball.. i was purposely trying to shoot jumpers, as practice for the comp which starts next tuesday, but i shot something atrocious like 2 from 20. its was pretty horribles.

anyways. afterward work we headed out to Big Echo for some karaoke =) the place was pretty cool.. nice clean rooms for a change hehe.. although the song selection wasnt as good as some other places. my throat was totally whack .. in fact it has been for like a week now. i struggle to breathe out of it, let alone sing =p it was heaps fun though.. twas a good group of ppl to go K with.

.. onwards to Ichiban Boshi, fast becoming my favourite jap restaurant, depsite the fact that the miso ramen i had that nite wasnt really all that flash =p its cool to jsut chill out n stuff.. kinda felt like being back at uni =) hehe

:: friday
afterwork i met up with kallie to go to annies house.. to then go to annie's sisters place in marsfield. the whole was pretty blasé, i was heaps lightbulb actually which probly didnt help much =p we made these vietnamese roll things which were ok, cept i hate viet food =p it was kinda fun i spose though.. i do like to make things to eat hehe..

we then did karaoke for about a million hours.. my throat was still crap.. but i sung a bit anyways. the selection was pretty restricted due to annie's sisters tendancy towards pop music =p tenny was practicing for his australian idol audition.. man he is singing awesome lately.. he has this new singing coach.. i mean he was good before, but now i reakon he has a chance to make it past the first round he is that good. jsut hope picks a good song.

:: saturday
i woke up pretty sickly and i didnt really feel like doing anything.. but since i wasnt going to canberra i thought i really should go do something constructive. i thought i should go to this usyd anime dinner thing.. and also vicky's bday party thing. so i had to head out and purchase a gift for vicky. meh.. shopping =p hehe.. i didnt have time to make a card like i do, but i got a pretty nice card anyways =) i ended up buying her this pink handbag in the shape of hello kitty's head.. on special at Morning Glory... it was pretty cute i think.. i might be a bit much though.. even for her

.. in other news: i totally cant buy clothes anymore.. i need to start making my own clothes or something.. stores never have the kinda clothes that i wanna buy. i wanted to buy a plain small sized dark blue tshirt with a nice pattern on the front, and no massive name brand on the front. anyways i totally couldnt find anything like that anywheres.. either had like stripes.. or a swoosh on the front.. or some crap.. it was uber. i ended up buying a tshirt with an Element logo on the front cos it was kinda cool, but not so obviously branding me a comsumer whore.

do do do.. anyhoos
headed off to the city to meet up with bunny before the dinner thing.. she wanted to go to kinokuniya to purchas this rather odd book. it was a craft book on how to make things out of felt, things like sushi rolls and burgers and bunny rabbits.. so cute~~ hehe.. but the whole book was in japanese.. and she bought it anyways =p

.. next .. Genghis Khan
we rocked up to find a whole bunch of asian ppl lurking around outside, and figured that must be them =p hehe. this was one of those "match irc names up to real people" sorta events. pretty funny to see what people look like after talking to them online. but also to see how they act in real life, its quite common that some irc spammer is actually uber quiet in real life. still pretty fun.. although i didnt get to talk to heaps of people.. anime nerds are pretty shy =p i also managed to obtain CDs for RO.. ooh.. =)

next they all went to k-world, but i bailed out and went to Vicky's bday instead. i skated there, but it still took ages cos i totally got lost.. =p i had to skate around in circles for a while. hehe. i finally got there, and it was in this really awesome lil place down near circular quay.. ill have to add it to my list of venues for um.. something. anyways... the place was crawling with BITs.. which was a bit weird.. i felt intimidated.. *sigh* if only the cool kids would invite me to sit at their table.. i did get to catch up with a few people.. most notably Tony and Audrey who i hadnt seen in like forever. audrey said that they came across my badly neglected webcam page whilst searching google for her own name. hehe, twas cos i refered to some headband she made ages ago.

anyhoos.. i skated home.. it was cool. im getting almost ok at skating now.. got home like 2am.. and went on irc to talk to suanime ppl about the dinner hehe. pretty funny to talk to them after seeing them across the room and not talkin to them =p i was referred to as "the bish skater guy", unfortunately it was by a guy.. hrm.. why does that always happen to me =p

:: sunday
today was totally whack.. im uber sick

watched the swans sneak out with a one point win over hawthorn.. but not much else today.. probly some DDR =) hehe

- ian, 11:46 am ::

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