:: Monday, August 2
snap back to reality
ok snow snow snow.. mmm yeh =)

the snow trip was pretty mad.. u can see pics here.
we left sydney pretty early.. but got stuck in this heaps terrible traffic in liverpool.. and ended up taking mroe than an hour to get out of sydney.. pretty crasp =p but the rest was cool...

we met up with the others and phil in canberra so phil would show us the happening places in canberra... hehe.. there arent any.. we struggled to even find a restaurant open at 10pm.. so we settled on this nice "chinese" restaurant for some dinner and light conversation. twas nice, cept we were now late to get to jindy. eep!

me and hunt decided we still wanted to stop and have a bit of a skate at this skate park in berridale. it was totally scary.. it was dark and there was this massive roll-in (like taller than i could reach off the ground)... we cruised the park a bit.. i took a few tumbles and was my hip was heaps ouchie =p we both stirred up the courage to roll in from the massive ramp, not as bad as we'd though =)

.. eep! we got the jindy at like 1am.. then we loitered around for ages at Rebel cos the kids had to rent gear and stuff.. ling and daphne felt the need to try on about a dozen jackets each, so it took a while =p we were talking to this girl at a counter who had been working since 8am .. and was on shift until 6am! eep! totally crazy snow ppl =p

:: next morning
we totally struggled to get up.. grrr... i hate missing first lifts!! we had a massive brekkie. so full.. *clutches tummy* but so time-consuming.. to make things worse, there was a huge traffic pile up at the national park gates.. and then the car park was full!!! so we park like ages down the road.. bleh =p didnt get on a lift till almost 11am!! thats horribles, too late to even get $1 hot chocolates from mid station =p

meh.. we crusied around interceptor most of the day. we set up at this kicker to get some shots of us jumping.. i managed to do the best stack of the day. it looks pianful in the video clip, but i can tell u that it actually hurt much much more =p my left shoulder was total deadness afterwards.. couldnt really move it. luckily u dont need shoulders to snowboard.. so i soldiered on and hardly missed a beat =p

:: next day
we put everyone to sleep heaps early so we'd get up early and hit the slopes on time for once. the traffic was still totally hectic, but we got there jsut past 9.. which is heaps better =) the day just felt like we fit so much more snowboarding in =) heaps godo day of jsut casual boarding.. nothing intense.. jsut some nice boardercross-like fast runs and lil jumps =)

.. stopped in cooma on the way back to do some more skating =) hehe.. i tried dropping in, it wasnt as scary as id imagined, but its feels really weird, like ur falling.. by the end i wasnt doign it properly, but i was landing on the board, so its a start =) we attempted to ollie up onto this wooden platform that was there, but to no avail.. i took a few really hard falls onto it.. but fortuantely wood hurts a lot less than the pavement =p

- ian, 11:08 pm ::

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