:: Wednesday, May 12
as we go on, we remember all the times we, had together
ok i took another RDO to go to the compsci graduation.. which sounds kinda lame.. or heaps nice of me depending on how you look at it =p i mostly went for hunt and chito.. but there were a suprisingly large number of ppl who i knew graduating.. heres a quick list of congrats for finally getting the hell out of UTS: hunt, chito, gus, kavita, gabby, tina, julia, mindy, phil, andrea, daphne, ivan, aaron, nick, simon.. um.. probly a few more who i missed. sorry. =p i managed to see all those ppl too.. cept mindy. i dunno if u still stop by to read by sorry =) ... anyhoos.. you guys are free!! hehe

next we all went down to CCC for yum cha. mm it was heaps good.. and cheap! also the ppl speak english, which is rare for a yum cha place =p it kinda sucekd for connie though.. cos everythin sorta had some sorta meat in it =p she only had this weird mushroomy thing which looked horribles.

afterwards we went out to play DDR at galaxyworld.. played Crash a few too many times.. thighs so sore.. =p it was fun anyhows.. but next we went to karaoke which was also heaps fun =) ahh.. good times.. we went to Pandoras Box.. which used to be Top One.. and its gotten a lot better (like less sketchy) but they still dun really have a huge collection of english songs.

afterwards hunt went to EB to buy dancing stage megamix =) hehe. and we looked around at stuff. then went to Ultimo communtiy centre cos chito gus mendel had to play in their indoor soccer grand final. but we were early so we went to check out their basketball courts, which were all pretty schweeeet.. although the caged rooftop courts were nice, they were pretty breezy and that made it hard to shoot =p also the guy at hunt did an off-the-hezay to (last year or whenever) was there.. needless to say he didnt say hello =p

anyways.. they ended up loosing 3-2 and so they won a $30 pub voucher instead of a $100 one.. meh the game was pretty skitz.. im glad i wasnt playing =p i just went home after that.. but they stayed out and made good use of their voucher i suspect. =)

- ian, 11:29 pm ::

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