:: Tuesday, August 10
eternal sunshine of a spotless mind
sigh.. *performs labotamy on self*

anyhoos.. ive got about as much strength anemic ethiopian.. i feel really rundown lately.. im not heaps sleepy.. i jsut feel like im running at about 40% speed all the time.. my arms are especially weak n feeble.

ive actually got work to do lately =) yay.. but im struggling to get this proposal done before my boss leaves or 5 weeks. if i dont get it done, this project wont get approved.. and therefore i wont have anything to do for 5 weeks till my boss returns... gah!!

.. um.. basketball tonite.. meh.. we played prety horribles.. probly shoudlve won.. i missed heaps of shots that id normally make (i blame my weak arms) but defence was average too.. and jsut overall chemistry was pretty poor. we kinda have this theory that we play heaps better when me and hunt are both on the court. Fact: this game we both played the whole first half.. and we got outscored by 3. then one of us was off for most of the second half.. where we got outscored by about 15. Fact: last game hunt started on the bench, and when he subbed in the score was 0-16. Fact: two games ago, i started on the bench, and when i subbed on it was 0-12... hrm. the rest of the time it was pretty even, or we were even ahead. the defence is ok (not good but ok), but the offence is terrible. its not cos we're dominating.. i think its chemisty.. cos the team is heaps stagnant if one of us is on the bench. no fluid motions or something =p *shrugs* .. its just a theory..

in other news: yes i am mad at you!

- ian, 11:17 pm ::

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