:: Sunday, May 30
my mother told me not to stay out so late
i was pretty much stuck home sick all day today.. i got home uber-late yesterday and caught a cold on the way back. it gets awfully chilly at thorneleigh at 3am.

anyhoos heres a wrap up of the weekend..

:: friday
i officially have no life.. jsut stayed home and played DDR on a friday nite. i was sposed to go to annies for some dinner party, but i thought id get home too late.. in the end i stayed up playing literati till 2am-ish.. that made it a struggle to get up for soccer the next morning..

:: saturady
barely got up early for soccer, i was late and had to rush out the door, i managed to skate to the station in 7 mins =) hehe.

anyhoos it was the much hyped up battle between UTS and UNSW anime clubs.. but in the end we pretty much dominated it. well not so much me as much as our team. by the end they stole one of our plays by using the turtle defence hehe.. but the highlight of the game was the mikey and annie panda cheer squad =) hehe. the bestest cheering ive seen ever!

.. do do do.. afterwards we went to maccas for psot game happy meals =) it was pretty crazyness.. cos we went to parra westfields where there are 3 McDonalds in the one building and despite instructions which supposedly made sense.. people ended up at each of the 3 diff ones =p we jsut chilled out and talked about crap as ppl do.. bitched about stuff..

... afterwards we headed to hunt's place to play singstar.. which is this new karaoke game where u get scored on pitch and timing. its pretty cool.. i totally cant sing.. although i did have an awfully sore throat.. it was pretty fun anyways.

.. we were off to phil's bday dinner thing, but we were uber-early (for a change) so we jsut sat in chitos car and sat and bitched about people and went on about stuff that we hated. did that for like 2 hours.. then decided we probly should move =p

we sat around inside the bank hotel for a bit to chill out and have half price cocktails =) the smoke was killing me... but we next headed to some random Thai place along the main road in newtown. it was ok-ish.. nothing spectacular, but the service was pretty good =)

afterwards we headed to some bar.. the zanzibar.. or something like that.. my lungs felt like they need to have the crap beaten out of them a bit more =p i basically sat there and choked for a few hours before id had enough =p we ended up deciding to do nothing.. so we dispersed and chito gave me a ride to the stn.. i played final fantasy tactics ont he way home.. then skated home and caught a nasty cold.. grr.. i need to move out.. *sigh*

- ian, 7:39 pm ::

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