:: Monday, August 30
a rather long post
uh.. ive been at the snow. so i havent posted lately.. i need another one of my increasingly popular catch up posts.. anyhoo.. here goes..

:: friday
um.. this was a long time ago.. i totally cant remember what happened. um. drove to the snow.. stopped to do some skating in Cooma.. arrived in the middle of the night at this house in the middle of nowhere in Berridale. and snuck in and went to sleep =p

:: saturday
woke up among a bunch of strangers .. it was pretty weird =p we rushed off to the snow so i didnt to chat heaps. but they seemed quite nice. its a fair drive from berridale.. but i dont drive.. so i just sleep.

snow snow snow.. uh nothing particularly exciting happened really. it was a pretty normal snowboarding sorta day. this girl who was with us, Kat hurt her calf in some tangle-up whilst getting on a lift. and sadly she could not continue.. pretty suck, but she was there on friday, so she got 2 days in at least.

later on that nite we had a BBQ at the house. most of the ppl there were some of Kat's family n some others. they were pretty cool. they apparently make this weekend trip every year as a family get together. i wish my family did that sorta thing.. we just like see relos at weddings.. and thats about it. anyhoos.. apparently the guy who owns the house owns a tank.. like a real tank. which he sometimes drives around to collect firewood. sadly i was only there at night.. so i didnt get a chance to see it. went skating in Berridale with coggo for a bit. it was pretty mad. im heaps better than last time i was there..

:: sunday
argh.. some mixups lead to me almost not getting to the snow. but it all worked out well in the end. the snow reports were all terribles. the previous day the lady recommended that i not buy a 2-day pass, cos she thought sunday would be heaps suck. but it was pretty good. although it did sorta rain towards the end of the day.

i spent most of the day practising riding fakie all day.. and then kept stacking it trying 180s all over the place. i did a few good ones off roll-overs.. but i couldnt manage to land one clean off a kicker or any other kind of jump. so frustrating.. i should totally be able to do it. grr. i jsut ended up on my face repeatedly =p

me and hunt had a race where i was fakie and he only had one foot clipped in =p he won round one and i won round two.. hehe so stupid.

um.. i forget what else happened. ill add it to some future posts if i remember. i got home at 1am.. and was very sleepy...

:: monday
was half awake all day =p i did a fair bit of coding today though =) im like totally learning how to code again cos its been so long. seriously im heaps suprised when i write a bunch of code, and it like works. sometimes i even amaze myself.. i sorta never expect anything to work.. cos its heaps sketchy how i code =p

.. onwards, to the ultimate frisbee grand final! it was heaps windy which is heaps crap for frisbee.. and im like the worst thrower on our team so i was in troubles. luckily our team totally dominated, so my crap play was sorta masked by the massive scoreline difference. our team is considering moving up to div 3 (we're currently div4). but the problem is that div3 games are played at like 8:30, whilst div4 games are at 6pm.. and none of us really wants to play that late.

we had the usual drinks n pizza to celebrate the end of the comp. our prize for winning was a framed team photo each. our frames were a lil sketchy, honestly the frames that the runner-ups got looked less dodgey =p but i take anything i can get hehe.. i might post the pic up later.. or hopefully i can obtain the original digital version.

we also played this rather silly game at the end. basically 2 ppl face each other about half a foot apart. the aim is to push the other person over. but you cant move your feet.. and you can only push them in the hands. you win if the other person looses balance.. or moves their feet to keep balance. hehe pretty funny.

uh.. thats it i think. andrea gave me a ride home.. man that totally saves me like so much time. thanks again (i spose ull read this at work tommolo). i got home and just sorta sat around anyways =p

- ian, 10:06 pm ::

np .. I know what a pain it is to catch 2 trains home from SL :p plus, you don't live that far away from me so it's not really out of the way :o)
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