:: Tuesday, August 31
look at the stars, look how they shine for you
i spent today trying to figure out how this salary sacrifice dealie works for laptops at my work.. its rather confoosing. im so glad i never became an accountant. im thinking of getting a super-light laptop.. just cos i can =p

anyhoos... onwards to basketball.. and we won! w00t.. thats 3 in a row. which is a franchise record or something. our team is playing well atm. our big guys are dominating on the boards, and our lil guys are running the breaks pretty well. heaps good passing this game, lotsa plays in previous games we'd all just throw up terrible shots, but this game we moved the ball around well to get open shots. i made two no-look passes in the first half =) hehe.. and Hunt managed an alley-oop off the backboard on a fast break. i have no idea how many points i scored.. and some number which is more than 2 but less than 48.

since we had an early game we headed to Cherrybrook for a lil bit of a skate. the park isnt that big, but it has a good section of coping for grinds. i was dropping in on most sections. .. oh i forgot to mention that at the park in Cooma (mentioned in a previous post) i dropped in on a vert ramp.. thats totally crazy.. im still scared to look at it =p

.. in other news: my new nickname at work is Chris. cos nathan's favourite band is The Living End, whose lead singer is Chris Cheney. and my previous nickname is Chenny... or at work its spelt Cheni (cos thats my email address). im in fear of it turning into Christy.. cos i heard it once already.. eep! tenny will be happy i spose.. he always did find chenny/tenny a bit too close for comfort. =p

lastly, this is very possibly the bestest picture of anything ever:

- ian, 9:31 pm :: 1 comments

:: Monday, August 30
a rather long post
uh.. ive been at the snow. so i havent posted lately.. i need another one of my increasingly popular catch up posts.. anyhoo.. here goes..

:: friday
um.. this was a long time ago.. i totally cant remember what happened. um. drove to the snow.. stopped to do some skating in Cooma.. arrived in the middle of the night at this house in the middle of nowhere in Berridale. and snuck in and went to sleep =p

:: saturday
woke up among a bunch of strangers .. it was pretty weird =p we rushed off to the snow so i didnt to chat heaps. but they seemed quite nice. its a fair drive from berridale.. but i dont drive.. so i just sleep.

snow snow snow.. uh nothing particularly exciting happened really. it was a pretty normal snowboarding sorta day. this girl who was with us, Kat hurt her calf in some tangle-up whilst getting on a lift. and sadly she could not continue.. pretty suck, but she was there on friday, so she got 2 days in at least.

later on that nite we had a BBQ at the house. most of the ppl there were some of Kat's family n some others. they were pretty cool. they apparently make this weekend trip every year as a family get together. i wish my family did that sorta thing.. we just like see relos at weddings.. and thats about it. anyhoos.. apparently the guy who owns the house owns a tank.. like a real tank. which he sometimes drives around to collect firewood. sadly i was only there at night.. so i didnt get a chance to see it. went skating in Berridale with coggo for a bit. it was pretty mad. im heaps better than last time i was there..

:: sunday
argh.. some mixups lead to me almost not getting to the snow. but it all worked out well in the end. the snow reports were all terribles. the previous day the lady recommended that i not buy a 2-day pass, cos she thought sunday would be heaps suck. but it was pretty good. although it did sorta rain towards the end of the day.

i spent most of the day practising riding fakie all day.. and then kept stacking it trying 180s all over the place. i did a few good ones off roll-overs.. but i couldnt manage to land one clean off a kicker or any other kind of jump. so frustrating.. i should totally be able to do it. grr. i jsut ended up on my face repeatedly =p

me and hunt had a race where i was fakie and he only had one foot clipped in =p he won round one and i won round two.. hehe so stupid.

um.. i forget what else happened. ill add it to some future posts if i remember. i got home at 1am.. and was very sleepy...

:: monday
was half awake all day =p i did a fair bit of coding today though =) im like totally learning how to code again cos its been so long. seriously im heaps suprised when i write a bunch of code, and it like works. sometimes i even amaze myself.. i sorta never expect anything to work.. cos its heaps sketchy how i code =p

.. onwards, to the ultimate frisbee grand final! it was heaps windy which is heaps crap for frisbee.. and im like the worst thrower on our team so i was in troubles. luckily our team totally dominated, so my crap play was sorta masked by the massive scoreline difference. our team is considering moving up to div 3 (we're currently div4). but the problem is that div3 games are played at like 8:30, whilst div4 games are at 6pm.. and none of us really wants to play that late.

we had the usual drinks n pizza to celebrate the end of the comp. our prize for winning was a framed team photo each. our frames were a lil sketchy, honestly the frames that the runner-ups got looked less dodgey =p but i take anything i can get hehe.. i might post the pic up later.. or hopefully i can obtain the original digital version.

we also played this rather silly game at the end. basically 2 ppl face each other about half a foot apart. the aim is to push the other person over. but you cant move your feet.. and you can only push them in the hands. you win if the other person looses balance.. or moves their feet to keep balance. hehe pretty funny.

uh.. thats it i think. andrea gave me a ride home.. man that totally saves me like so much time. thanks again (i spose ull read this at work tommolo). i got home and just sorta sat around anyways =p

- ian, 10:06 pm :: 1 comments

:: Thursday, August 26
just another 100 things list
um.. yeh u know the drill.. too much pondering about life leads to one of these lists. seems to be a lot more "i hate" things than "i like" things this time =p i did part of this at work yesterday...

three hundred and one
i find these lists pretty easy to write

three hundred and two
im listening to The Brillian Green atm

three hundred and three
im writing this list in Editplus, my HTML editor of choice

three hundred and four
i hate WYSIWYG HTML editors

three hundred and five
i like to think im good at "coding" in HTML

three hundred and six
i dont like it when ppl call it "coding" in HTML. cos its not really programming

three hundred and seven
i find that i code better when i dont have shoes on

three hundred and eight
im having trouble staying awake today

three hundred and nine
i am currently bruised in about a dozen places from skating

three hundred and ten
i have the messiest desk at work

three hundred and eleven
ive spent most of today drawing pictures on the back of design documents ive written lately

three hundred and twelve
i actually have some work to do for once

three hundred and thirteen
atm im more excited about skating than snowboarding

three hundred and fourteen
and more excited about frisbee than basketball

three hundred and fifteen
this week i drove around in a car without a license (and after having a drink)

three hundred and sixteen
im feeling pretty jaded lately

three hundred and seventeen
ive sorta lost faith in most of mankind (and womankind)

three hundred and eighteen
im hoping someone or something will change my mind about that soon....

three hundred and nineteen
im not mad at people.. just disappointed

three hundred and twenty
sometimes i want to run away and start all over

three hundred and twenty - one
but i know im heaps too much of a wuss to do that

three hundred and twenty - two
lately i feel heaps distant from my parents

three hundred and twenty - three
i really miss Jo now that she is gone

three hundred and twenty - four
i like it when randoms talk to me on icq

three hundred and twenty - five
i think i may have written that point in a previous list, but im too lazy to check

three hundred and twenty - six
i wish my blog was more interesting

three hundred and twenty - seven
if i had a driver's license id probly go on a roadtrip every second weekend.

three hundred and twenty - eight
id probly jsut end up lying on the beach all the time though =p

three hundred and twenty - nine
i hate how easily ppl just forget about other ppl

three hundred and thirty
if i had a million dollars, id probly just leave it in the bank and eat cereal all day

three hundred and thirty - one
i sometimes dream of living on a deserted island... which has internet access =p

three hundred and thirty - two
nowadays im heaps more brave than i used to be

three hundred and thirty - three
sometimes i think i may have chronic fatigue system

three hundred and thirty - four
sometimes i just think im a hypochondriac =p

three hundred and thirty - five
i hate taking medicine of any kind

three hundred and thirty - six
my dream coming into uni was to live in canada and ice skate to work

three hundred and thirty - seven
ive been sucked into an indoor soccer despite the fact that i dont really like playing soccer

three hundred and thirty - eight
but i can understand why ppl do like to play it

three hundred and thirty - nine
though i hate how soccer ppl are so passionate that soccer is better than every other sport in every way

three hundred and forty
when im thinking really hard i put my hands on my head

three hundred and forty - one
i find it strange that there are ppl from uni who know who i am when i dont know them.

three hundred and forty - two
i wish they would just come up and say hello

three hundred and forty - three
lately ive been heaps of a skateboarding poser

three hundred and forty - four
i hate websites which have bright colored backgrounds (especially pink or red or green)

three hundred and forty - five
lately my mum has been obsessed with making choc-dipped strawberries... im not complaining =)

three hundred and forty - six
i hate when ppl tell me i need to get a girlfriend

three hundred and forty - seven
i like it when people ring or even sms me for no apparent reason

three hundred and forty - eight
i enjoy watching re-runs of the Simpsons more than new episodes of most other shows.

three hundred and forty - nine
i often buy things that i dont really need

three hundred and fifty
now im listening to Reel Big Fish

three hundred and fifty - one
im attempting to be straightedge again.. who knows how long itll last this time.

three hundred and fifty - two
when i was a kid i collected keyrings. it was an expensive hobby for a kid

three hundred and fifty - three
i tend to pick scabs

three hundred and fifty - four
i miss the days when i got excited about simple things like fireworks or sprinklers

three hundred and fifty - five
i want to go back to japan again sometime soon

three hundred and fifty - six
i wish more of my friends were interested in going camping

three hundred and fifty - seven
i really like toasted marshmallows

three hundred and fifty - eight
i often laugh when i read previous posts ive made on my blog =)

three hundred and fifty - nine
i hate when my blog posts are just a boring recap of what i did during that day

three hundred and sixty
atm my favourite blogs to read are bunny's and andrea's, mostly cos they update the most frequently

three hundred and sixty - one
i used to think i knew who read my blog, now i have abosolutely no idea

three hundred and sixty - two
i own a domain and hosting which i dont really need to use

three hundred and sixty - three
i want to be able to populate it with weird anime flash animations and games

three hundred and sixty - four
i hate when people argue points when they arent sure that they are right

three hundred and sixty - five
i really like mandarins

three hundred and sixty - six
i think i may be addicted to Boost Juice smoothies

three hundred and sixty - seven
my knees always seem to be cold

three hundred and sixty - eight
i tend to break things a lot

three hundred and sixty - nine
i dont wanna be an american idiot

three hundred and seventy
i wore converse all stars before they were cool

three hundred and seventy - one
i liked punk rock before it was cool

three hundred and seventy - two
i think alcohol is overrated

three hundred and seventy - three
i like lots of songs that you dont

three hundred and seventy - four
i actually dont mind britney music

three hundred and seventy - five
i hate when ppl try and tell me what music is better than the music i listen to

three hundred and seventy - six
i like wearing tshirts that no one else has

three hundred and seventy - seven
im struggling to learn the bass guitar

three hundred and seventy - eight
i like colorful things

three hundred and seventy - nine
i hate that the word colour is spelt different in American

three hundred and eighty
i like cute things

three hundred and eighty - one
more than once this year someone has asked me if im gay

three hundred and eighty - two
i think my old volleyball team was full of jerks

three hundred and eighty - three
id like to learn to play volleyball properly

three hundred and eighty - four
im not really scared of looking silly

three hundred and eighty - five
i dont find myself all that interesting

three hundred and eighty - six
i like watching the olympics

three hundred and eighty - seven
i wish i was in the olympics

three hundred and eighty - eight
i hate how people are so easily swayed by the media

three hundred and eighty - nine
i think that im very much not easily swayed by media because my parents are very easily swayed

three hundred and ninety
i often cry whilst watching romantic comedies

three hundred and ninety - one
i an a very emotionally driven person

three hundred and ninety - two
i think i am a very rational thinking person

three hundred and ninety - three
i like to play turn based computer games

three hundred and ninety - four
i havent worn a watch since about halfway thru 1st year uni.

three hundred and ninety - five
i find my own hair really annoying

three hundred and ninety - six
i have no idea what i would buy if i had more money

three hundred and ninety - seven
i spose id build some sort of indoor snowboard park.. or a skate park

three hundred and ninety - eight
i have no desire to own an expensive motor vehicle of any kind

three hundred and ninety - nine
im going thru a phase where i like to wear wristbands

four hundred
im going to the snow this weekend!!! yay me..

- ian, 8:33 pm :: 4 comments

:: Wednesday, August 25
its all because if you im feeling sad and blue
after work today was an outing to karaoke =) i was heaps early, as always so i was just killing time at KK.. not totally unexpectedly i bumped into bunny doing the same thing =p seems everyone else was gonna be late, so we wasted the rest of the time at Galaxyworld. a bit of DDR, a bit of some crap shooting game. bunny almost died from her allergy to DDR.. and then she owned me up pretty hard at Daytona.. i guess now that she has a license and i dont, she's a heaps better driver than me..

meow.. onwards to this jap restaurant called Sakae on Liverpool St. it was pretty authentic compared to the other so called "jap" restaurants in Sydney. everyone was debating about whether or not to try the much talked about Gyudon =) mm it went down pretty well. the place was brand new and looked heaps clean and may turn out to be a regular destination.

next we went to Pandora's Music Box for some Karaoke action =) twas a good session me thinks.. it felt like it was a really long session too .. which is always good. it did finish awfully late though .. i got home at like 1am .. but luckily for me i have an RDO today =) hehe...

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 2 comments

:: Tuesday, August 24
i just know what to do with myself
twas a total struggle to stay awake today at work.. damn olympics are keeping up too late. theyre not even that exciting this year =p

anyhoos.. had basketball tonite. it was the late game so i went home and ate first.. that was a big mistake, my tummy was churning so badly. still feel a bit queasy. but we still won convincingly, and i scored heaps, despite playing a pretty average game. i think i scored 15 points.. but maybe more, i tend to lose count =p at the start of the game i jsut kept getting fouled. i had 10 free throw attempts in the first half, sadly i only sunk 4 of them.. grr.. also scored off an alley oop from hunt =) hehe.. *sigh* if only i could dunk.

- ian, 11:14 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, August 23
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
i saw this movie today.. it totally kicks ass btw. its sorta weird, and sorta beautiful at the same time. its cute and funny.. and a lil bit scary. i highly recommened to all =) i dunno what else to say, just go see it.

a line from the movie:
"valentines day is holiday invented by greeting card companies to make people feel like crap".. *sigh* so true... ive lived thru 24 valentines days so far. and had a total of 3 valentines greetings that i can recall.. one of them i still dont know who it was from and the other two werent really serious.. *sigh*. i just want the cool kids to like me!

oh.. excuse me.. i think i just had something in my eye.. *sniff* .. ahem.. where was i? oh yeh.. what did i do today? uh.. i played in the frisbee semi final.. and we pretty owned them up pretty hard. i played ok-ish. i was running a lil bit better.. and i was throwing really well (relatively). my forehand throws are going pretty smoothly. meh.. i dunno what else to say.. i got pretty dirty today.. some guy pushed me in the back.. grr.. also i rolled my ankle.. im limping pretty bad. hope its better for basketball.. and the snow this weekend.

oh apparently andrea is having dreams about me =p well sorta .. or so she says in her blog .. hehe

- ian, 11:15 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, August 22
need backup!
um.. okies. what has ian been up to? ...
well friday nite after work we went to see I, Robot. this movie kicks ass btw. well i thought so anyways.. it was pretty cool, nothing blatantly crap about it =p the action was pretty good and the storyline was acceptable =)

next we ate at this new jap place.. it was heaps clean and fresh. and had some awesome gyudon (by sydney standards i mean). mm i do ever so like jap food =p

next we went to istar for a CS^2 counter-strike reunion. it was pretty cool.. although everyone jsut camped it up all the time. i didnt really get a chance to flash any of my own teammates or anything or even try the smoke the bomb trick. i knifed someone though (i forget who) which is always mad =p still pretty funny though, i wouldve liked to have played some of the less plaed levels.. but everyone always wants to play the same maps over and over.

we attemtped to play WC3.. for some reason i was teamed up with nige. even though every game we've ever played ive come last, and nige has never played before ever. but somehow that equated to even teams. we lasted about 7 seconds before my puter froze, so we went and played battlefield instead. that was heaps more fun, although i did sorta jsut gren spam the bots to death =p

i got a lift home from nige, and got home at about 5am =p

.. do do do....
woke up at about 1pm the next day, and didnt realyl get to do much before heading off to this DDR Olympics things. it was uh.. interesting. i didnt win anything, but i havent realyl played in ages, and theyd all been practicing 24/7. we all know i own them all up on the arcades anyway. i was feeling lethargic and couldnt really try very hard. not suprisingly i owned it up in DDR 4th mix.

there was some singstar and such before me and hunt headed off to see antiskeptic at the annandale hotel. they were pretty mad =) i havent been to a punk rock gig in ages.. so refreshing compared to all the crap they play on the radio nowadays.

had a bit of a skate afterwards at Summer Hill.. it was cool. its not a huge park, but theres like enough steepness to keep it interesting. heaps good for practicing kick turns and pumping and dropping in and even a lil grind or two.

my skating injuries are starting to accumulate now. i havent really had what i would consider a bad injury, but the lil ones are piling up to where im pretty sore all over. my shoulder joint is sore, wrists feel really rough, knees are bruised heaps and i took a fair bit of skin off the top of my shoulder at this skate session.

.. sunday i did nothing =p

- ian, 8:22 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, August 19
hihi~~ asl?
meh work.. bleh.. i had lunch with kallie. talked about snow (which she had jsut got back from) =) ahh snow is such a universal language =p although she wussed out of snowboarding after one day and went back to skis.

after work i met up with Asha, who i met online =) actually not the first person ive met from online.. but probly the first who wasnt basketball or counter-strike related =p it turns out she actually knows heaps of people that i know, cos she lives up my end of town.. and also knows some compsci/law ppl. she is gonna join our frisbee team next comp =) thats good news for andrea since she is even shorter than her =p. anyhoos we had a bite and a drink at the Epping hotel before going to see Spiderman 2. in between she let me drive her car around for a bit. kinda weird to let someone u just met drive ur car around .. even more so since i dont have a license, also it was raining .. and we'd jsut come from a pub =p it went pretty well i reakon, it was kinda shaky at the start, cos the car is so tiny (its a barina) i had trouble locating the pedals. but it went ok after that.. man.. i really should go and get my license =p

the movie was pretty cool.. the start was really really slow moving.. it felt like id seen a whole hour and only seen 5 mins of doc ock. but the second half was coolness.. well i liked it anyways =p *ALERT: semi-spoiler next.... * the part where harry finds the green goblin stuff was pretty pointless. it would make much more sense to put it in the next movie.. it didnt really add anything to this movie.

oh and i got a lift home to boot =) man.. its good to hang out with locals again hehe..

- ian, 4:46 pm :: 2 comments

:: Wednesday, August 18
all i wanna do is get next to you
um.. i forgot to post yesterday. we played the late game of basketball so i got home like past midnite. we played well though. probly our best game ever. not our biggest win, but we played well individually and as a team. pretty mad. i went 3/6 free throws.. but i shot them jsut a lot nicer. i think i normally rush them or something. the ref's were pretty cool. like as im running down court he yells stuff like "dont reach, stay straight up" and id do that.. and so he wouldnt call a foul. he was like a coach/ref hehe.

um.. what else? nothing much really =p oh i got a graphics tablet.. im not really going that well.. have a look:

- ian, 11:12 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, August 16
why does it always rain on me?
work today = bleh (as usual). i realised that this project im on is about twice as big as i thought it was =p i might have to actually do some planning for it =p

afterwork was frisbee. it was ok. i played ok. throwing was average, catching was terribles, defence was pretty good. i think frisbee is the only game where im better at defence than offence.. which is weird cos normally im better at running away from people than chasing after ppl =p

whilst talking to my sister today she mentioned that some girl at her work thought i was cute (from a wedding photo). pretty flattering.. sadly she is already engaged. *sigh* why is it i only ever get called cute by girls who are taken.. or by weird anime guys. those are both groups of people im not interested in =p for some reason i dont seem to be at all appealing to single girls.. *sigh*

did i mention i had to walk home from frisbee in the rain yet again .. oh how i love being me =p

- ian, 10:07 pm :: 6 comments

:: Sunday, August 15
this action cannot be undone
jsut recently ive discovered this lovely invention called the eraser.. it like removes pencil marks.. pretty magical if u ask me =) i used to be one of those artists who jsut drew, and if i screwd it up id jsut throw it in the bin or draw over it.. but this saves so much time =) also i feel like i draw better by adjusting things instead of restarting from scratch .. hehe

so anyways im drawing a picture on a piece of paper.. just kinda doodling.. and i made this like too curved.. and i reached for ctrl-z (cos i was drawing in front of my puter) .. and im like.. uh.. that doesnt work does it? =p in case u arent aware, ctrl-z is the shortcut for undo in Photoshop (and many other programs).. pretty funny =p

my mother gave me some fancy Derwent graphic sketching pencils which she had lying around from the days when she was an artist.. unopened even. in my family im often referred to as the artistically untalented one cos pretty much everyone else is an awesome artist. (i dunno why they all ended up in engineering =p). my dad was once an architect, and my mum was a draftsperson.. and my sister did architecture for a semester in uni (before dropping it for engineering). *sigh* oh well, a boy can still dream cant he? *continues to do some sketches*

- ian, 6:13 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, August 14
the taxman cometh
hrm... ok now after calculating my tax return i should get back -$662.. wtf? i owe $600 in tax!!! how the fridge did that happen? apparently im a massive tax cheat cos i dont have Private Medical... hence i have to pay a whopping big penalty. thats totally crap. suprisingly i didnt even go to a hospital this financial year (cept to visit chito). weird for my injury prone ankles n wrists.

well let me see... my bank account contains approximately $200.. so after i pay my due tax i have... .... ... oh crap! i totally have no money. does anyone wanna buy a snowboard? or a pair of rollerblades? or uh.. man i have no possessions =p

- ian, 6:04 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, August 13
im scared.. hold me
seems that last post was post number 666! omg!.. and today is friday the 13th!! eep!

.. hrm.. anyways.. last nite i went out in an attempt to purchase a graphics tablet.. but to no avail.. seems nowhere stocks them.. or maybe burwood is jsut a crap shopping centre =p i came away with a wristband and a tshirt and a shirt.. but no graphics tablet .. hrm.. *tears up credit card* .. im like turning into nathan =p although he rarely spends money on things are small or cheap as clothing hehe

friday.. and ive totalyl got nothing to do at work today.. and nothing to do tonite either *sigh* .. i guess i can watch divs at home alone like always..

- ian, 12:51 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, August 12
growing pains
oh i forgot to mention this but its pretty embarassing. yesterday for some unknown reason i got assigned to go fix someone's puter upstairs (apparently java developers at the rba also substitute as help desk nowadays at the RBA) .. but anyways she had some Dreamweaver problem. anyways i get up there and she thought i was a high school work experience kid!! omfg.. how embarassment. i mean seriously.. ive been out of high school for almost 6 years!! grr..

- ian, 11:06 am :: 0 comments

fear is the path to the darkside
work was boring.. blah blah blah blah.. boss left for a 5 week holiday.. hrm..

moving on... after work i went skating with hunt some some peeps at Menai (yeh its friggin far from thornleigh =p). it was pretty crazy... at first i was heaps tentative cos it was pretty imtimidating. i had two "easy" options.. one was a roll in which was taller than me (and heaps steeper than anything id done) .. and the other option was a drop-in .. and id literally only attempted 3 drop in ever.. and they were all smaller than the smallest one at this park. hrm.. pretty scary!

meh.. in the end i tried both.. and i was confidently doing both after a short while =) i even tried a few bigger drop ins .. they werent so bad. i spent most of the time working on my turns on some of the steeper slopes.. theyre going ok.. still needs some work though. at the end me an hunt were attempting grinds on this low coping.. we got really close pretty fast.. and both pulled one off in about 5 or 6 attempts. this prompted hunt to bring the video camera out to try and capture a grind on tape.. gah! but i totalyl coudlnt do it any more.. kept stacking =p it took me like another 20 tries before we managed to get one on tape =p

overall a pretty good skate session.. very beneficial for all =) although it did finish at midnite =p and i got home pretty late...

ankle: tweaked n sore
knee: uber bruised
wrists: clunky
sleep last nite: about 4 hours
feeling: not too bad =)

- ian, 10:43 am :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, August 10
eternal sunshine of a spotless mind
sigh.. *performs labotamy on self*

anyhoos.. ive got about as much strength anemic ethiopian.. i feel really rundown lately.. im not heaps sleepy.. i jsut feel like im running at about 40% speed all the time.. my arms are especially weak n feeble.

ive actually got work to do lately =) yay.. but im struggling to get this proposal done before my boss leaves or 5 weeks. if i dont get it done, this project wont get approved.. and therefore i wont have anything to do for 5 weeks till my boss returns... gah!!

.. um.. basketball tonite.. meh.. we played prety horribles.. probly shoudlve won.. i missed heaps of shots that id normally make (i blame my weak arms) but defence was average too.. and jsut overall chemistry was pretty poor. we kinda have this theory that we play heaps better when me and hunt are both on the court. Fact: this game we both played the whole first half.. and we got outscored by 3. then one of us was off for most of the second half.. where we got outscored by about 15. Fact: last game hunt started on the bench, and when he subbed in the score was 0-16. Fact: two games ago, i started on the bench, and when i subbed on it was 0-12... hrm. the rest of the time it was pretty even, or we were even ahead. the defence is ok (not good but ok), but the offence is terrible. its not cos we're dominating.. i think its chemisty.. cos the team is heaps stagnant if one of us is on the bench. no fluid motions or something =p *shrugs* .. its just a theory..

in other news: yes i am mad at you!

- ian, 11:17 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, August 9
.. im feeling really meh tonite.. *sigh*..

i played frisbee tonite.. i played terribly.. i have no energy.. i cant really run very fast.. or jump very high.. or throw a frisbee straight.. probly shoudlve jsut gone home.. luckily we were playing the bottom ranked team in the comp.. so we won convinvingly anyways.

i was heaps sleepy, i actually fell asleep on the way to frisbee (its like 5 train stops) =p

um.. and then the uh thing with the uh thing.. and um.. ive totally got nothing tonite.. maybe you should go read one of the lovely blogs on the menu over there ==>

or maybe lingy's.. cos she linked to mine, i figure that gives me the right to link back =p

- ian, 11:58 pm :: 0 comments

artists block
hrm.. whilst uh.. "busy" at work today. i was attempting to draw.. but it seems ive lost the knack.. i cant draw for crap any more.. *sigh* .. maybe i never could draw.. jsut drew like ugly fat stick figures with square feet today =p

- ian, 4:54 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, August 8
ok.. i havent posted for a while.. sorta.. but nothing has happened really... heres the short version.

:: friday
had a work "lunch", it started at 12-ish.. and we pretty much didnt go back to the office (till it was time for office drinks at 4pm =). we at at the Forbes hotel (its heaps less good than i remember =p) .. and then hung out .. i was killing everyone at pool =)

later that nite i went on the Anonymous Gift CD single Launch/cruise. it was pretty mad. they put on a good show =) the support acts were pretty mad too.. havent heard any live punk for a while =p

:: saturday
i was dead in the morning. couldnt really move. no energy.. i dunno why. i just did nothing all day. although i did get doom3 =) its heaps scary.. so tense.. eep! hold me!

i got it of Ankur, and while we were there he was pointing out his crazy next door neighbour who always shines a flashlight thru their kitchen window... hrm.. rather odd. apparently sometimes she bangs pots n pans too =p

:: now
i spose u've noticed already that i change the template. i found the old one depressing.. and i have more than enough of that already. this one is a bit more bright n sunny =) its also my first really attempt at using floating divs to make pages.. man theyre pretty fiddly =p but they can do lotsa of things that tables cant. cross-browser action is a bit annoying cos its never spaced quite the same =p theres 2 noticeable flaws with how this site renders in my favourite browser.. if u can tell me what they are, you win a prize =)
if you wanna tell me what you think about it, why not try my new tagboard replacement.. its on the right over there -->
i wrote it myself and its called icchanotag.. or chenpost.. (im still working on the name). please dont try and break it. cos it breaks easily, due to my poor coding abilities =p
um.. i think ill name the snowboard girl Yuka or Kasumi or something else jap.. maybe Tomoko or Ayumi =p

- ian, 1:00 am :: 1 comments

:: Saturday, August 7
nuttin much, u?

- ian, 12:16 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, August 2
worst son ever!
its not really an excuse, but i did get home heaps late this morning.... and i forgot my moms bday today!! eep! .. ahem .. omg ian u jerk *slap*

at lunch today she mentioned that jo was comin around for dinner, and im like "hrm.." so i went and checked the calendar.. and omg! its my moms bday. man, how bad do i feel now.. she headed back to work, so i had to hustle and get something before she returned. i had about 2 hours to get something and get back. i skated as fast as i could to the stn and headed to Hornsby Westfield where i picked up a nice top from soem store that i was embarassed to walk into =p i got home in record time =) but since i got home heaps late the previous nite, id taken my key out of my wallet and left it behind!! eep! my plan was in jeopardy.. would i be stuck outside when my mom came home? hehe not if i could help it. i tried to break in the normal way (thru my room) but my room was so full of junk that i couldnt jiggle open the window the way i normally do!! eep!! trouble times.. i circled the house and tried every door and window attempting to break in (proby wouldve looked suspicious if my house wasnt surrounded by bush =p) i couldnt find anything, but then i remembered the window right up on the roof (i dont mind telling u, since ive fixed it so u cant come thru there anymore), i had to climb up a pergola and across the roof, jimmy open the fly screen and drop in thru a tiny window .. from the roof into the bathroom (danger is my middle name =). i had to get a ladder out to go fix the window .. but it was pretty frustaing to fix, i think i broke it =p

phew.. i got changed into my PJs again (so mum wouldnt think id left) and got back in front of the tv just in time =) she had no idea what had happened =) the perfect crime...

- ian, 11:37 pm :: 0 comments

snap back to reality
ok snow snow snow.. mmm yeh =)

the snow trip was pretty mad.. u can see pics here.
we left sydney pretty early.. but got stuck in this heaps terrible traffic in liverpool.. and ended up taking mroe than an hour to get out of sydney.. pretty crasp =p but the rest was cool...

we met up with the others and phil in canberra so phil would show us the happening places in canberra... hehe.. there arent any.. we struggled to even find a restaurant open at 10pm.. so we settled on this nice "chinese" restaurant for some dinner and light conversation. twas nice, cept we were now late to get to jindy. eep!

me and hunt decided we still wanted to stop and have a bit of a skate at this skate park in berridale. it was totally scary.. it was dark and there was this massive roll-in (like taller than i could reach off the ground)... we cruised the park a bit.. i took a few tumbles and was my hip was heaps ouchie =p we both stirred up the courage to roll in from the massive ramp, not as bad as we'd though =)

.. eep! we got the jindy at like 1am.. then we loitered around for ages at Rebel cos the kids had to rent gear and stuff.. ling and daphne felt the need to try on about a dozen jackets each, so it took a while =p we were talking to this girl at a counter who had been working since 8am .. and was on shift until 6am! eep! totally crazy snow ppl =p

:: next morning
we totally struggled to get up.. grrr... i hate missing first lifts!! we had a massive brekkie. so full.. *clutches tummy* but so time-consuming.. to make things worse, there was a huge traffic pile up at the national park gates.. and then the car park was full!!! so we park like ages down the road.. bleh =p didnt get on a lift till almost 11am!! thats horribles, too late to even get $1 hot chocolates from mid station =p

meh.. we crusied around interceptor most of the day. we set up at this kicker to get some shots of us jumping.. i managed to do the best stack of the day. it looks pianful in the video clip, but i can tell u that it actually hurt much much more =p my left shoulder was total deadness afterwards.. couldnt really move it. luckily u dont need shoulders to snowboard.. so i soldiered on and hardly missed a beat =p

:: next day
we put everyone to sleep heaps early so we'd get up early and hit the slopes on time for once. the traffic was still totally hectic, but we got there jsut past 9.. which is heaps better =) the day just felt like we fit so much more snowboarding in =) heaps godo day of jsut casual boarding.. nothing intense.. jsut some nice boardercross-like fast runs and lil jumps =)

.. stopped in cooma on the way back to do some more skating =) hehe.. i tried dropping in, it wasnt as scary as id imagined, but its feels really weird, like ur falling.. by the end i wasnt doign it properly, but i was landing on the board, so its a start =) we attempted to ollie up onto this wooden platform that was there, but to no avail.. i took a few really hard falls onto it.. but fortuantely wood hurts a lot less than the pavement =p

- ian, 11:08 pm :: 0 comments

September 2002. October 2002. December 2002. January 2003. February 2003. March 2003. April 2003. May 2003. June 2003. July 2003. August 2003. September 2003. October 2003. November 2003. December 2003. January 2004. February 2004. March 2004. April 2004. May 2004. June 2004. July 2004. August 2004. September 2004. October 2004. November 2004. December 2004. January 2005. February 2005. March 2005. April 2005. May 2005. June 2005. July 2005. August 2005. September 2005. October 2005. November 2005. December 2005. January 2006. February 2006. March 2006. April 2006. May 2006. June 2006. July 2006. August 2006. September 2006. October 2006. November 2006. December 2006. January 2007. February 2007. March 2007. April 2007. May 2007. June 2007. July 2007. August 2007. October 2007. January 2008. February 2008. March 2008. April 2008. May 2008. June 2008. July 2008. September 2008. December 2008.

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