:: Sunday, May 9
so what has ian been doing of late? ..

:: thursday
um.. played basketball at work again. i schooled every1 so hard =p totally ownage by me on them.. hehe.. heaps foul-age by them too. but ive never been one to back down =) hehe

afterwork i jsut went for a bit of retail therapy action at chatswood. walked away with a new pair of brown pants and some black skate shoes (for my new attempt to skate). im buying a lot of clothes lately.. quite disturbing =p

i bumped into bonnie on the train home.. she seemed ok. she is always stressed out about something or other.. she is a bit of a worry.

:: friday
work was just bleh.. went to drinks at lunchtime =p

after work met up with anime ppl cos it was some graduation party for tristan. we went to Lowenbrau Keller in the rocks. its this sorta oktoberfest themed bar/restaurant. it was pretty amusing. the food was a bit bleh .. and kinda pricey. but the entertainment was pretty funny. there was this band made up of old german guys in lederhosen playing trumpets and a tuba and such. and they also had activities like a hammering a nail into a plank of wood competition.. and a drinking competition.

as always with anime ppl, we stood on a street corner for a ages afterwards deciding what to do.. and then eventually deciding on doing nothing.. and then going home. *sigh* =p

:: saturday
i got up stupidly early cos i forgot to turn off my alarm clock. but i had to get up for soccer anyways.. i kinda jsut dawdled around for a bit and watched some tv. but then thought i should get off my butt and go. twas at strathfield park, and i had no ride from the station, so i intended to skate there =p although i got a ride from chito in the end. soccer is totally not my kinda game, im pretty suck at it.. luckily so are many of the other ppl on the other teams, so i dont feel too bad =p i didnt do anything good this game cept almost scored the first header of the comp.. Mort threw a perfect inbounds.. and i ran in.. but i hit it early and it sailed too high.. grr. so closeness. other than that it was the chito lam show.. as he got a hattrick. we ended up winning 6-2 (or something like that), fear to all opposition when hunt returns..

.. in other news: tonite i had 2 random icq ppl talk to me.. and neither of them was a pr0n spam bot telling me to visit their webcam.. thats a rarity nowadays =p one was a 30yo lady from russia who i talked to in japanese.. and i think she got scared off =p the other was a 13 yo brazillian girl who wanted to know how good the beaches were in australia. hehe.. ahh the memories of the good ole days of icq random chats =)

back in the day i had 3 random icq chat buddies who i talked to regularly. the first was named Cami, and she was this 16 yo (back in the day i was only 18) and she was from Brazil.. and she was like had an abusive stepfather or something. i think she added me cos my info said i liked sailor moon, and she drew anime pics (which i have around somewhere i think). she said ppl teased her cos she kinda looked like britney, cept younger and latino =p she was cool.. kinda felt sorry for her cos all she wanted was like a cool group of friends (i think she may have been picked on at school). dunno what happened to her.. but we said we'd meet up in japan one day.. =p not sure how thatll work..

... next was this tall blonde basketball playin chick from Perth named jenelle.. we pretty much jsut talked about basketball all the time. which is cool. She actually used to call me on the phone on occassion (optus yes time) i almost her her when she came to sydney..but it never happened, i forget why. she seemed like a bit of a slut though =p

... the only one i still occassionally talk to is Jessie.. who was from sydney =) she was heaps hilarious.. heaps asian n stuff.. i think knew some ppl that i knew.. maybe matt since he knows every asian in sydney or something. she ended up going to macquarie and studying something or other =p i think i spoke to her on the phone once too.. her numebr is in my phone still.. optus and voda like a true asian =p

- ian, 12:41 am ::

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