:: Thursday, May 27
soo much icing...
so anyhoos the new Wynyard Krispy Kremes opened yesterday.. i wasnt that game to go, but i went this morning =) hehe at about 10-ish. i was in and out of there in 18 mins. which is a pretty good time compared to other KK stores. i swear those donuts are totally evil.. cant stop eating.. *clutches tummy* i ate half a box today.. ill probly eat the second half tommolo =p

i was like falling asleep at work so i totally ran out the door at 5pm on the dot pretty much. i was gonna rush home, but on the way i bumped into Brendan.. from school.. who i hadnt seen in like a year. turns out he is doing nite shift surveying work in the city.. also he is getting married on the same day as my sister =) we basically stood on the side of the road and talked for more than an hour =) hehe. whilst there i bumped into Yuki who was rushing off home and also my sister who was rushing off to this Women in engineering thing on at Town Hall. pretty good day for bumping into ppl =) hehe

- ian, 11:26 pm ::

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