:: Tuesday, May 25
too sickly for frisbee
i woke up on monday feeling uber sickly.. and my mum told me to stay home. but i wanted to play frisbee.. hehe.. although once i went to play frisbee.. even though i was too sick to go to work =p

anyways.. i actually did a fair amount of work on monday.. maybe 4 hours worth.. which is about 3 and a half hours more work than i usually do =p and i tell ya.. the days go soo fast when u actualyl do work.. it feels like nothing.. then i look at the clock and its 5pm already =) hehe.. so this is what its like to have a real job... =p

do do do..
onwards to frisbee.. we have a pretty stacked team.. and i got there kinda late so was kinda worried i wouldnt get much of a run. and i didnt really.. i didnt even get ont he field for ages.. but when i got on i played my best game for ages. i scored on 2 of the first 3 points i was on =) i also made a pretty good diving backwards catch.. although my throwing was still crasp.. my defence was about as good as normal. i made one awesoem throw.. maybe my best throw ever.. curving left to right into the back of the end zone.. and andrea dropped it.. gah =p oh wells.. i guess ill forever be stuck as a guy who can catch but cant throw =p anyhoos i ended up with 4 touch downs or whatever u call them.. which is normally a godo haul.. but we did score 15.. so its not that impressive =p

in other news: heres..
::100 other things things u may or may not know about ian

one hundred and one
i am a sometimes a bit of a poser

one hundred and two
caramel makes my teeth hurt

one hundred and three
i once went to hospitl to get caner cut out of my head

one hundred and four
i was once sick from eating a whole 1kg pack of peanut m&ms

one hundred and five
my shoulder is very sore atm

one hundred and six
i havent done any work today

one hundred and seven
but i havent really done any this whole month

one hundred and eight
the first gig iever went to was guttermouth

one hundred and nine
i ran the city2surf in about 80 mins

one hundred and ten
i like to wear red shoes

one hundred and eleven
i dont really know where i wanna be in 5 years

one hundred and twelve
in year 3 i learnt how to knit

one hundred and thirteen
in year 5 i won a squash tournament

one hundred and fourteen
i sing better when not at karaoke

one hundred and fifteen
i used to do dragonboating

one hundred and sixteen
but i quit cos the girls there could benchpress more than me

one hundred and seventeen
i was disappointed when i heard tomoko kawase got married

one hundred and eighteen
i rarely made it thru any kinda of class without snoozing at least a bit

one hundred and nineteen
i very well may be addicted to DDR

one hundred and twenty

i missed my gameboy SP when i left it at hunt's place

one hundred and twenty - one
my earliest memory of school is getting detention for running out and sitting right in the middle of an assembly

one hundred and twenty - two
sometimes i cheer myself up by imaginigin how id spend my money if i won the lottery

one hundred and twenty - three
it almost always involves me just investing the money then quitting my job to live on the beach

one hundred and twenty - four
i hate when ppl say "we should do lunch" when they dont really want to

one hundred and twenty - five
i hate drifting apart from people

one hundred and twenty - six
i wish i could write hip hop

one hundred and twenty - seven
i wish i could breakdance

one hundred and twenty - eight
i hate puzzles which i cant solve

one hundred and twenty - nine
my only ever pet was a silk worm

one hundred and thirty
for a while in high school my nick name was skitz

one hundred and thirty - one
cos i beat the crap out of this guy who was twice my size (he threw an apple at me)

one hundred and thirty - two
sometimes i wish i had a gf again

one hundred and thirty - three
other times i just wish i had someone who wanted to hang out with me all the time

one hundred and thirty - four
but i dont believe i need someone else to feel happy

one hundred and thirty - five
i started the anime club to help me get over some1

one hundred and thirty - six
i cant remember how to write my name in chinese

one hundred and thirty - seven
i cant really remember how to write anything in chinese

one hundred and thirty - eight
for a while my favourite movie was White Men Cant Jump

one hundred and thirty - nine
i used to be obsessed with the xfiles

one hundred and forty
i did karate for almost 4 years

one hundred and forty - one
my sister was better than me at it

one hundred and forty - two
i find my left hand really frustrating cos its so unco

one hundred and forty - three
whenever i can, i throw change to buskers

one hundred and forty - four
and beggars

one hundred and forty - five
and i always buy bandage bears, or daffodils.. or any other charity merhcandise

one hundred and forty - six
people have told me that they find that weird

one hundred and forty - seven
i hate getting handed flyers whilst walking down the street

one hundred and forty - eight
im good at saving money

one hundred and forty - nine
but not as good as i could be

one hundred and fifty
when i was a kid i loved going to play in mazes

one hundred and fifty - one
but im pretty sure i only got thru them fastest cos i ran faster =p

one hundred and fifty - two
i went thru a phase of not drinking soft drinks for about 6 years

one hundred and fifty - three
i went thru a phase where i didnt swear for about the same amount of time

one hundred and fifty - four
i used to slap myself on the back of the hand if i swore

one hundred and fifty - five
i like finding out that people already know who i am if we've never met before

one hundred and fifty - six
i hate when people forget my name

one hundred and fifty - seven
i dont like being referred to as Jo's brother

one hundred and fifty - eight
or as "that guy who used to go out with khanh"

one hundred and fifty - nine
but i still get both of those a lot

one hundred and sixty
i like it when people say "hello ian" instead of just "hello"

one hundred and sixty - one
i like my name better than any nick name ive ever had

one hundred and sixty - two
i wish i lived closer to the city

one hundred and sixty - three
i wish i could drive

one hundred and sixty - four
no, i wont tell u who im referring to in number 64

one hundred and sixty - five
i like when people call me just to say hi

one hundred and sixty - six
i wish it happened more often

one hundred and sixty - seven
im too scared to call anyone just to say hi

one hundred and sixty - eight
i dont feel im getting my money's worth out of my mobile

one hundred and sixty - nine
i have failed a number of times to phase it out

one hundred and seventy
i hate horse racing for so many reasons

one hundred and seventy - one
i hate injustice

one hundred and seventy - two
i like going to the snow

one hundred and seventy - three
even though my body doesnt handle cold well at all

one hundred and seventy - four
i often wear 3 or more jumpers at the same time

one hundred and seventy - five
i like listening to punk rock covers of other songs which i dont like

one hundred and seventy - six
i often swipe clothes from my dads closet.. retro stuff

one hundred and seventy - seven
the first real club i ever went to was Club 77 on William St

one hundred and seventy - eight
i lub japanese food

one hundred and seventy - nine
i wish more people would glomp me

one hundred and eighty
last nite i was karaokeing to a dvd full of westlife songs

one hundred and eighty - one
id only heard one song on it before

one hundred and eighty - two
but i sung about 3 others anyways

one hundred and eighty - three
at the party i felt like a lightbulb

one hundred and eighty - four
i like eating cereal

one hundred and eighty - five
at any time of the day

one hundred and eighty - six
i get cut when ppl come online and dont message me

one hundred and eighty - seven
i think its like walking into a party and not saying hello

one hundred and eighty - eight
although ive been told some ppl get cut when i dont msg them

one hundred and eighty - nine
i rely on the internet too much

one hundred and ninety
i wish i could ice skate backwards

one hundred and ninety - one
so i could play ice hockey

one hundred and ninety - two
i like hearing that some girl used to think i was cute

one hundred and ninety - three
i lose and ruin a lot of ties each year.. too many to count

one hundred and ninety - four
i didnt write these in order

one hundred and ninety - five
sometimes i fall asleep at my desk at work

one hundred and ninety - six
im totally sickly whilst writing this

one hundred and ninety - seven
i just coughed up a whole lot of not good stuff

one hundred and ninety - eight
i accidently deleted half this list and had to write it again

one hundred and ninety - nine
i couldnt remember them all when i rewrote it

two hundred
i found the second hundred easier than the first

- ian, 2:16 pm ::

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