fear is the path to the darkside
work was boring.. blah blah blah blah.. boss left for a 5 week holiday.. hrm..
moving on... after work i went skating with hunt some some peeps at Menai (yeh its friggin far from thornleigh =p). it was pretty crazy... at first i was heaps tentative cos it was pretty imtimidating. i had two "easy" options.. one was a roll in which was taller than me (and heaps steeper than anything id done) .. and the other option was a drop-in .. and id literally only attempted 3 drop in ever.. and they were all smaller than the smallest one at this park. hrm.. pretty scary!
meh.. in the end i tried both.. and i was confidently doing both after a short while =) i even tried a few bigger drop ins .. they werent so bad. i spent most of the time working on my turns on some of the steeper slopes.. theyre going ok.. still needs some work though. at the end me an hunt were attempting grinds on this low coping.. we got really close pretty fast.. and both pulled one off in about 5 or 6 attempts. this prompted hunt to bring the video camera out to try and capture a grind on tape.. gah! but i totalyl coudlnt do it any more.. kept stacking =p it took me like another 20 tries before we managed to get one on tape =p
overall a pretty good skate session.. very beneficial for all =) although it did finish at midnite =p and i got home pretty late...
ankle: tweaked n sore
knee: uber bruised
wrists: clunky
sleep last nite: about 4 hours
feeling: not too bad =)